Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 118 Development From The Seabed

Taking the organ flying eagle, it didn't take long for the two of them to return to the territory behind the desert.

At this moment, the first group of troops that came back had already crossed this territory and walked towards the forest control area. The reason to stop at this place is because Fang Jie still has things to do.

Leaving the skeleton laborers who were created, stand neatly in front of Fang Jie.

Fang Jie avoided Qin Lan and started to split with his undead fission ability. This talent is really terrible, Fang Jie doesn't want to expose it, at least not for the time being, so Qin Lan can't watch it either.

Qin Lan knew that Fang Jie must have his own secrets, so he didn't mean to explore them.

Some things, knowing too much is not a good thing.

After a while, Fang Jie completed the fission of these skeleton laborers, and then built the quicksand tunnel according to the previous plan, and then let these skeleton laborers play by themselves.

Anyway, in the desert area, there are undead soldiers guarding, and nothing will happen for the time being.

Although some desert groups are still hiding in every corner, it won't have much impact. Even if they are allowed to attack, they may not have the courage.

After finishing all this, Fang Jie took Qin Lan and flew towards Origin Town.

Back in Origin Town, Fang Jie still avoided Qin Lan, and first fissioned some of the troops that had just been produced.

Then, Qin Lan was brought out to manufacture new arms.

Because there are manufacturing drawings, just like before, it is very easy to manufacture the dead lobster man. This time, it was covered down to create apprentice-level arms.

Dead Lobster Man Level 3: Level (Apprentice) Giant Pincers, Water Fighting

Recruitment requirements: 2 units of corpse, 3 units of spiritual point

"Very well, it's almost as I thought, with these, the sea can start to develop."

Qin Lan also nodded: "Indeed, with this, even if we can't go out to sea to communicate with other people, we can temporarily develop the seabed first. There are still many resources on the seabed. In addition, our fishing grounds can also be built."

Qin Lan has been in charge of these things before, so he knows them very well.

Fang Jie didn't waste any time, and immediately let Qin Lan fly towards Binhai Village. And Fang Jie himself, is to produce a large number of lobster people here.

Because near here, only the lobster people produced in their own territory will bring their own fission ability.

One piece of material produces four, and then splits it into sixteen again, and the production speed of troops is very fast.

A few days later, the mighty lobster man ran along the road towards Binhai Village.

At this time, Qin Lan was directing the lobster men to walk underwater. It's a pity that the Lobster Man has only some elites for the time being, and there is no hero unit yet, so it is inevitable that it will be inconvenient to control.

But even so, some things in the sea were also taken out.

Various aquatic plants, stones and shells were brought up one after another on the seabed. Qin Lan took people to clean up these things, sorted them into categories, and put some useful ones directly on the market to test the market.

The things in the sea have always been relatively rare, so the market is not bad.

"Sister Lan, you are really amazing. This has begun to develop the sea."

Qin Lan looked at Qin Shulan next to her. After joining this family, she has always had a good relationship with herself. Although it may only be superficial, there are a few people who can be as simple as Liu Yuanyuan.

The matter here, really let Liu Yuanyuan come to take care of it, I'm afraid it won't work. Such a good helper, Qin Lan was reluctant to let go.

"This coastal village will definitely gain huge development in the future, whether it is marine development or marine transportation. This part will be separated in the future. It cannot be done by one person, and a new structure will inevitably be formed."

Qin Lan stared at Qin Shulan, Qin Shulan's eyes were dazed, and she seemed a little uneasy.

"So, are you up to this place?"

"What? Sister Lan, what do you mean?" Qin Shulan was a little confused.

"I mean, I can't supervise this place. If you are competent, then I will recommend you to manage this place. If you need manpower, I will help you arrange it."

Qin Shulan immediately realized something, and then quickly said, "Thank you for your trust, Sister Lan, I want to try."

Sure enough, he was another ambitious person, but Qin Lan didn't care. Don't be afraid of being ambitious, just be afraid of being brainless.

The most important thing is that this is promoted by myself, and I have the grace of knowing it. As long as it is not that kind of villain, it will be of great help to the stability of his position in the future.

In terms of manpower needed, he now has the most of his own men. The ones I sent to me are definitely closer to me. Even if Qin Shulan wants to change in the future, it is impossible to replace all of them.

These things, Qin Shulan may not be able to discover them now, and they will not change when they are discovered.

Qin Lan doesn't want to control it or something, but it's always right to pave the way for himself to have a better foundation.

The most important point is that Qin Shulan is 30 years old, and her appearance is at best pretty.

Incomparable with herself, she is still very confident in her competitiveness in this regard.

Next, the atmosphere became very harmonious. Qin Lan taught Qin Shulan something step by step, and then the two of them developed this beach together. Qin Shulan was immersed in learning.

Because of her background and knowledge, Qin Shulan found that she still had a lot of deficiencies in handling these matters.

Regardless of your age, these things seem very simple. After you really get started, you realize that some things are not as easy as they seem. For Qin Lan, Qin Shulan was even more grateful.

In just a few days, some of Qin Shulan's original dissatisfaction with Qin Lan had disappeared, but she was more like a superior than before.

"You are Qin Shulan. Qin Lan recommended you to me. I need to confirm your ability first. If it is suitable, the village head of Binhai Village will be yours." On this day, Fang Jie came to Binhai Village.

The dead lobster man who gave birth for a few days, he really didn't come over to take a good look.

Fang Jie is very satisfied to see the orderly development here and the steady stream of things being fished out of the sea. "Next, what are your plans for the sea?"

"We want to temporarily focus on fishing grounds and plant some things on the bottom of the sea. Although there are no drawings of submarine farmland, some things can be planted, which is more long-term." Qin Shulan said.

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