Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 137 Changes In Town Upgrades

Fang Jie did the math, and now I am afraid that the only one that needs to build an affiliated territory is the Flower Plateau.

However, the conditions there are now insufficient, so there is no way to build. The other is the desert area, but there is a territory with projection ability there, and there is no need to build it.

But if I knew this earlier, I shouldn't have created that projection territory in the first place.

After all, there are no restrictions on the territory built by oneself, except that the level cannot exceed the main territory. All abilities and drawings, etc., are universal.

That is, the statue ability, because the distance is too far, it is impossible to directly share it there.

There are also advantages, that is, when the affiliated territories built by yourself are upgraded, there is no test.

And even if it is occupied by others, the ownership rights are still their own. The functional buildings obtained by others after occupation are unusable and can only be destroyed. Otherwise, you can still use it if you occupy it yourself.

Compared with the subordinate territories obtained by occupying other people's territories, it is much easier to build them yourself.

Looking at the stone city wall, the city wall itself has also changed.

Stone City Wall: The city wall surrounding the town has a certain defensive ability. Each meter requires 50 units of stone, 20 units of hard stone, and 20 units of hardwood.

Fang Jie let the skeleton laborers try to build, and then took a general look.

"Sure enough, the thickness and height have increased a lot. According to this standard foundation, the height is probably more than ten meters, and the thickness has reached five meters. You can see it by looking at the resources consumed."

This thickness, although no special products have been added, even if a silver-level powerhouse uses skills, it is impossible to smash it all at once, leaving some scars at most.

Of course, if a gold-level powerhouse uses the skill, it might really be able to smash it.

But Fang Jie's most important defense is the death tower, as long as these things are built behind the city walls. Fang Jie looked at the map and started planning the location of the new city wall.

After all, as the level of the territory increases, the area directly controlled by the territory becomes larger again.

Therefore, the construction of the city wall can also enclose a larger area.

After the division, Fang Jie looked at the next change, which was the fortress. The fortress is also a special territory annex. With the improvement of the territory itself, the fortress base is also improved.

Fortress Level 9: Build a fortress in the actual control area outside the territory, with strong defensive capabilities. The fortress control area also belongs to the territory control area.

Basic building needs: stone 5000, wood 3000, spiritual point 5000 units.

Auxiliary buildings: Arrow Tower, Watchtower, Hidden Soldier Cave, Dead Air Tower, Moat Trap, Corpse Maintenance Room, Restoration Workshop

The level of the fortress has been raised to level 9 with the territory itself, but the fortress is a fortress after all.

That building need has become a basic building need, that is to say, just using the basic consumption, it is still a level 1 fortress, and the level is not very high.

Up to level 9, all you need is a variety of advanced materials.

In addition to the front three basic annexes, new annexes were added at the back.

The tower of death gas has directly become one of the annexes of the fortress. The fortress itself adds space for the construction of the tower of death gas, which can be perfectly integrated into it, instead of being manufactured outside alone.

What is the reason for this change, Fang Jie doesn't know, it may be that he has recently made too many dead gas towers.

The moat trap, that thing is a trap created outside the fortress. Traps can be large or small and can be reused many times, and a moat-like existence can be built in front of them.

But that is not a moat, but a lot of dead energy and bones left at the bottom of the river, which can be attacked.

It can even incorporate some special undead, that is, the special undead produced by Jiang Hen's underground palace of death. After integrating it, it can greatly increase the defense capability of the fortress.

The corpse maintenance room, which is a place used to preserve corpses.

The corpses left in the battle, and even some zombie-type combat power, can be placed in it for maintenance. Some mutilated corpses can even be gradually restored to a usable level.

Then send these corpses to the corpse processing factory, which can effectively increase the source of their own materials.

This thing can be considered useful, but it looks a bit anti-human.

The last one is the repair workshop, which is not for repairing other things, but for repairing the undead.

After the undead is injured, it can be placed in it for repair, and the injury can be quickly recovered. There are also various tools and weapons of the undead, which can also be quickly repaired in it, so that it is convenient to return to the battlefield again.

Of course, these ancillary buildings can be built or not built.

Once built, some additional building materials must be paid, and they are all high-level.

Fang Jie looked at the fortress, and then looked at the next important change. As the level of the territory increased, a force returned. Fang Jie suddenly found that his talent and ability had been improved again.

Undead Fission Level 3 (Unique): Fission of 1000 undead under his command, turning each into 6, consuming 1-10 points of mana. The only talent, no second person will get the same talent.

Super Speed ​​Recovery Level 4: Self-mana regenerates at a super-fast speed, recovering 10 mana per second.

That's right, even with his own talent, he has also been upgraded.

The fission of the undead has been upgraded to level 3, and it can fission of a thousand undead at the same time. But the fission didn't turn one into eight, but six, it just added two people, which disappointed Fang Jie a little.

But even so, after feedback to the territory, he can turn one material into thirty-six undead. Fang Jie doesn't know what to say anymore.

At the same time, the consumption of mana has been increased. It is no longer an indefinite 1 point each time, but a maximum of 10 points according to the number of fission.

But the second super speed recovery upgrade made Fang Jie feel no trouble at all. Because it can recover 10 points per second, even if it uses its maximum power, it consumes almost nothing once a second.

The choice was really right at the beginning. These two talents cooperate with each other, which is simply the magic skill of the violent soldiers.

Fang Jie walked into the lord's mansion, and this was the change in the face. The lord's mansion was expanded, much larger than before, and an underground floor was added. The underground floor of the blood servant before was directly pushed to the back.

At least where he sleeps, there are no coffins underground, which makes Fang Jie feel much more comfortable.

"Very good, then next, the troop buildings should also be upgraded."

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