Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 144: They Are Waiting For The Opportunity

"Quick, take the body back, collect the blood, don't waste it."

Although the battle was over, the lobster people did not stop their actions, but became even busier.

Using its own particularity, the blood and seawater here are absorbed into the body, and then brought ashore and slowly purified. There are still a large number of blood servants on the shore that need to be supported.

Those blood servants need a lot of blood to improve step by step and increase their strength.

Before the battle was over, a lot of blood and blood mixed with seawater were sent to the desert island.

"Mobas, let's start." Fang Hao said to Mobas.

Then Mobas nodded and began to suck blood. The first thing he absorbed was the bronze level blood he needed. Although the higher level is faster, Mobas does not want to waste resources, so this is the most cost-effective.

The other blood servants are using their own means to condense the blood.

There are also some that separate the blood in the seawater for collection, and a lot of blood is packed in jars.

If it was a normal vampire, I'm afraid it would be unbearable to face such a scene. But these bloods are generally not. Although blood is attractive to blood servants, it is not so absolute.

It didn't take long for Mobas, who had become a hero unit, to successfully break through blood-sucking and reach the silver level. The originally thin body gradually became fuller, the clothes behind him were suddenly torn open, and two huge wings appeared.

Beside, there are other heroes recording, collect these information and send it to Fang Jie.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to receive a message from the front line.

"The sea beast has begun to collapse, and the commander, the golden sea beast, has been killed. In this sneak attack, five dead lobster heroes of silver level were lost, dozens of bronze levels were lost, and black iron levels were at least thousands."

"This gold level is really scary enough to be able to achieve this level."

Fang Jie shook his head and said, "Its attributes are not that exaggerated. It is mainly about various skills. If it is a legal system, the result may be even greater. This is a sea beast, and its size is large. If it is a vampire, it should not be so strong."

There is a specialization in the art industry, and Fang Jie is not familiar with the development and military aspects. But when it comes to cultivation, Fang Jie is more familiar than others. Not only is he strong, Fang Jie is also the most active in following this intelligence.

Qin Lan nodded slightly: "It turns out to be so, but even so, it's scary enough."

"It doesn't matter, this battle has collected a lot of blood. With this blood, those blood servants may have the gold level. Although their combat power may not be as good as those of the golden vampires, we have more troops."

Fang Jie wasn't worried about this battle at all, because the troops involved were simply too large.

On the other hand, when the battle was gradually over, the vampires also received news.

"How's the situation?" The Duke of Flowers asked again.

"Reporting to the Duke, the battle is coming to an end, and the sea beasts we have attracted are no longer climatic. But looking at the blood-filled area, we definitely caused huge damage to those people. There are floating bones everywhere in the ocean. Their loss this time is at least more than 200,000."

The Duke of Flowers nodded lightly: "It's a good job, but it's a pity that they actually won."

With such a huge sea beast power, even if they were replaced, it would not be easy to win. Of course, this is calculated by converting the same combat power to the ground, and they will not go into the ocean.

But even so, the other party still won the battle, and they still don't know what their situation is. This is the most troublesome.

"Viscount Crick, how are you in contact with Marquis Karan?"

"Lord Duke, the meaning of Marquis Karan is very obvious. We need to prepare for the winter with all our strength, so we can't cause civil strife. And that wasteland was sold by Duke Karan, so I hope we can give a face."

The Duke of Flowers sank and sneered: "Hmph, the attitude has changed so quickly, neither side wants to offend."

"Are we going to attack directly? As long as we make an excuse, we can easily eliminate them."

"Don't act rashly now. The royal family has been trying to move us for a long time. If you give them an excuse, they will never let it go. Maybe Marquis Karan's action this time is their instigation."

"Then what should we do, are we going to look at it like this?"

The Duke of Flowers thought for a while and said, "Send someone to provoke them first. If we can let them take the initiative, it will be justifiable for us to send troops. If it doesn't work, we have to find an excuse and we will do it in winter."

"Do it in winter, do you want to..." Crick seemed to have thought of something.

"That's right, when winter comes, there will be a battle between the New Moon Kingdom and the Lansha Kingdom. They will definitely focus on that side. Although the battle may not expand, once the cowardice is revealed, the opposite side will definitely fight."

"At that time, the attention of the royal family and the great aristocrats in the country will be on the border, and they will not care about us. As long as we get rid of the fallen ones as quickly as possible, then they will not dare to do anything."

Those who came to provoke, the Duke of Flowers did not pay attention.

Maybe their overall strength is strong enough, but they don't have the combat power of the gold level, otherwise they would have been exposed long ago.

You have to use the undead to deal with yourself, how weak. Maybe they have the gold level, but since they are all hidden, it means that there are absolutely not many, otherwise the arrogance of the blood clan will use this method.

Usually the method of the blood clan is that a few strong people directly find themselves in front of them and kill or control themselves. If they didn't do this, it could only prove that their strength was simply not enough.

It's a pity I don't know where their leader is, otherwise I'll kill myself.

"When winter comes, it's time for a decisive battle."

Both Duke Flowers and Fang Jie chose the same time point, and both sides were waiting for the last time.

However, the difference is that Fang Jie's side has a bigger harvest. Along with the corpses of the sea beasts, and the treasure chests obtained from this battle, they are all sent to Fang Jie's direction.

The scale of this battle may not be as large as before, but the top level of this battle is different.

Because of the existence of the gold level, the war chest directly reached the gold level. That is to say, there is at least one thing that can reach the gold rating. I don't know how strong it is. Fang Jie is still very interested in this.

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