Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 146 Ghost Building Ghost Fish Nest

"However, why not just build a subsidiary territory, just by the sea."

In fact, Qin Lan didn't know much about this, but he just followed Fang Jie's words.

Fang Jie smiled: "Although I don't know much about those high-end things, I still know the rules of the game. This world is similar to the previous games."

"Although there is no limit on the number of subsidiary territories to be built, and building a subsidiary territory itself is not very expensive, it is definitely not that simple. Otherwise, the mainland would have been occupied by a large number of subsidiary territories."

Fang Jie has long felt that there is a problem, the territorial ability of this world is not something that comes after they arrive.

In fact, before they came here, many of the natives had already obtained the territorial ability, and there was even a systematic way to become a lord. After so many years of development, don't they understand better than the people of the earth.

If the construction conditions of the dependent territories were really that low, absolutely everyone would build a lot. At least within his control area, there must be such a territory.

Using the territory to develop is much cheaper and faster than directly using the indigenous people to develop.

The most important thing is loyalty. As long as you follow certain rules, loyalty will basically not have to worry about problems.

But the problem now is that it hasn't turned out like that at all, so Fang Jie is sure that there is definitely something wrong with this subsidiary territory. At least, it's not as simple as you think.

"So, you are saving your own territory to create places before you know the situation?"

"It can also be said, anyway, there must be one on the Flower Plateau, and then we will know exactly what is going on." Fang Jie smiled and didn't say much.

Fang Jie had already experimented with this ability long before he got it.

If you want to build an affiliated territory, although a lot of materials are consumed, it is definitely not much.

Moreover, all the buildings in the main territory can be built directly, and the subordinate territories do not need so many upgrade resources. As long as there is an attached lord's mansion, the upgrade resources are more than ten times cheaper than the original upgrade.

After returning to the territory, Fang Jie immediately mobilized a large number of skeleton laborers, digging a river directly, and digging from the beginning to the seaside.

Only these inanimate creatures can do this kind of brutal work.

Work on the shore and in the water at the same time, as long as the current is not too big, those dead lobster people will be fine. With the help of the Dead Lobster Man, the Skeleton Laborer doesn't work too slowly even underwater.

It only took a few days for Fang Jie to fork a river.

If it weren't for the special rules of this world, the water flow from the unknown source could always maintain a certain flow rate. Fang Jie felt that if he did this, the river might have to be diverted.

But this is good, it can be regarded as a disguised increase in the water system within his territory.

Passing through a very large concave ground in the middle, this ground has also been completely widened by his own skeleton laborers.

When the water arrives, the place gradually turns into a lake.

The next step is to build a shipyard in this place. As for the place where the river empties into the sea, Fang Jie directly built a large fortress, and then started to build a wharf next to the fortress.

"Unfortunately, if you can directly build a dock in the fortress control area, you don't need to be so troublesome."

Fang Jie sighed as he mobilized a large number of troops to completely protect the estuary. At least even if it encounters a large number of sea beasts, it can guarantee that nothing will happen there.

At the same time, Fang Jie also built a ghost fish nest there. This is the last blueprint that Fang Jie opened from the golden treasure chest last time. The rest are some resources and equipment.

The Ghost Fish Nest is a special building. With this, your own marine forces will be more abundant in the future.

Docks and docks are large buildings that take longer to build, so the last ghost fish nest built is the fastest. The fish nest itself is translucent, and you can't see it in the water if you don't pay attention.

Ghost Fish Nest (Silver) Level 1: The murloc grievances persist, and the ghostly murloc lair produces all kinds of murloc ghosts.

Upgrade requirements: 100 units of advanced polyyin, 100 units of advanced necromantic wood, 1000 units of energy spar, 200 units of spar powder, and 50,000 units of spiritual points.

Murloc Ghost Level 1: Level (Dark Iron) Skill: Possession

Recruitment requirements: 100 units of spiritual points

Murloc Ghost Level 1: Level (Bronze) Skills: Possession, Control Corpse

Recruitment needs: 1000 units of spiritual points

Murloc Ghost Level 1: Level (Silver) Skills: Possession, Control Corpse, Soul Freeze

Recruitment needs: 10,000 units of spiritual points

"It's just one type of army, and it's all ghost system." Fang Jie looked at the panel and was amazed. Speaking of which, apart from his ghost servants, he has never gotten any similar units.

That being the case, let's try it out first.

Fang Jie directly produced a silver grade. Murloc ghosts are the same as ghost servants. They are basically translucent shapes. They are more transparent under the sun, and their strength will be weakened to a certain extent.

But the difference is that the murloc ghost has no way to condense the entity, and there is no way to interfere with the external matter.

But skills are interesting. The first skill, Possession, allows murlocs to directly attach to other living beings, just like a ghost, and can affect the actions and even thinking of the enemy.

If the level difference is too large, it can even make the enemy a different person.

Although this control is not so subtle, but it is very good in combat.

Manipulating a corpse is an ability that is added to the possession skill, and still needs to be possessed, but this time it is a corpse. As long as the corpse level does not exceed its own, it can control the corpse to fight.

If the corpse dies, then the next corpse will be replaced. Generally not magic attacks, can not hurt them.

The last Soul Freeze, which is an attack bonus effect.

This effect can make the murloc ghost attack or possess a body attack, it can produce a special cold effect, freeze the enemy's spirit, and kill the enemy's spirit directly.

Even this freezing can affect the outside world, so that some frost really appears on the enemy's body.

At the beginning of the experiment, Fang Jie almost thought it was the freezing effect brought by the statue of the girl with cold wind. It was only later discovered that this is completely two different things. This freezing is extended from the soul and is caused by the influence of the outside world through the spirit.

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