Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 176 Trolls Begin To Assemble

The battle stabilized, and Fang Jie opened the treasure chests that he had obtained some time ago.

"Sure enough, the expectations are still too high." Even if they are put together, most things are still not very good. But there are good things. I have a few of my favorite new arms construction cards.

It's a pity that none of them reached the silver level, the highest being the bronze level.

It doesn't seem to be of any use for the time being, so let's put it away for now.

In addition, there are some troops cards, Fang Jie basically put away these things, and there is no shortage of troops around him.

Finally, there is a building upgrade card (silver), this time it is not a unit building upgrade card. Fang Jie's eyes lit up, but he was able to upgrade some special buildings in his hands.

"Unfortunately, you can't upgrade the mysterious garden, otherwise you will save a lot of gems."

Fang Jie experimented, and finally sighed helplessly, and then turned to check other buildings.

Just looking at it this way, Fang Jie found that his building level was actually out of date. It turned out that all the buildings in his hands that could be upgraded had reached the level of silver, and the others that were disdainful or had not been upgraded before were still at the black iron level.

After looking around, Fang Jie found that the Bronze level could be improved, but the Death Qi Tower was left.

"It would be nice if there were some bronze level upgrade cards." Fang Jie was speechless.

No way, upgrade this first. After the upgrade, the level of the Death Tower was instantly raised.

Death Air Tower (Silver): Defensive unit with Death Air attack ability.

Building requirements: 100 units of fine stone bricks, 300 units of polyyin stone, and 50,000 units of spiritual points.

"The increase in consumption is not very large, and the consumption of spiritual points is between the normal silver arms. Although it is higher and cannot be moved, the defense and attack will be stronger, and it is more suitable for defense."

Fang Jie decided to replace all the death towers around his town with silver-grade ones.

I believe that with so many silver-level death energy towers, when I go to the upgrade test in the future, no matter how many gold-level enemies come, I can easily destroy them.

Once this thing has formed a number, it is much more useful than some gold-level blood servants.

"Unfortunately, there are no suitable new architectural drawings, and there are no other special good things. These medicines that can be used to improve the progress of cultivation are not bad."

Fang Jie shook his head, although the previous battle hunted down a lot of gold-level combat power.

But that is all in small-scale battles, and the things that can be obtained are limited, that is, some equipment. Fang Jie couldn't use those things, and gave them to the skeleton heroes under him to use.

There were no large-scale battles before, most of them were continuous, some small-scale battles.

So it's understandable that you can't get anything good.

At this time, the wars that broke out on the border were also small-scale and low-intensity battles. In a real war, neither side dared to break out at will, otherwise the impact would be great.

It seems that in a short period of time, I can only slowly accumulate.

"Unfortunately, without the blueprint of the Mage Tower, this thing is really hard to get."

Now the Mage Tower blueprint is missing. As long as you have this, you can break through to the city level. But without this, it won't work. Although Qin Lan has been asked to inquire, there has been no news.

So there is no way, Fang Jie can only continue to study the skills.

During the recent period, there were quite a few skill books and some books on magic. Fang Jie can also supplement all kinds of magic knowledge while watching.

Although it doesn't seem to have gained new skills or improved combat power, it can improve Fang Jie's comprehensive ability.

Fang Jie has a feeling that knowing that he has learned enough, he will have the ability to create new skills in the future.

The previous skill upgrades were just because of occupational reasons, so that they could give themselves a direction and allow themselves to experiment. Those are not considered to be researched by oneself, they can only be regarded as advanced with the help of their own hands.

Just when Fang Jie thought that nothing would happen during this time, something happened on the northern plateau.

Zhao Ran, who had always just explained some things to himself before, actually took the initiative to contact him this time. "Lord, there seems to be some abnormal situation in the north."

"What's the situation?" Zhao Ran is the person in charge of his northern base and has been in charge of monitoring the plateau.

Although those soldiers didn't tell him what happened, he couldn't be ignorant.

"Based on our observations, there seems to be a large gathering of creatures in the forest, most likely trolls."

"According to our analysis, those trolls are likely to attack the northern camp because of the lack of food in winter. If they all gather, no, even if they gather some, the military can't stop them."

Fang Jie frowned. He didn't expect such a troublesome thing. Fang Jie didn't understand the power of those trolls.

The key is that trolls eat everything. In their opinion, the northern military is probably their reserve food.

"Didn't the military offer us support?"

"Sorry, nothing happened, and even my contact with them was rejected."

"Is that so, then we will start to increase our troops in the forest and hide in the forest temporarily. Whether they ask for help or they fail, we can attack them as soon as possible."

Fang Jie has never given up his ambition to the north. Not only to control the north, but also to bring those soldiers under his command.

Those soldiers are disciplined, use it with confidence, and can help themselves train more of them. Not only people from Earth, but even indigenous people can be trained as well.

Although I know some of that training method, can I compare it with a professional one?

If it wasn't for this, I'm afraid Fang Jie would have hit a plateau in the first place.

Just now that the battle on the Flower Plateau is over, a large number of troops can be evacuated and used on the north side. Neither the South nor the West has any way to expand now, and only this place can expand its area.

A large number of troops returned directly to the vicinity of the territory through the large space gate, and then went north under the command of Coster.

As for Fang Hao, he stayed on the Flower Plateau for the time being, and the follow-up plan there needs to be controlled by an experienced and qualified person. Although Mobas is at the golden level, he is really far behind in terms of fighting.

Fang Jie didn't tell too many people, just to prevent the news from leaking out in advance.

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