Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 185 The Collapse Of The Troll

The fire was spreading ahead, and the offensive on both sides finally came to an end.

That's right, the fire was not deliberately set on fire, but because of various incendiary weapons, the bones left on the ground were ignited. This huge wasteland of white bones cannot be burnt down for a while.

Not to mention, the flames are smaller in some places, and the skeletons will still rush to continue the fight.

On the side of the plateau, you can see thick smoke billowing, and it will be uncomfortable to get close to it.

Not to mention humans and orcs, even trolls with super-adaptive abilities are a little bit unbearable in the face of this situation.

The battle lasted longer than Fang Jie imagined. There is really no way to deploy too many troops. In the case of a large number, even if they continue to charge each other, there is still no way to solve the battle in a short time.

Of course, this is much faster than those famous cold weapon battles on the earth, which can be fought for several months at every turn, or even several years on and off. After all, this is only calculated according to the sky.

Fang Jie even went to his main territory to make and fission because the loss of troops was too large.

Then, after replenishing the troops, we can continue to maintain here.

If it weren't for the dead troll's body, more than 60% were snatched by Fang Jie, I am afraid that this battle would have lost. It's hilarious that the undead and other creatures lose money in battle.

But even so, in the eyes of others, Fang Jie is still losing money.

They didn't know that Fang Jie had the ability to fission. According to normal production conditions, Fang Jie not only lost money, but also suffered a huge loss. So the people in the army were even more moved by Fang Jie.

To be able to lose so much, but also to help them hold the plateau and avenge them, what a great idea.

Unconsciously, the loyalty of these people to Fang Jie has grown rapidly.

If their loyalty can be seen, I am afraid that all of them are now above 90.

It's just that Fang Jie didn't notice this. All he noticed was the battle that was still being launched in front of him. The fire lasted for nearly a day and finally came to an end under a heavy rain.

Then in the heavy rain, skeletons and trolls fought again.

This battle lasted for eleven days, and on the afternoon of the eleventh day, the trolls began to retreat.

"The trolls retreated, they finally retreated." A soldier shouted loudly.

Fang Jie naturally saw it, but he was a little strange: "Why are these trolls retreating, they obviously have a lot of troops." Yes, the battle lasted for more than ten days, but the trolls only lost more than two million. .

In fact, just for the trolls gathered here, they still have more than 1.3 million, maybe even more.

As for the collapse of too many casualties, trolls will not appear, these guys are too simple-minded.

As long as they can get food, they don't care what life is.

"Probably, there should be enough food, and I found that my enemy is too strong." Li Mingshu lowered his head and thought that from a strategic point of view, the opponent's retreat was because the goal was generally achieved.

"It turns out that this is the case, but my purpose has not been achieved."

Fang Jie wants to occupy the plateau, or destroy the trolls. Watching the troll retreat, Fang Jie didn't even think about it, and let the army chase after him. Seeing this, no one objected.

After all, it is the original intention to eliminate evil, and it is impossible to let the other party develop to attack him again.

Besides, the soldiers wanted revenge, and now if Fang Jie stopped, they themselves would demand an attack.

The most important thing is that there are only a few reasons for opposing war since ancient times. People's livelihood is affected, logistics is insufficient, or soldiers are war-weary and have no name for their apprenticeships.

But these are meaningless to the undead. As for being famous, isn't this the other party's first move?

Besides, it is the trolls that are eliminated, which is profitable for everyone, and the only undead who are damaged, and don't care about it at all. So what else is there to say, just kill it.

After this period of battle, there were not many humans and orcs in the original territory.

The orcs stopped making them, but the humans made some civilians and soldiers. They don't want to fight, and the long-term fighting makes them a little war-weary, so they can only stop, otherwise it will easily affect their loyalty.

The pursuit is all handed over to the undead creatures.

The army of skeletons chased and killed all the way, and those trolls fought and retreated, gradually from retreating to a big rout.

Without a unified command, the drawbacks were fully manifested at this time. As the undead continued to chase and kill, the formation of those trolls became more and more chaotic, and even the high-level trolls could not control their behavior.

The skeletons chased all the way, no matter what was ahead, even if they encountered a forest, if there was a troll blocking it, they would directly burn it. Fang Jie doesn't care about the environment.

Anyway, just build farmland in this place in the future, and then plant trees on it.

Even if the farmland is abandoned and destroyed later, but the trees above are not destroyed, it will still remain.

This is a new farmland use method recently researched by Fang Jie. Although it is not useful, it can only be used to restore the ecology.

However, it is said that on the edge of the desert, this method is used to eliminate the desert step by step. Since he was able to change the terrain in this way, Fang Jie couldn't leave the desert alone.

As long as it can be maintained, even the rules of the world can be transformed.

It was another three-day pursuit, and the trolls did not know how many died.

One by one troll tribes were found, either eliminated or driven away. All the way to the north, the shape of this plateau gradually appeared on Fang Jie's map.

According to the original calculation, this plateau should not be as big as the Flower Plateau, but now Fang Jie realizes that he may have guessed wrong.

Because the further forward, the larger this plateau becomes. If it weren't for the primitive survival of the trolls, this area would have been able to support more trolls.

"According to the current conclusions, this plateau might be two or three times larger than the Flower Plateau."

This is a soldier in charge of engineering in the army. In terms of research addresses and calculations, he is far from being comparable to others. This is also a kind of inheritance, because they have found several mining areas on the plateau.

Fang Jie has never found a mining area in his own territory, except for the desert.

"Such a huge area cannot be left to trolls to waste, it must be occupied." Fang Jie set the tone.

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