Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 190 Regular Army Without Apprentice Level

While waiting, Fang Jie looked at the city that had just been upgraded.

Origin City Level 1: The core building of the territory, with a certain production capacity, can produce skeleton laborers, ghost servants, blood servants. City units, attached rune walls, arrow towers. Residents have a certain probability to grow into elite units, increasing the probability of elite units breaking through hero units. Elite units can cultivate on their own, and there is a certain probability that new occupations will appear. A territory has the ability to build a subsidiary territory. The talent of the subsidiary territory is equivalent to the territory itself, and it needs to have absolute dominance in the area before it can be built.

Upgrading requires 60,000 units of fine stone bricks, 60,000 units of fine wood planks, 20,000 units of marble slabs, 20,000 units of carved wood, 20,000 units of rune stone bricks, 20,000 units of rune crystal slabs, 30,000 units of high-grade polyyin, 30,000 units of high-grade necromantic wood, and 80,000 units of bones , 2000 units of black iron bones, 100 units of bronze bones, 10 units of silver bones, 5 units of golden bones, 2,000,000 units of spiritual points, and a population of 1,000,000. Functional Building×20, Silver Functional Building×5, Gold Functional Building×3

After being upgraded to the city level, the production capacity has been greatly improved. The attached stone city wall has become a rune city wall, and the defense ability has been greatly improved, even the arrow tower, still not much improved.

Rune City Wall: The city wall surrounding the town has a certain defensive ability and magic resistance ability, and has a defensive enchantment. Each meter requires 50 units of rune stone bricks, 20 units of rune stone slabs, and 20 units of spar powder.

The cost of the rune city wall has become very high, but the benefits of such a high cost must be very large.

"City upgrades don't have those special requirements, and the required materials have not improved too much. However, there is a certain cooling time after the upgrade, and there is no way to continuously upgrade."

Fang Jie also wanted to test it out, but found that the city could not be continuously upgraded in the future.

After each upgrade, a minimum one-month cooldown is required. I am afraid that as the level increases, this time will get higher and higher. If the city reaches level 10, it will take at least ten months to reach the top.

Forget it, the time is not very long anyway, and the speed of his own development is already very fast.

Let’s take a look at the auxiliary ability, which increases the ability of elite units to cultivate and improve themselves.

As for the result of cultivation, Fang Jie doesn't really value it, because this kind of result, at most, only increases the probability of breaking through to become a hero. He already has quite a few heroic units under his command.

There are so many hero units that are usually useless.

I didn't see the heroic units that reached the silver level in the army outside.

On the contrary, it is very good to have a new occupation with a certain probability, which can enrich the ability of one's arms.

Those new occupations may be transformed into new arms units after a certain amount of research in the future. But there is no such way now, Fang Jie can only temporarily suppress this idea.

I believe that the next time the territory reaches the top level and upgrades again, similar abilities will appear.

As for the newly added upgrade requiring a golden functional building, it's nothing. After this upgrade, your buildings can basically meet the requirements, and you can upgrade again after a month.

Just as Fang Jie was watching, a black spot suddenly landed in the air.

If you are not attacked, you are your own. Fang Jie looked up and saw that Qin Lan was actually running over.

"Why did you come here? Didn't you stay in your own territory and don't come out?" Fang Jie was going to perform an upgrade test, and of course he had to notify some of his own people nearby so that they could all hide.

After all, he didn't know how large this test would be and how many people would be affected. If it is accidentally affected, it will be a pit. I just didn't expect that Qin Lan actually ran over on his own initiative.

"With such a large-scale battle, of course I'm curious to see it. There won't be anything to keep secret."

Fang Jie shook his head: "It's nothing, anyway, you usually know what those arms are."

Qin Lan still couldn't hide the shock in her heart. Of course Qin Lan knew what those arms were, but she had never thought of this number, it was really shocking.

When I was in the air before, even if it was dark, I could still see the mighty gray-white color.

This is not as simple as not being able to see the edge at a glance, but it takes a while to be able to see the edge while riding a flying tool. The gathering of a huge army of this scale has never happened before in the history of the earth.

Not to mention, there is a huge gathering of high-level arms, even the silver level is calculated in tens of thousands.

Those blood servants flying in the air have reached the gold level. Across the distance, Qin Lan could feel a palpitation from these blood servants.

If it weren't for the fact that he was the lord and knew that he was his own, he would not have been targeted.

I am afraid that if it is replaced by ordinary people, now even if they are not frightened, they will not dare to move.

No wonder Fang Jie was able to pass the natural disaster level test, this force is really terrifying. But thinking about it in another direction, Fang Jie had to prepare such a huge force for the test. It is conceivable that this natural disaster test is really difficult.

"Then watch it here, you may not be able to see clearly anyway."

Fang Jie looked at the time and didn't pay much attention to Qin Lan. "The time is up, it's coming, Fang Hao, then the commander-in-chief will be handed over to you." Fang Jie gave up the command again.

Let professional people do professional things, and he will not interfere casually.

What should I do if something goes wrong, isn't it all myself who loses in the end?

And Fang Hao, after continuous training, is definitely the first person in his own territory in terms of large-scale military command. In this regard, even the experienced Li Mingshu is far inferior to this skeleton.

However, in terms of military training, Fang Hao, the skeleton soldier, is not as good as those professional soldiers.

In the distance, space passages appeared one after another, still appearing in Fang Jie's army. There is no way, Fang Jie's army coverage is too large, and there is no way to know where to go.

"Is this the elite orc army? It's so elite that it doesn't even have a trainee level."

At the beginning, a large number of tauren and wild boars made their way. The two are lined up in a dense formation, but none of them are apprentices, and the weakest are black iron, and there are many bronze-level captains among them.

With just these two armies, Qin Lan knew that this was not something his own territory could stop. This city test is really terrible. In this regard, even Fang Jie was a little surprised.

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