Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 195 All-Round Enhancement

The skill of undead resurrection is an ability to incorporate a large amount of magic power into the corpse, and at the same time absorb a large amount of death force from other corpses, so that the corpse can stand up again.

It looks similar to before, but has become an undead creature.

But the biggest effect of this skill is that there is no limit to the number.

Undead creatures resurrected with this skill have no way to improve, and their IQ is uncertain, but the advantage is that they can be continuously produced. It doesn't matter how many you want to make, as long as you have enough magic power, corpses, and time.

It can be said that if you are not a lord, this skill is definitely a magical skill.

If it weren't for such a big victory this time, there would be no such skill. This skill probably accounts for a very important proportion of this reward.

Then Fang Jie looked at his city panel. As the city level increased, the Sun Tower, which was affected by the city, was immediately upgraded to the gold level.

Sun Tower: Alchemy building, can research and produce various alchemy items, city level cap gold.

Lesser Healing Potion, Lesser Meditation Potion, Sun Talisman, Congealing Potion...

Sun Talisman: It has a slight healing effect on itself, and can also burst all power at one time. The healing effect is equivalent to a bronze-level healing spell, which can dispel various abnormal conditions.

Death Alchemy Assistant Level 5: Level (Dark Iron)

Recruitment requirements: 2 units of dark iron bones, 500 units of spiritual points

Lesser Death Alchemist Level 7: Level (Bronze)

Recruitment requirements: 2 units of bronze bones, 3000 units of spiritual points

Death Alchemist Level 9: Level (Silver) Skill: Research

Recruitment needs: 2 units of silver bones, 30,000 units of spiritual points

Death Alchemist Level 10: Level (Gold) Skills: Advanced Research, Material Refinement

Recruitment requirements: 2 units of golden bones, 1 unit of soul of the golden mage, 300,000 units of spiritual points

Two new units have been added to the Sun Tower, a silver-level death alchemist and a gold-level death alchemist. This death alchemy master can research more formulas and alchemy products faster.

However, seeing that the soul of the mage needs gold level, Fang Jie knows that it is time to stop thinking about it.

Although because of the battle, he obtained a lot of various souls, but they were all broken down into spiritual points.

But even if he didn't break it down, he had never killed a gold-level mage. The materials of this level were themselves high-grade stuff. However, it can also be known from here that this death alchemist is definitely not an ordinary person.

Leave this aside for the time being, and create a few silver-level ones first.

Although death alchemists can't fight, their abilities are far more important than fighting.

Looking at the list again, Fang Jie found that the Sun Tower has added some new recipes, some more advanced potions.

"Even if these potions are not sold, they will be enough for my cultivation in the future." Fang Jie found that the supplementary cultivation potions that were lacking in the past have finally increased.

There are no high-level items for the time being, and Fang Jie doesn't care, after all, his level is not enough.

When you improve yourself, these medicines will definitely be available.

In addition, the Bone Mage Tower, the newly established Mage Tower, has also raised its upper limit to the golden level. In the future, the effect of assisting one's own cultivation and researching magic will definitely be much stronger than it is now.

Looking at it from a distance, the mage tower seems to be thicker and taller, which does not seem to be an illusion.

Fang Jie continued his research, and then he found that all functional buildings seem to have improved to some extent. For example, his stone city wall has been changed, using rune stone bricks, and possessing a barrier barrier.

Mining, quarry, and lumber mills are all more efficient.

However, the mining farm must be near one's own territory to be able to be upgraded, and the one on the desert side will not get the bonus.

However, the productivity of the quarry and the lumber mill has increased a lot, which is not comparable to the previous one. Even farms and fisheries are the same, larger in scope and faster in production.

Even the only desert oasis next to it, the production capacity has also increased a lot.

Later, Fang Jie also found that the production speed of his various construction units has increased a lot. Various processing plants and warehouses, the speed of decomposition and promotion has also been improved, and the decomposition materials are more economical.

No, it can't be said to be saving, it should be said that the more the more decomposed, the more, this is a special rule.

In short, territory is unscientific, and Fang Jie has long since stopped tangled.

These are invisible overall improvements, and they are also the benefits of being promoted to the city-level territory. If you don't look carefully, you can't really see it. In order to see all these things, Fang Jie and Qin Lan studied for almost one night.

When the research was almost done, the two discovered that the sky was almost dawn.

"Go back to sleep first, it's been a night before you know it." Fang Jie is not very sleepy, after all, he is a bronze level mage. Although Qin Lan is also a mage, he is only a trainee, so he is already very sleepy.

Watching Qin Lan go to a room, Fang Jie walked to the backyard because he just saw an interesting picture.

The flower demons that I had placed in the back garden, like quails, were hidden behind the leaves of the flowers, carefully, not even daring to leak their heads.

There are only a few daring ones who look out from time to time and look pitiful.

These little things are too timid and completely unsuitable for combat, no wonder any faction does not accept them. It's not because their abilities are too poor, it's because they don't have enough guts.

On the battlefield, even if it is specially placed in the rear for treatment, I am afraid it will not work, unless it is impossible to see the rear of the battle.

But to Fang Jie's surprise, the loyalty of these flower demons not only did not decline, but also increased because of fright.

I really don't understand what's going on with these little guys, Fang Jie walked over and comforted him. "The war is over, don't worry, those people won't be hit here with me."

Fang Jie reassured him and found that his loyalty had risen again, and shook his head helplessly.

Look at Lulu, who has the highest loyalty, now it's 98. If I do it again, I'm afraid it will be a die-hard. Speaking of which, among those normal creatures, he really doesn't have a loyal subordinate.

If it can be done, it is really a sense of achievement.

Fang Jie did not rest, but began to plan for the newly acquired things in his hands. These things have to be effective as soon as possible, and it is not enough to keep them in the hands, it is a complete waste.

Fang Jie looked at the list of buildings in his hand, thinking about how to upgrade. The first thing to upgrade is the sailor camp.

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