Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 197 Skeleton Lords And Death Knights

Name: Coster

Affiliation: Origin City

Loyalty: 100

Occupation: Death Knight

Talents: Charge, Death Deterrence

Grade: Gold

Strength: 110, Agility: 120, Constitution: 120, Intelligence: 80, Spirit: 60

Death Fight: 8000/8000

Death Magic: 5000/5000

Skills: Basic Swordsmanship, Parry, Block, Down Slash, Riding, Charge, Critical Strike, Intermediate Swordsmanship, Shuttle Dart Strike, Homeopathic Slash, Netherworld Slash, Death Strike, Bone Spike, Fear, Wrath of the Undead

Legion Skills: Cavalry Command, Legion Charge, Double Dragon Formation, Cavalry Heavy Pressure

With the appearance of Coster, a second golden hero unit appeared. In his hands, he finally had normal golden combat power, but in comparison, he seemed to be getting worse and worse.

"This is a mutant occupation, so there is a dual-cultivation type of magic and martial arts so quickly."

If the skeleton lord is the sublimation of the warrior type, continue to take the road of commander. Then the death knight began to take the road of dual cultivation of magic and martial arts. In addition to fighting spirit, Coster also had the magic of death.

Take a look at the new skills, Bone Spike and Death Strike, and Fang Jie himself.

"I don't know if it's because I saved the skills in the Bone Mage Tower, or because I know it myself, and I let Coster figure it out." Fang Jie couldn't figure it out, so he could only guess.

As for the fear technique, as the name suggests, it is a mental intimidation type of skill. In conjunction with the new talent Death Deterrence, it can make the enemy generate huge fear and increase their chances of winning.

After experimentation, Fang Jie found that Netherworld Slash is a small-range attack skill.

A sword slash can affect a range of five to ten meters in front, causing huge damage.

The Wrath of the Undead, which is used to assist the combat effectiveness, can improve the undead troops under his command in all directions, which is regarded as a blessing spell. This death knight is mainly an auxiliary type in terms of spells.

Fang Jie has also tried the cavalry heavy pressure skill added to the legion skills.

After using this skill, the cavalry under his command can exert the impact effect of twice the weight. The skeletal cavalry that used to be light and airy were now the same as the heavy cavalry, and the impact was very terrifying.

On the battlefield, even if you can't kill the enemy, you can knock the enemy into the air.

The death knights are so powerful, it seems that the skills of the skeleton lord are not weak. Fang Jie looked at Fang Hao again. The new talent Skeleton Commander seems to be a talent that increases the attributes of all the skeleton units under his command.

"Perhaps, it has something to do with their experience." Fang Jie thought to himself.

Fang Hao has always been used as a commander, so it is normal to get this talent.

Talents are only available to hero units, and it is impossible for ordinary units to have these special talents.

Among the new skills, Slash and Power Burst are used to increase combat effectiveness. Severing increases the attack power of swordsmanship, while power explosion increases power, and instantly improves its combat power with the help of death fighting qi.

Using the two together, even Coster couldn't hold back, and was knocked back very far on the spot.

There is also a haunting death, which is of no use to the undead. After experimentation, Fang Jie determined that this skill refers to a special dead energy lingering around his body, which erodes the creatures that are close to him.

At the same time as the life force is passing, the strength and physical strength will also be rapidly weakened.

It takes a lot of vindictive energy to resist. Fang Hao, who uses this skill, consumes a lot of Dou Qi in the first release, and then consumes very little to maintain it. It is a combat skill.

The new addition to the legion skill is Lord Glory, which is a skill that can greatly improve the attributes of the undead troops under your command. With his new talent, it can also bring a huge improvement to the troops under his command.

The level of specialization is not as good as Coster's improvement of cavalry, but the overall improvement is definitely not weak, or even stronger.

It seems that after these heroes enter the gold level, they will add a special talent and a new legion ability to match the talent. But this is just thinking about it, there are only two, and I can't see anything for the time being.

While watching, Fang Jie also made other upgraded buildings.

The first is the upgraded death tower. After reaching the silver level, the attack of the death tower will have the lethality of the silver level. (I remembered it wrongly, just think that the front of the Death Air Tower is all bronze, and it has just been upgraded to silver from now on.)

Looking at the taller Death Qi Tower, Fang Jie knew that another huge expenditure was born.

Out of sight and out of mind, Fang Jie simply looked at other things. Fang Jie's eyes turned to his own corpse processing factory, which was originally only a black iron grade, but a special building with a very high effect.

After two cards went down, the building has now been upgraded to the silver level, and the upgrade has just been completed.

Corpse Processing Factory (Silver): It can process various biological corpses to obtain more corpse materials and more spiritual points. Processed corpses can be converted into undead units faster and better preserved. During the processing, there is a certain chance that the material level of the corpse will increase, up to the silver level. New corpse materials will be created every day, 1000 units of apprentice corpse, 100 units of black iron corpse, and 10 units of bronze corpse.

Building requirements: 300 units of rune stone bricks, 500 units of rune planks, 100 units of fine stone bricks, 100 units of fine wood planks, 200 units of advanced polyyin, 100 units of rune leather, 300 units of spar powder, 10 units of energy crystal, Elemental gems 200 units, spiritual points 100,000 units, material warehouse

"It's amazing, it's amazing." Fang Jie's eyes were glowing, and he didn't care much about the increase in basic abilities in front of him, but he just strengthened it a bit.

But there is a certain probability of producing silver-grade corpse materials, which is different.

The most important thing is that it will automatically increase the corpse material. With this, in the future, there will be no shortage of black iron and bronze level combat power. You can also use the minimum black iron level combat power to form the main body of the army.

"No matter how expensive it is, we need to build more corpse processing plants." Fang Jie made up his mind.

Think about it, in the future, using bronze-level combat power as the lowest level of the army, such a luxurious thing, even the two kingdoms in the south cannot do it. If you can do it yourself, your strength will definitely crush the opponent.

Fang Jie can't see the background of the two kingdoms yet, but he is sure that he can surpass each other.

All that's missing now is time, that's all.

"Hey, if there are more upgrade materials, it would be great to upgrade the corpse processing factory to the gold level." Fang Jie regretted the upgrade of the material warehouse before.

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