Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 262 The Kerry Family's Countermeasures

"Thank you for your rescue." Kerry watched Kara leave and turned back to the skeletal dragon in the air.

Although this skeletal flying dragon is only an elite unit, because of its high level, it has a high IQ from the beginning, which is not much worse than that of humans. Just thinking, maybe a little rigid.

"My lord sent me to meet you, no need to thank you, go back with us now."

The Skeleton Dragon turned around and said nothing, and Rory could only follow. "Follow them and let's go."

The boatman nodded quickly and finally ran out. When they were caught up before, they thought they were going to die. These people who can follow Rory out are absolute confidants.

It's a pity that the boat was too small, and there were still people who wanted to break it, so in the end only a dozen or so could escape.

Fortunately, most of the henchmen are on other islands, not on the family's side.

On the other hand, Kara failed the mission and returned to the family, and soon reported the matter. Then Kara didn't care about anything, after all, her status would never be lower than anyone else's.

As a member of the Kerry family, although he is only a side branch, he can cultivate to the gold level by himself, and absolutely no one dares to underestimate him. Among the elders of the family, the status is also very high.

In name, it is just a worship, without rights, but no one dares to directly order himself.

That is, those of the main family who can cultivate to the gold level will have a higher status than themselves.

It's just that at their level, their status basically depends on their strength, not their own background. The family also has some gold-level combat power, but those are all units bought through various channels.

Because it is an army, it is a tool in the family, and does not have an actual status.

"Okay, that's the way it is. Rory has officially announced his departure from the family, and what you plan to do after that is up to you." Such a good junior was forced into this by them, and Cara was a little speechless.

But there is no way, after all, the family has always been controlled by men, and women have always been married off.

So as a woman, the better Rory's performance, the more it will arouse the vigilance of others.

However, this generation has the opportunity to inherit the three heirs of the family, and they all behave like middle-aged people. So if there is a too powerful woman in the family, even the rest of the family will be worried.

The eldest son knocked on the table: "The problem now is that Rory is protected by Kuisha Island, which is very troublesome."

"The family is very strong. If you give them time, they can hire many strong people, but they have to pay a huge price. So they are not afraid of Kuisha Island, and even think that they are stronger.

But the problem is that this price is too high, and whether it is worth it is debatable.

"It's really not suitable to be an enemy directly with Kuisha Island, but now it should be no problem to hunt Rory. Our Kerry family is the first family in business, and it is best to cooperate with us. I think the undead head of Kuisha Island. know that too."

The second son opened his mouth, and at the same time calmly expressed the situation that he was more powerful.

The third son in the back also spoke up: "It's not the right choice to deal with Rory, because she has nothing to do with us now. If you deal with her, it will be blatantly against Kuisha Island."

The second son quickly shook his head: "I didn't say we would go by ourselves. We can hire other people. Just be careful and don't get caught."

Hearing this, the eldest son opened his mouth and said, "Isn't someone caught? How is it possible, as long as there is a problem with Rory, the other party can guess that it was us who took the shot. Does it matter if there is any evidence?"

At their level, some things do not require evidence at all.

The owner of the house knocked on the table, this scene is really a headache. Whenever they got together, the three sons started attacking each other. If they don't interrupt, their aides will start attacking each other.

The three people have formed three powerful groups, and there is a strong network of relationships in the family.

At this stage of development, rashly dealing with any one will cause huge turmoil. Really, since when did things become like this, the owner of the house had a headache.

"Okay, it's not appropriate to deal with Rory directly. The owner of Kuisha Island is an undead, and sometimes an undead is unreasonable."

Isn't that what it was like to deal with Mianhai Port before? It doesn't make sense at all, just go in and look for evidence. In the end, the evidence is conclusive, who can do it. And some of these forces are really clean.

Even if you can't find the evidence you said, as long as you expose something casually, it will be fatal.

They are not afraid of the power of Kuisha Island, but that is the kind that puts on a stance. If the other party does not say a word and starts directly, then they will be miserable, and maybe the family will be destroyed.

You can't always hire people to protect it here, the family has enough money to toss.

They are a business family, and although they have military power, they are not a military family. Different from those of the younger generation, the senior leaders of them know that their gold combat power is high, but they are uneven and their loyalty is not high enough.

If it is really on the battlefield, it will be strange that there will be no problems in large-scale battles.

"Okay, that's what I think. We will activate our network to completely suppress the Ping An supplies firm. As long as Rory's performance is not good, Kuisha Island will definitely give up her."

"This proposal is very good. As long as we don't take the initiative to confront each other, even the undead of Kuisha Island can't say anything wrong." The eldest son hurriedly shot a horse.

"Father is father, we really need to study hard." Third Young Master also said.

When the second son saw this, he gritted his teeth. The movements of these two people were really fast enough.

But after thinking about it, the second son said: "It's better to take responsibility for this matter, and only in practice can you better understand the true meaning of your life, father."

Although the owner knew that they were all flattering, it was really comfortable.

"Very well, then this matter will be handed over to you."

The eldest son and the third son have gloomy eyes, but he didn't expect him to come up with such a trick. This matter has a great impact on the family, because once the material business grows, it will inevitably affect them.

So once the second child does well, he will get huge credit and prestige in the family.

It's a pity that the father has already decided, and they can't change it. They can only find trouble from other places. The two of them started to think about some plans.

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