Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 288 The Rogue Kuisha Island

Fang Jie feels that there are many things in his mind, some are about meditation, some are about paying attention to some details of the task, anyway, the total is very complicated.

Opening the panel and looking at it, Fang Jie found that the meditation technique itself has not changed in the introduction.

It seems to be the same as before, but Fang Jie knows that this meditation technique has completely changed. After a little experimentation, you will know that the speed of meditation practice has improved a lot now, and the speed of purifying and absorbing the breath of death is also faster.

And in the depths of his soul, there seems to be something nurturing, but he can only vaguely feel it.

Fang Jie found that his meditation technique could still be continuously improved according to his own requirements, but the core had already been determined. That core root is the most crucial part of this meditation technique.

Although he doesn't know the specific situation, Fang Jie knows that this meditation technique can at least be used to legends, even demigods, and even higher levels. Later, Fang Jie is not very clear.

The other thing is about the test task. This time, because it is a test of the gods, it is not about going out on your own.

So this time I can't use the power of the territory, I can only rely on myself to plan that world in the past.

But he can prepare some things to take with him. In the end, Fang Jie decided that he could only carry some class cards. As for troop buildings and the like, because the laws are different, they cannot be used in other worlds.

And Fang Jie doesn't know the specific situation of the world on the other side, only that it seems to be a world dominated by goblins.

"Without humans, there are no creatures that are highly similar to humans, so that's even more of a problem."

Fang Jie walked out while thinking about it, but unfortunately most of the preparations were basically useless. Take a look at your own equipment, forget it, just use silver-level equipment, gold-level equipment is useless.

Although Fang Jie has reached the silver level, he found that at this level, his silver equipment can really play a role. If you change to the gold level, the effect may not be stronger than this.

What really needs to be strengthened is your own abilities.

That is a world, no matter how big the world is, but it is definitely bigger than the one that changed jobs before.

That is to say, in that world, the effect of one's own rhizoma grass is absolutely not good.

Unless it is on the plain and there is nothing blocking it, the effect of the rhizoma rhizome will be extremely poor. With the experience of the last time, why should we add such a little means this time.

"The most important thing right now is the silver-level spell. Let's try to upgrade the spell during this time."

After Fang Jie explained some things, he plunged into the study of spells.

But at this moment, that's not the case on Jinsha Island. After three days of hard fighting, Jinsha Island finally hunted down the demons. However, the condemnation issued before has not caused any waves.

"What happened, why don't you have any sanctions against Kuisha Island."

On this day, a group of light elves came to the headquarters of the Sea Alliance and were very dissatisfied with their attitude.

On the other side, Fang Hao also came to this place under the leadership of the escort team. "I've been waiting for you for a long time. What do you mean by condemning us for no reason?"

"What is it for no reason, when we were fighting the demon, you disgusting undead attacked our island." All the light elves stared at this side angrily.

If it weren't for the wrong situation here, they would be ready to attack at any time.

Fang Hao spread his hands: "Then do you have any evidence, why are we attacking your island?"

"If there is no evidence for this kind of remarks, it is best not to talk nonsense. After all, the alliance has the rules of the alliance. It is against the rules to attack other members rashly. By the way, it is also against the rules for you to attack those demons."

"Damn, it was the devil who attacked us first. You attacked the Temple of Death while the devil attacked us, and then greeted your death system god statue inside."

"Where does this come from? We have already received the news of the Temple of Death from the mainland. There is no need to attack you. And the words you expressed are full of discrimination against the undead."

Fang Hao said directly to the others: "These light elves are too rude and violate the rules."

The delegates nodded, the performance of the light elves was indeed not good, although they could somewhat know what was going on. But who asked the light elves to ask them so many subsidies every year, but they didn't have anything good to offer.

"This matter must be given to us, and our inheritance bracelet must be returned to us."

The light elf stared at Fang Hao, but how could Fang Hao accept the move. Not to mention that the inheritance bracelet has been sent to the Sun Tower for research, even if it is not sent, he will not take it out.

Once it was taken out, wouldn't it be the evidence that he had attacked Jinsha Island?

So no, everything is guessing by the elves, and they have done nothing.

"Speaking for evidence, we have nothing, what do you and us want. And inheritance bracelet, what is that?" Most people in the Sea Alliance don't know what the true power of the Light Elf is.

So hearing this topic, everyone is also more interested in inheritance bracelets.

The elf still wanted to speak, but was suddenly stopped by his companions: "Don't say it, they made it clear that they want to play rascals. If that's the case, then you will be the enemies of our light elf in the future, accept our revenge."

"If you treat us as enemies, then we can also treat you as enemies. As for revenge, this is a maritime alliance. Are you really going to break the rules?"

"What if the evil rules are violated? As long as we maintain the justice in our hearts, we don't care about the rest."

"Cough, you are going too far. The rules of the alliance are sacred and inviolable. Once violated, it is an enemy of the entire alliance." The representatives finally couldn't help but speak.

Although we have to suppress those light elves, we can't let them mess up.

If everyone is in chaos, how can the maritime alliance be managed?

"Everyone in Jinsha Island, if you don't have evidence, then it's impossible for us to sanction Kuisha Island. It's like what you did, if the other party has no evidence, we can't sanction you either."

This is to warn the light elves, in fact, there are a lot of things behind the light elves.

It's just that it's good for the league, plus there's no evidence, so the league hasn't done anything, but that doesn't mean they don't know.

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