Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 301 Tasks Of The Second Stage

Looking at the report just sent back, Fang Jie's face was helpless.

"It really deserves to be the civilization of the technology route. This analytical ability is too powerful." Yes, the report said that the bodies in the tombs were dug up and burned by themselves.

Although a lot of low-level corpses were left, the effect was too small.

Fang Jie values ​​the corpses of goblin bears, but goblin bears are too simple and easy to deceive. After flickering a few times, they dug up all the bodies and burned them, leaving not much behind.

In this way, his body can only be obtained through war.

Fortunately, there are enough corpses here, and the time is basically the same.

"It's a pity, the accumulation is too little, otherwise it will bring more."

Fang Jie was a little helpless. The time to get the Undead Treasure Box was too short. Although he made one card every day, after adding the ones he sold, he had very little left.

The ones summoned by himself not only exist for a short time, but also have no spirituality after giving up control.

It is impossible to count on those guys to bring him information. The ones who can send information to him are the ones that are released from the cards he brought.

But because many of them were split from the beginning, only a hundred of them could be called.

There are really too few subordinates with spirituality now.

It has been more than nine days since I came to this place by myself, and today is the last day. Just wait until the afternoon. Look at those guys outside, but it's impossible to call.

After Fang Jie's troubles in this world, he made the whole world a mess, and now they are almost unable to take care of them.

After all, no matter what, those ordinary goblins also have to live. If they can't even maintain their lives, how can they come to fight.

In the afternoon, Fang Jie finally got the sound.

"The arrangement of the Divine Array has been completed, this world has contacted the hunting grounds of the heavens, and the first phase of the task has been completed."

"It has been detected that the first phase of the mission is completed, and the second phase of the mission is now released. Build more than ten second-phase arrays of the gods in different areas of the world, and make sure to completely cover the world."

"It's deliberately looking for trouble. I've had enough to defend in one place, and now I want to defend more than ten places." Fang Jie was speechless, he wanted to kill himself.

Forget it, since the task is like this, what can I do?

Even if he fails, he will treat it as an experience. Anyway, Fang Jie has a hunch that this kind of task will still happen.

After all, they rely on the hunting grounds of the heavens, and the hunting grounds of the heavens developed by devouring other worlds. So there are other ways to devour the world, and I believe that the hunting grounds of the heavens will never be left unused.

Looking at the card in his hand, Fang Jie sighed a little. "It doesn't matter, let's see if we can hide it first."

Having said that, Fang Jie did not leave immediately, but first studied the second stage of the magic circle.

Sure enough, these things are still very simple. Because the core is the core of the formation in the first stage, and the function of this formation is activated by the hunting grounds of the heavens.

Gu Mi

Therefore, without the cooperation of the hunting grounds of the heavens, no matter how much research is done, it is meaningless.

This thing, strictly speaking, is like a special symbol, a special mark. The mark itself has no special function and no meaning, so Fang Jie quickly gave up the research.

With this world, it is better to increase some troops or study spells.

That night, Fang Jie used the fourth golden card and fissioned again, and a thousand bone dragons appeared.

"You can't all fly towards the same place. It's impossible for the goblins to fail to find such a big target. But you can spread it out first, so that you can support it at any time."

Fang Jie looked at so many skeletal dragons and decided after thinking about it.

Then while grouping, Fang Jie hid himself in a skeleton dragon.

As long as the bones are closed and they do not move around, it is impossible to expose them within a certain area. For those goblins, Fang Jie has always been in the Pula Mountains and never came out.

Very naturally flew to another special mountain area, Fang Jie immediately came out and started to arrange the formation.

There are those who are blocking it, and it is dark around at night, and it is not so easy for the goblins to find themselves.

The formation was quickly arranged, and the ground shook a little. Then Fang Jie waited at this place and didn't leave immediately. But it didn't take long for Fang Jie to realize that something was wrong.

Because the ordinary animals in the forest began to gather towards this side, ready to attack.

Such a big movement, if the goblins didn't notice it, it would be absolutely impossible.

Fang Jie released his death crow to observe the city in the distance, and it didn't take long for the city to start moving. Although there are not so many high-end combat capabilities, they also have low-end combat capabilities and troops.

It didn't take long for some soldiers to slowly enter the mountain, as if trying to find out what was going on here.

"Sure enough, you can't put your hopes on being able to hide. The world itself is not a fool, and of course you know what's bad for you." Fang Jie shook his head, the way of swallowing the heavens hunting ground is too rude in itself.

Leaving ten bone dragons and a group of bone griffins, Fang Jie left.

Such a small team was enough to shock the surrounding cities and even destroy them.

The whole world is now severely harmed by Fang Jie, so it is not easy for them to organize a resistance force.

A goblin is a goblin, and it is impossible to store so much high-end combat power at ordinary times. For them, money is the most important thing. Usually manufacturing these useless things, not to mention spending money, you have to spend another one when you maintain them.

So they only make it when they need it, but they didn't expect it to be like this.

The factory was extensively damaged, and underground factories began to be launched and constructed. But it all takes time. In just a few days, it is not easy to restore to the level where large-scale construction starts.

Even on the north side, Fang Jie has sent many teams to destroy it. He didn't dare to wait for the violent soldiers from the north, so he would probably be overwhelmed by the enemy's forces.

It was the first time that Fang Jie had fought so cautiously since he came to the hunting grounds of the heavens, and was so preoccupied with the strength of his troops.

Throughout the night, Fang Jie was flying around, building circles one by one in this world. When it's daytime, Fang Jie will rest and will not continue on the road.

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