Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 311 The Pros And Cons Of Rune Arrow Tower And Death Air Tower

"Next, it's time to deal with those goblins."

Fang Jie remembered that in that world, he was chased by goblins, and now the time for revenge has finally come. Of course, Fang Jie was actually fine, but the goblins died a lot.

But from Fang Jie's own standpoint, the goblin offended him.

Now that you have won yourself, it is time for revenge.

Most of the goblins in that world didn't know where they fell, but there were a lot of goblins on the fragments they chose. And these goblins, most of the knowledge in their heads are useless.

But Fang Jie still intends to record it, maybe it will be useful in the future.

After all, these goblins are really good at exploring physics. In many respects, even those from the original Earth are not as good as these dwarfs.

Fang Jie directly communicated with the undead and the white fox family on the plateau, and began to search and arrest those goblins with all his strength.

This matter will not be finished in a short time, Fang Jie simply put aside these matters and first observe the special units that have just been added. Armed airships will take a while to build, but rune arrow towers are built very quickly.

In just an hour, a rune arrow tower appeared in front of Fang Jie.

Rune Arrow Tower (Silver): A defensive unit attached to the territory, with the death cloud rune attached.

Building requirements: 50 units of fine stone bricks, 150 units of polyyin stone, and 20,000 units of spiritual points.

Fang Jie looked at the arrow tower, which was only four meters high and less than two meters in diameter, and touched his chin. The price of this thing is more than half lower than the death gas tower, and the construction speed is faster, but the size is obviously much smaller.

"According to the introduction, the main attack ability of this thing is the dead cloud rune, which is the thing above."

Fang Jie looked at the top of the arrow tower, and there was a strange gray-black rune floating up and down on it.

However, there is a special power wrapped around this rune, so it is not real, and I am afraid that what I see may not be real. The rune information is in the Mage Tower, and you can check it at any time.

Even as long as he can learn it, he can create a rune arrow tower through his own power.

It’s just that making it that way consumes more materials and takes a lot of time and energy. The key is that the effect will never be so good.

"Let's test it first, come on, you two attack each other."

Fang Jie gave an order, and a tower of death gas and the tower of arrows immediately attacked each other. The attack of the Death Qi Tower seemed to move in an instant, and it appeared on the body of the Arrow Tower at once.

The arrow tower is different, the rune on it flickered, and a black thing like a sharp arrow shot out, hitting the death air tower almost at the same time, leaving a trace on the death air tower.

After attacking each other a few times, Fang Jie stopped it.

"Stop, let me see, the attack power of this thing seems to be stronger than that of the Death Qi Tower. No, this is the attack power on the surface, in fact, the two things are not the same."

After thinking about it, Fang Jie asked the skeletons to prepare some demon beasts for experimentation, and then experimented again.

Gu Heng

After a series of experiments, Fang Jie finally determined the actual capabilities of the Rune Arrow Tower.

"All in all, there are disadvantages and advantages, but the price/performance ratio is indeed higher."

The attack of the Rune Arrow Tower has specific ballistics and can be seen. Although it is an energy attack, it is not affected by gravitational resistance, but because it can be seen, it is easier to avoid it.

Just because the attack speed is too fast, it is not so easy to dodge.

In short, if it is used to focus on the powerhouse of the level, the Rune Arrow Tower will not work well.

And the rune arrow tower is relatively low, and the attack range is also small. The most important thing is that although this thing is attached to the territory, it cannot ignore the troops and buildings of the territory like the Death Air Tower, and attack the enemy from the air.

If you attack a person or building with your own territory on the ballistic, the attack of the Rune Arrow Tower will also be intercepted, causing damage to your own troops and buildings.

In other words, this rune arrow tower can only be built outside, it cannot be used to protect the interior of the territory, and it is impossible to hide it.

But in terms of attack, the Rune Arrow Tower does have an advantage. The attack speed is faster than the death gas tower, and the attack effect is better. Especially for those non-creatures, the rune turrets with energy attacks are better.

Fang Jie has tested it, even for normal creatures, basically, the effect of one attack on the Death Air Tower, the Rune Arrow Tower can be equalized only twice. And the rune arrow tower made two, and the price is not as good as a dead gas tower.

When used on the frontal battlefield, the price/performance ratio of this thing is much higher than that of the Death Air Tower.

"In the future, use death towers to protect important strongholds, use rune arrow towers outside, and some fortresses mainly used for fighting, but also use rune arrow towers to arm, the effect is definitely better."

Fang Jie thought for a while, and then thought of the material warehouse laid out by the Sea Alliance.

"Perhaps, some rune arrow towers can also be placed in the stronghold of the material warehouse as a deterrent. Even if it is only used to clean up the soldiers."

A small number is not a threat to gold-level powerhouses, but this thing is silver-level after all.

A rune arrow tower faces a silver-level powerhouse, it is still very advantageous. Unless the opponent's attack distance far exceeds their own attack distance, but that is not comparable to the soldiers.

Only very precious magicians or other special professions can have this long-range attack ability.

But if you really meet that kind of person, it is impossible for you to appear alone. To deal with them, no matter what, a large group of troops must be brought together to form a certain scale.

"Then it's decided, damn it, the spiritual points that were consumed before are not enough, and I have to shrink my clothes and diet for the past few days." Fang Jie thought of the spiritual points that he used to improve his talent.

I feel very refreshed when I use it, and I don't feel distressed at all. But now, the trouble comes again.

It seems that there is not much territory, but after using it like this, there is a problem with the liquidity of the territory. It is impossible to alleviate this problem within a few days, and it is true that sometimes we cannot act recklessly.

"I don't know how long it will take to increase the talent to level 5. Forget it, I can't use it for the time being. Anyway, my tenfold fission, if I use it well, it's not much different from level 5." Fang Jie can only do this. Soothe myself.

Next, is the armed airship, which is more valuable.

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