Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 324 Demolition Of The City Wall And Testing

"Report, the army of Lansha Kingdom has arrived."

"Really, who is it?" Count Martha came out and looked across the street.

The subordinate immediately said: "Look at that flag and badge, it should be commanded by Count Guro."

Count Martha smiled: "Old opponent, let's have a good fight this time." Last winter, his opponent was Gu Luo, but he was driven all the way by himself, and he was considered to have won.

But after all, there was no complete victory, and this time it was just completely laid down.

Using the opponent's failure in exchange for one's own glory, this is the thought of the nobles.

"They're heading towards Earl Jasmine's territory. No, no one can see the wall over there."

Because the distance was too close, they could see some people on the city wall on Jasmine's side. Most of them are puppets, but there is still one person every so often. But now, these are gone.

"Strange, why did they go under the city wall, why didn't they fight back, they couldn't have escaped."

"Damn coward, I have no responsibility at all." Some people have begun to curse.

The army on the other side can ignore these, they start to destroy the city wall section by section. These city walls are not protected by rune enchantments, so although construction is troublesome, it is very easy to destroy.

Without protection, several sections of the city wall were soon destroyed.

From a distance, you can see that there is a second section of the city wall on the opposite side, but there seems to be a rush of people on it.

"Did they give up the first defense? Although this layer of defense is not strong, it is too wasteful to give up like this. Could it be that they have reached some agreement, impossible, unless they want to betray."

Earl Martha didn't know what was going on, and could only watch a team slowly enter Jazzy's territory.

"It seems that they really don't want to fight, but how can we let them go, in case we are deceived."

Count Gu Luo shook his head: "It is impossible to deceive. Thinking about it and knowing the situation in the New Moon Kingdom, what he said should be true. He is unlikely to be willing to help other nobles."

I am a noble, of course I know what nobles think.

If there is a person like Justin in his country, he will definitely try to pull him down.

To keep this kind of existence is really annoying. Therefore, when Cole came to negotiate, Gu Luo directly believed the other party's statement, and had no doubts at all.

"Then we'll let them go?"

"How is it possible, test the strength of the other party, if they are not very strong, then eat them. This is the first time I have seen such a thing as self-destruction of the city wall."

"Zhang Dong, aren't you the same as them? I'll leave it to you this time. If you can win, I'll recommend you to become a Viscount."

The eyes of a small man with broken hair lit up. He was also from Earth and was very jealous of Jasmine. Hearing that there was such an opportunity this time, Zhang Dong quickly said that he would do his best.

"Is it appropriate to let him go? After all, they all came out of the same place."

"People who come out of one place are the most suitable. Only when people deal with their former compatriots will they be the most brutal."

Gu Jing

Zhang Dong took the people and rushed towards this direction eagerly. But after all, he knew that his strength was relatively weak, so he arranged a lot of bodyguards by his side. Although those bodyguards looked down on him, Zhang Dong didn't care.

As long as he succeeds, he will be a viscount, and he will be completely integrated into this world in the future.

As a nobleman, what is Fang Jie's big boss? Not to mention how a mere puppet that has been raised up can become a stumbling block on his way forward.

"Follow me and kill them." Zhang Dong roared loudly.

On the other side, Jia Siwei didn't care about it and said, just said to Korla: "This first battle will be handed over to you, and this is also a battle the high lord is watching you. What achievements can be achieved, Just watch this time."

That's right, Jazzy handed the first fight directly to Korra.

Although many of these people from the earth have followed him, they still have a lot of deficiencies in the command and battle of cold weapons. Many of those who have joined in are even more uncomfortable.

Some people began to tremble or even stopped moving when they saw the momentum of the other party's army rushing over.

This kind of person still needs to be cultivated, but after this time, many people will be more peaceful.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, I will not let them cross the city wall half a step."

In fact, this battle was purely defensive, and the second layer of defense took a lot of energy. Not as long as the first layer, but the thickness and height are completely incomparable, and there are some simple fortresses connected together.

There are many arrow towers on the fortress, and many archers are on standby at any time.

The main force is those puppets, and the battle broke out as soon as the opponent's troops rushed over.

It's just that the opponent lacks siege weapons, and when facing the city wall, it seems a little powerless. Some soldiers who were accustomed to demolishing the city walls before had no reverence, so they lost their lives in the first place.

The above puppets fully let them realize what is called the strongest of the same rank among the arms. Each puppet is simply invulnerable, and the same rank is not even qualified to hurt these puppets.

However, the overall strength of these puppets is stronger, and they have no way to win.

I don't know when, a group of puppets have run out of the gates of other fortresses and are about to surround them.

"No, we are surrounded behind, and it will be too late if we don't withdraw."

"No one is allowed to retreat, as long as they attack, they will win." Zhang Dong was already crazy and didn't want to retreat at all. Because he knows that this is his only chance, and if he loses this opportunity, he will not be able to succeed.

If you can't even do an attack well, you will have no chance to lead the army in the future.

Because of Zhang Dong's insistence, these teams did not evacuate in time and were completely surrounded in the end.

Facing the siege of the puppet army, Zhang Dong, who failed to break through several times, was finally completely desperate.

"No, don't kill me, I'm not a native, you can't kill your own people." Unfortunately, no one heard Zhang Dong's last words, and Jia Siwei didn't even know that the one who attacked him was a so-called compatriot.

When the battle was over, the ground was full of corpses, and the puppets began to clean the battlefield. This team was completely eaten up.

"Have you investigated clearly how many troops are in this territory?"

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