Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 330 News Of The Mage Legion

After getting the reinforcements, Jia Siwei immediately started to move. The first line of defense that had been let out was quickly reoccupied. Then the colonists, under the protection of the puppets, began to rebuild the city walls.

And because there are undead legions outside, it is impossible for normal legions to approach this place.

The Legion of the Undead used the excuse that Jasmine was not a target, and that it was not blocking the road in the middle of the road, and they simply ignored it.

As a result, when the people on both sides found out, Jia Siwei had already rebuilt the city wall, completely recovered the territory, and expanded a lot outside. And it's expanding in all directions at the same time.

Because many directions are not the territory of the original lord of the New Moon Kingdom, the occupation is his own.

Strongholds were built one by one, and Jazzy's reputation began to spread again.

"I knew that Jia Siwei was so powerful last winter, how could he suddenly be weak this year, it must be those villains again." Even some commoners began to discuss.

Obviously, the villain is some nobleman who is jealous of Justin.

Anyway, that kind of thing has absolutely nothing to do with them civilians.

It is difficult for anyone to see their own shortcomings. But because of their discussions, the news was spreading fast. Gradually, many nobles turned their attention to Jia Siwei again.

It's a pity that Jasmine's order from the beginning was to stick to the territory, and there was no other task.

Therefore, even a front-line commander cannot forcibly recruit.

Seeing this change now, whether it is the royal family or the nobles who contributed to all this, there is a feeling of misery.

Fortunately, it's just a small matter, it's just a remote place, and it has no effect on the big nobles. What they are discussing now is not this matter, but the subject of war.

In areas of head-to-head combat, that is the most important and most intense place.

The war has gone to this point, and it is impossible to hide too much inside the country. The powerhouses of the indigenous gold level have all entered the battlefield one after another, and now they have suffered heavy casualties in the battle.

And with such casualties, it is even more impossible for the two countries to end the war.

Now the domestic willingness to ask for war is very strong, and they must fight the war.

So the mage team, which had not been used much, was finally pulled out.

Neither country is a big country of magicians. Although the countries also train the army of mages, but because of the lack of some things, and the training system is not strong enough, the quantity and quality of training are not enough.

It looks good when taken out alone, but it can't exert the true power of the battlefield meat grinder at all.

For a long time, mages are very noble and high above, but most of them are behaviors of some nobles putting gold on their faces.

Even some civilians who have the talent of mage, once they become mage, they can become masters. But putting them on the battlefield is really not a task that exists in their minds.

This time, because of the situation on the battlefield, they also had to be dispatched.

Fang Jie got the news right away and was very concerned about it.

The mage teams on both sides assembled one after another, and the news was spread by spies on both sides. For the first time, the mage legions of the two countries are preparing to show their achievements on the frontal battlefield.

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"Mage Legion, can't miss this opportunity. Once they reach the front line, they will inevitably separate, and then there will be no such opportunity." Fang Jie rolled his eyes and thought silently.

This opportunity is worth fighting for, Fang Jie thought to himself.

He has long studied that the greater the number of enemies and the higher the quality, the greater the benefits.

Most of the treasures obtained by hunting are affected by some conditions. For example, one's own camp and the scale of the war, as well as the enemy's powerful arms and some special occupations, etc.

In other words, if you can kill these mages, you may get something related to mages.

More mages just, more powerful spells, these are all possible.

But what Fang Jie wanted most was a mage type.

Once they are dispersed, it is basically impossible to get the Mage unit. But it's different when they gather together. There are many masters who have reached the gold level, and they are masters trained by a country.

Others are not clear, but the number of mage teams gathered in New Moon Kingdom is almost over 50,000.

"Let's take a risk and let Jia Siwei figure out where and when those mages gather. I'll kill them all." Fang Jie gave the order and got ready.

"It's the same with the Blue Sand Kingdom, pinpoint their gathering place and time for me."

The Blue Sand Kingdom is going to be a little more troublesome, after all, there is no direct undercover from a high-level person.

But during this period of time, Jia Siwei also developed some people there, plus some of the people arranged by Qin Lan, he was able to get the news in general, who made the movement of this gathering really too big.

Usually the mages are high-level personnel, and most of the members are some nobles.

With so many nobles gathered, it would be strange if there was no news at all.

There are even some nobles who began to use various methods to escape because they did not want to go to the battlefield. Many mages in the two countries are academic types, basically a group of scholars, how can they be willing to fight on the battlefield.

Because of their actions, the commotion was even bigger.

"Are you sure about the location, there is another chance to make merit." Jia Siwei said to himself when he saw Fang Jie's order.

A large number of mages gathered recently, many of them even applied to their own territory, euphemistically calling it protection. But I didn't need the protection of these guys, and I wanted to refuse directly.

But now, maybe you can agree first and set some words.

After all, there is a direct relationship with them, and it is easier to determine their location. As for whether there will be any doubts after the incident, does Jasmine care about that?

After this battle, the two countries must have suffered heavy losses.

Even if Fang Jie doesn't do anything to them, the two countries are destined to be impossible to develop. As long as Fang Jie is not stupid, he will definitely continue to use various means to continuously weaken the overall strength of the two countries.

Over time, the mages gradually gathered, and this topic has been discussed within the country recently.

Especially those nobles, some are proud, some are disdain, and more are looking forward and watching. Those nobles who have mages at home are always very worried, worried about what danger they will encounter.

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