Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 332 The Destroyed Kaya City

The old mage was ready to fight to the death here, but he did not find that some mage had secretly prepared to escape.

When the barrier existed before, they had no way to escape, but once the barrier was broken, they could escape. The cracks on the barrier were getting bigger and bigger, and it didn't take long for it to spread to the entire barrier.

The "click" sounded small, but it was a sound that everyone could hear.

The next moment, a position in the middle of the mage tower suddenly exploded, and the entire enchantment became fragments. The debris flew in the air, then gradually shrank, and finally disappeared.

As the barrier shattered and disappeared, the white eagles who could only attack the barrier flew towards the ground one after another.

The Bone Eagle only has melee attacks and no long-range attack methods, so it can only pounce.

But this attack mode is more direct, and the resulting scene is also more bloody and cruel.

"Calm me all, you are mages, follow the formation you practiced before." The old magist shouted, waving his staff, and a circle of flames erupted, burning the surrounding white vultures to ashes.

In any case, this old mage is also a gold level, and it is impossible to be killed by these low-level vultures.

But other mage teams are different. The weakest of those mages are only the black iron level, and the most powerful are only the silver level, and there are not many, and soon many people's psychology completely collapsed.

"No, don't come here, I don't want to die yet." A mage suddenly left the team and started to run away.

After running away like this, not only his own formation was completely messed up, but other formations were also disrupted.

"I am a mage. A mage should not be at the forefront. According to the convention, our mage should be protected by soldiers at the back."

"Yes, there is no warrior protection here. We refuse to fight in this situation, absolutely." But although he refused, there were no undead, and the person who spoke later was drowned by a dragon's breath.

The mage, who was still outraged and wanted to express something just now, was completely flustered when he saw the end of his companion.

With the landing of a large number of gold-level skeletal dragons, the whole scene was out of control.

There are also some skeletal flying dragons, which flew directly above the mage tower and launched an attack on the mage tower. Although the mage tower has a strong attack ability, its own defense is too weak.

Seeing this scene, the old mage felt sad in his heart, and he ignored the defense of the mage tower itself.

After all, it is not a functional building made from architectural drawings, but they are artificially made. Various abilities are far worse than functional buildings, and they are directly manifested in actual combat.

From the beginning to the present, the Mage Tower has only been attacked a dozen times, and its defense has been completely broken.

After the Mage Tower collapsed, many places in the entire academy lit up, and many places exploded directly.

There are huge problems in the magic circle of the entire academy. The magic elements that were originally gathered by the magic circle of the academy suddenly began to disperse and became thinner.

Originally, the difficulty of using spells by mages increased, and the power decreased.

In the panic, some mages frequently cast good spells, not only did not release the magic, but they vomited blood by the magic backlash. A mage who has not experienced battlefield baptism can see the problem as soon as it is pulled out.

If they can withstand today's war, they will definitely become qualified mages.

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But now, it's obviously impossible. More than 30 golden mages had already died by this time. No way, although the mage has many means, it is impossible to ignore the gap between levels.

Those skeletal flying dragons were originally golden peaks, and their strength far surpassed other races because of their race.

Even with the powerful attacks of the mages, it is very difficult to break through their defenses.

Without the help of the Mage Tower, if these gold-level mages want to kill a skeleton dragon, they must cooperate well, so after killing two, most of them are gone.

Now, even the gold-level mages are ready to escape.

"Finally ran out." Outside the academy, some mages who had been preparing to escape looked happy.

"We have to leave Kaya City before we are happy."

"I was just thinking, can we still maintain our noble identity after leaving like this."

"Why not, we can survive with less to more, and we can kill so many powerful undead. Can't we prove our strength?" A young woman said with a look of disdain.

But the next moment, her face turned terrified. "No, let's go."

No way, their actions were discovered by a group of eagles, who chirped and flew towards them with a large number of eagles. How can it be faster to run on the ground than to fly in the air.

These people can only resist and use their own spells to attack.

But in the panic, these spells also made frequent mistakes, either not being released or failing. Those bony vultures are not fools, it is impossible to watch the magic attack and slam into it.

For an inexperienced mage, the magic quasi-head released is not very good.

With a little dodge, most attacks can be avoided. Although these white-boned vultures are cannon fodder, they are also bronze-grade.

This level of cannon fodder is not so easy to deal with, and soon in the bursts of screams and screams, the people of this team were slaughtered cleanly.

At the same time, this scene is not only in this place, but in different places.

However, there are always some lucky ones who mixed in with the crowd and escaped from Kaya City with the crowd.

In the academy, since the Mage Tower collapsed, it has been a massacre, and it is no longer possible to organize a decent resistance. After a while of killing, the entire academy was completely turned into ruins.

Then the undead started attacking the whole city, because Kaya city has become a military town.

The civilian population in this place is almost half, all of which are logistics soldiers serving the front line.

However, it is not Fang Jie himself who is leading the battle, but the undead heroes. These undead don't care about the life and death of innocent people, as long as they are the target, they can be cleaned up, and the Lord has not ordered to say no.

The nature of the undead is fully demonstrated here.

The last skeletal dragon saw a box appear on the battlefield and swallowed it directly. "We've got the things, let's go. If we continue, the enemy's reinforcements will probably arrive." They didn't want to lose anything.

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