Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 345 The Fourth Legend Of The Lansha Kingdom

Everyone was stunned, and they never thought that the ancestors would say such a thing.

Originally, the king was ready to be reprimanded, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"After all, my brother used to be a king. I am very clear about some of your concerns. Do you really think that I don't know the current state of the country, so I'm messing around." Corolla said with a smile.

"Don't dare, you are the cornerstone of the kingdom, and no one dares to deny your ability."

"Don't be so flattering to me. I didn't know the details of those undead before, but now we have explored their background. With a legend, there is absolutely no problem in eliminating them, which can also reduce a hidden danger."

Although they won this battle by hiring, but on the legendary level, they don't care about this skeleton.

It seems a lot, but there is no threat to them. I believe that even the New Moon Kingdom will not dare to hire too many skeletons in the future, otherwise it will definitely not be so easy to lead myself out.

After this battle, the fourth legend will also be exposed, and only the New Moon Kingdom will be afraid.

"Come out, Gergis." Following Corolla's words, a young-looking man stepped out. Everyone knows that he is not young, but because his lifespan has been greatly extended after his breakthrough.

As we all know, before reaching the legend, no matter how strong the strength is, it is impossible to prolong the lifespan.

But once they reach the legend, they can basically live for more than three hundred years. Even those mages lived longer, reaching five hundred years, but they were not comparable to these warriors.

So after the breakthrough, it becomes normal to rejuvenate yourself.

Gergis just exudes a little breath, and everyone knows that this is indeed a legendary powerhouse.

"But why, why didn't you come out before."

Hearing the king's words, Gergis said indifferently: "I didn't come out before because it was useless to come out. There is no benefit other than preparing their New Moon Kingdom in advance."

"Besides, even if I really fight to death, my strength is limited shortly after I broke through. We have to die at least two or three to keep them here. In that case, what are we going to use to deal with the Black Feather Kingdom.

When it came to the Kingdom of Black Feather, the king kept his mouth shut. After all, he did not have any enemies on his side.

In fact, the Lansha Kingdom is much larger than the Crescent Moon Kingdom. Only by relying on more barren land can it raise more people and more powerful troops. This is all satisfied by the land.

But at the southernmost tip of the empire, they also had a hostile country, the Black Feather Kingdom.

Speaking of which, the strength of the Black Feather Kingdom is not stronger than that of the New Moon Kingdom, or even weaker. But they have imperial support behind them, which is the most troublesome. All along, only the other party has harassed him, but he has not dared to take the initiative to break into their country.

Otherwise, once the empire attacks, their Blue Sand Kingdom will be wiped out in an instant.

And if two or three of their legendary powerhouses died, there would be little power to fight against the attack of the Black Feather Kingdom.

After they knew the Blue Sand Kingdom's movements, they would never miss this opportunity. In other words, even if they were able to swallow the New Moon Kingdom, they would definitely not be able to make up for these losses.

What they didn't say is that their legendary powerhouse has a long life to enjoy, and who is willing to die.

Valley Cliff

Even if ordinary people don't want to die, let alone them, it's totally worth the loss.

"Okay, that's the way it is. Let's start preparing next. Be sure to wipe out those undead and wipe them out completely."

"Don't worry, your will is our direction." The king said respectfully.

In the face of these strong men, even the king can only be humble. In fact, if it weren't for their poor talent, not all the core members of the royal family really wanted to be kings.

"I'll trouble you here. If there is anything wrong, come back and tell us immediately."

Corolla's attitude towards Gergis is much better. After all, everyone is a legendary powerhouse, and they are on the same level.

"I know that there are only a few undead, and looking at their current appearance, they don't have the ability to struggle at all." They are very confident in dealing with those undead.

All of a sudden, they were hired so much by themselves that they were hired to the extent that they couldn't get more troops. Even if there are still hidden, how much can there be, on the battlefield, there is a legendary powerhouse, the effect is very terrifying.

Unless surrounded by a large number of gold-level combat power and fearless death, plus the legend himself does not want to go. Otherwise, how could this kind of battlefield prevent even a legendary powerhouse from running.

The only one who can deal with the legend has been the legend, which is still very reasonable.

After sending Corolla away, the king looked at Gergis and simply regarded him as an ordinary person, and then everyone continued to discuss.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to receive a very special report.

"What's going on? People from the Lansha Kingdom dare to attack us." Originally, Fang Jie was just showing the enemy's weakness and testing the opponent's strength in order to find an opportunity to conquer the Lansha Kingdom.

But after knowing that the other side has three legends, Fang Jie has given up.

After all, the combat power of this level is too strong, and Fang Jie is not sure that he can deal with them now. A careless, let the other party come back, maybe even himself will suffer.

It's just that Fang Jie didn't expect that he gave up all this, but the other party refused to forgive him.

The report is very detailed, that is, the people of the Blue Sand Kingdom suddenly turned against the water and attacked their undead. Because they came prepared, although the undead resisted strongly, they did not have much impact on the other party.

All high-end combat power was wiped out, and the low-level undead army also suffered a major blow.

There are still many people who are leading troops to clean up those undead. It seems that the Lansha Kingdom has put a lot of the blame for the loss of this battle on the heads of the undead, which caused them to shout and fight.

"Although I have been prepared for a long time, in this case, the undead that I hired were wiped out. I'm still very unhappy." Fang Jie looked at the report with rays of light in his eyes.

The Lansha Kingdom not only eliminated the undead mercenaries in the country, but also continued to add troops to the desert area.

Such an increase in the number of troops can no longer be used as a defense. With so many troops, it is obvious that they want to attack the desert. Although the desert is not big, it is not small, so they are not worried at all.

"It seems that they are going to fight for losses, and they also have to deal with all the undead. But how could we be dealt with so easily by you." Fang Jie thought silently in his heart.

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