Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 359 The Kingdom That Raised The Flag And Surrendered

The king of the Lansha Kingdom looked terrified, then turned to despair and depression.

"It's over, the Lansha Kingdom is over." The king said with a look of despair.

"Father, you can't be so pessimistic, maybe we still have a chance to win." The prince next to him gritted his teeth, never expecting that things would turn out like this.

Originally, when the father was old, the country should have its own turn to call the shots, how could this be.

He didn't believe it, he hoped to see the ancestors show their majesty again, create miracles, and wipe out all the enemies.

But a miracle is a miracle because it is almost impossible.

The three legendary powerhouses on the front line were surrounded by enemy legends. Before trying to evacuate, illusory chains appeared in the crowd. This time, the one using the chain was replaced by a gold-level ghost mage.

The ghost chains used by these ghost mages who have reached the gold level together are difficult to break free even for legendary powerhouses. And the chain itself will have a special effect, making the subject weak.

This kind of weakness actually has an impact on the legend.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of golden heroes and skeletal dragons in the air surrounded them.

Even if you can't beat it, you have to entangle it. Through this desperate method, these legends soon lost their hold. In this case, their consumption is much larger than usual.

Originally, it was no problem to go all out to fight for a few days and nights, but this time it only took less than five hours to fight, and the persistence time was not as long as the previous Gergis.

No way, it is really facing the siege of several legends at the same time, they can only continue to use various explosive methods.

These methods of eruption are very inefficient and waste their own grudge. But in order to survive, they can only waste like this. Five hours later, with two screams, the two legends died just like that.

"Very well, you withdraw and I will check later." Fang Hao said loudly.

Under their deliberate control, the two legends ended up being besieged to death by a group of gold-ranked heroes. Although the golden heroes suffered heavy losses, there were definitely people who got the legend certificate.

It is not easy to check on the battlefield now, so Fang Hao simply let them all evacuate, and we will talk about it later.

As for the remaining one, there are still a lot of gold-level heroes, and Fang Jie has no shortage of gold-level heroes.

The battles have made these heroes grow rapidly.

Corolla sighed, but what could he do with the current situation. "Even if I die, I will let you know that our Blue Sand Kingdom is not so easy to swallow."

Facing the siege of nine legends this time, the pressure on Corolla suddenly increased.

But there is no way, he must continue to fight until the last moment. If you don't die, the opponent will never stop attacking. And this time I took the initiative to provoke their attention, and I had to pay the price for my mistakes.

The most important thing is that in this situation, even if he wants to run, he has no choice but to fight to the end.

A powerful force suddenly erupted, Corolla's fist swept across, and the two legendary skeletons were knocked out on the spot, instantly seriously injured. It was just that he was intercepted without waiting for the pursuit.

The next moment, Corolla's fist burst, numerous cracks appeared, and blood flowed.

Even his own aura of strength has weakened a lot at once. Obviously, the outbreak just now caused a heavy loss to Corolla, and this kind of outbreak, I don't know if it can be repeated.

"It's a pity." A pity flashed in Corolla's eyes, and her burst can only be used once.

If those two are not undead, even if they are legends, I am afraid they are dead now.

Of course, if the opponent is not an undead, I am afraid that the strength will be stronger. But now, he has no chance.

"Everyone, listen, after I die, you immediately surrender unconditionally, don't avenge the kingdom, don't think about restoring the country, and try to live a good life." Corolla shouted loudly.

After saying the last sentence, Corolla attacked frantically and burned the last of her life.

It's a pity that he still died under the siege of a group of gold level, not at the hands of the legendary powerhouse.

Carola's eyes widened, her face full of unwillingness. He knew that the other party's purpose was to prove a legend, but he didn't want to. It's a pity that Corolla was speechless, and he had several holes all over his body.

The last legendary powerhouse died, and the army that was still insisting suddenly collapsed.

On the city wall of the Blue Sand Kingdom at the rear, the flag of the royal family had already descended, and at this time the white flag was raised.

It's a pity that the war is over before the kingdom's ace army can join the battle. It is not a pity for them. After all, they are on the battlefield at this time, and they are basically dead ends.

There are only a few gold-level powerhouses that the entire king can gather, but there are tens of thousands on the opposite side.

"Lord Fang Hao, what should we do? Are we going to accept their surrender?"

Fang Hao thought for a while and said, "Accept it, I don't know if you, as commanders, have obtained the Legendary Certificate this time." Since learning of the Legendary Certificate, everyone has tried every means to let more people get it.

This kind of harmonious way of thinking can only be done by the undead.

With the surrender of the other side, the undead began to continuously incorporate and control the other side's army. These people are all powerful and destructive, so what if they don't control it and digest it slowly.

In the end, one group was left, and another group began to move further south, and they also wanted to completely control the entire territory of the Lansha Kingdom. But this time, there will be no need for so many powerhouses to be dispatched.

All the powerhouses turned around and headed towards the east, where the New Moon Kingdom was located.

Now in this area, Fang Jie has no enemies, so it doesn't matter if he is exposed.

Almost at the same time, the army on the Flower Plateau also began to move. A large number of bone griffin knights who had been prepared for a long time came out of the caves under the plateau with their troops.

I don't know how many undead fighting power is hidden in this huge Tibetan cave, and now it is finally revealed.

Originally, New Moon Kingdom was watching a play, but I didn't expect that it was suddenly facing a siege. Two days after conquering the Lansha Kingdom, the army of more than 40 million divided into four groups, attacked the New Moon Kingdom, and appeared at the border.

The New Moon Kingdom, which had been through the war and was relatively experienced, was completely unable to resist this terrifying army this time.

The royal family of the New Moon Kingdom was just about to mobilize the army to deal with the rebellion in the north, but found that it was already besieged on all sides.

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