Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 393 Interrogation And Next Step Plan

The battle at sea only lasted for a short time before calm was restored.

The ship that had been carrying the cargo moved on and continued on its mission. That's right, although they planned to meet here on purpose, their transportation missions were not fake, but were all real.

It is only because of some special planning that this special appearance can be planned.

If not, the other party would not be so easily deceived, and they all came over at once.

And the people of the Kerry family did not expect that when they first came, they were still the commander. When I arrived, I still took these ships, but I had become a prisoner.

There are more enemies on the ship, and some of my own people are missing.

It has to be said that the Kerry family has done a good job of cultivating their subordinates. In this desperate situation, there are still people who resist regardless of life and death. This kind of dead man is very rare.

As a result, only about 80% of those who survived are now being transported away.

It didn't take long for everyone to come to another island, where Fang Jie was already waiting for them.

"Tell me, what is your situation and what do you want to explain?"

"Who are you, and what does it have to do with those undead. As for Rory, did you figure out that we shouldn't come out and meet us?" The eldest son shouted loudly, as if crazy.

No matter who it is, who originally thought that he could reach the top in high spirits, but suddenly becomes a prisoner, I am afraid that he will be mentally ill. Fang Jie looked at the others, who didn't mean to speak.

"This plan was not planned by Rory, but by this Anya. You have the wrong person."

Fang Jie pointed to Anya who was beside him with his head bowed and a look of embarrassment, but those people didn't believe it at all.

How could such an old and insidious plan be made by such a little girl. This little girl is obviously well-educated, doesn't care about the world, and doesn't want anyone who can make such a plan.

"I didn't expect that at this time, that bitch Rory would insult us like this."

Fang Jie was speechless for a while, these guys have lost their minds, don't they think that only Rory is smart. I have to say that that person is indeed not simple, but these people under my own are not bad.

Forget it, what do you do with such an idiot family. Perhaps in their hearts, only people from their big family are qualified to be smart, and the other pariahs can only be stupid.

Although this idea may seem nonsense, many people really think this way.

This is also because education in this world has something to do with it. After all, only some powerful people can get a good education. To what extent a person's IQ can be developed, acquired education occupies a large part of the reason.

"Let's interrogate it, we don't have so much time to waste."

Hearing Qin Lan's words, Fang Jie also nodded: "That's right. After all, if we don't get the news back later, the Kerry family will definitely find out that something is wrong."

Fang Jie waved his hand: "Let's drag on for the interrogation. Remember to separate them. If there is something different, you can deal with it as you should." Fang Jie is not interested in watching the interrogation process, he knows that his subordinates can do it well.

You don't even have to do anything, many people are scared to look at the skull.

I dragged these people along the way, and I could still hear the scolding of those people along the way.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to drink half of the juice prepared by Anya, and someone came to report: "Lord Lord, they have already explained it."

"It's all explained? Is it so fast? It didn't look like it just now."

Qin Lan smiled and said, "How normal. After all, they are all pampered young masters. They are all very capable, but in the face of the real interrogation, they are all revealed at once."

The skeleton hero also nodded and explained the previous situation.

When the third son saw those torture tools, he explained it directly, and he didn't dare to hide it at all.

As for the eldest son and the second son, they could still be tough, but after the whip was taken down, without waiting for other punishments, the two of them couldn't bear the pain.

The eldest son rebelled on the spot and explained everything, but he just didn't want to suffer that kind of pain.

The second son fell into a coma on the spot, and after waking up, he explained it immediately.

On the contrary, their subordinates have performed well, at least some of them have not yet been explained. But those high-level clan members have basically explained everything now, and not many people will resist.

Fang Jie looked at their explanation. This time, more than half of the senior management of the Kerry family were here, and all kinds of news in the family were exposed. It turned out that this time, the Kerry family suffered heavy losses.

Because Fang Jie delivered too many goods this time, the Kerry family wanted to take it all and did not tell other alliance families.

The dispatched fleet occupied most of the sea power of the entire family. After this loss, the loss of the Kerry family can be said to be very heavy, and it is difficult to form such a force again.

The rest of the team, except for one who was still disguising as a pirate outside, was the only team protecting the family.

In addition, there are also the families of those alliances, which are also on the list.

Because these three people have been involved in most things in the family, they know a lot. Some actions against Ping An Material Firm, as well as some plans, have all been asked.

Worrying that they would continue to be punished and could not bear the pain, the three brothers in the family sold their family to the bottom.

"That's right, there are still a lot of special punishments that haven't been explained yet, so it's just that."

Fang Jie shook his head, really dissatisfied, but it's already like this, so he can't continue to do it again.

"Fang Jie, stop making trouble, time is waiting for no one, hurry up and move on to the next step. Our people are already in ambush, only a few points need to be adjusted, and it doesn't take too much time."

Qin Lan's words made Fang Jie react. Although Qin Lan helped Anya to formulate the plan, the final action must be ordered by Fang Jie, because Fang Jie is their lord.

Fang Jie nodded: "That's right, inform Fang Hao, you can start the next step."

The next step is to completely eliminate these people. In this area, the Kerry family and their alliance have always been against themselves. As long as they are cleaned up, this area will be their own territory.

Although there is nothing on the bright side, as long as it is controlled, it will be easy to occupy this place in the future.

Now from the outside to the inside, a large part of the maritime alliance has been secretly controlled by himself.

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