Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 456 The Fountain Of Life And The Poison Of Annihilation

"It's really people under the eaves, and the elves have to bow their heads."

Fang Jie looked at the report in his hand, and Qin Lan had already returned here with the elves. The mere 2 million elves, based on their recent experience of the big migration, are still very easy to relocate.

Anyway, the elves themselves don't have any objects. These creatures have strong survivability because of their own abilities.

Even though elves don't seem to be good at melee combat, their physical quality is definitely much stronger than that of humans.

After a few days of effort, after discarding most of the useless things, the elves were sent over. The rear is also ready to place these elves.

Anyway, the area of ​​Feifeng City is very large, and there is a large area near the sea that is uninhabited.

As long as the undead working there are evacuated, these elves can be installed.

"These elves can't be arrogant. They don't even have the tree of life. They have always been oppressed by the three-eyed clan. The most beautiful people in the clan have sacrificed. How could they be the same as regular elves."

Qin Lan sighed a little, she also understood why the leaders of these elves were men.

Elves generally have more women and are more talented.

But often the better the talent, the stronger the strength, and the more beautiful it is. Therefore, these elves were all sacrificed when they were very young. Those green-skinned three-eyed clans are also humanoid creatures, so their aesthetics still fit.

"Sorry, none of these elves are too prominent, so I can't arrange a maid for you for the time being. There are a few good ones. Let's talk about them when they grow up."

Fang Jie rolled his eyes: "It's all your subordinates, you can take care of them yourself first."

Fang Jie didn't care either, the growth cycle of elves was very long. Even those little girls now want to grow up to adulthood, it is impossible without more than 30 years.

The bigger ones have long been selected by those three-eyed clans, and it is impossible to keep them until now.

Suddenly, Qin Lan seemed to think of something: "By the way, those elves have created some fountains of life themselves, and the kings of plagues under you apply for research."

"The Fountain of Life? What, a healing spring."

The elves seem to have many special springs, and I don't know how to get them out. Each has its own use.

However, most of those things are not condensed by collecting natural energy, or condensed by things like the tree of life. The elves here obviously have no basis in this regard.

"It's a special potion that the elves collected from the power of nature and the essence of various plants and trees. It has a very strong life-healing effect, but it is very well-known for the undead."

"Restore vitality directly, this thing is indeed poison to the undead."

Fang Jie still knows this very well, the undead are created by the force of death. It seems that it is between life and death, but in fact it is not the case at all, that is only done by very high-end undead.

At least one must reach the legendary level to be eligible to evolve in the direction of life.

At the level of demigods, it is said that there is not much difference between undead and living beings, only the origin is different.

Fang Jie doesn't understand that level, but Fang Jie knows that some things that contain vitality, for the legendary level undead, the effect is greatly weakened, but it is different for ordinary undead.

"Is the formula left, can our solar tower be manufactured."

Qin Lan knows this very well: "It has been included. Although the materials are a little more troublesome, they can also be manufactured."

Fang Jie waved his hand: "Don't worry about the materials, they are ordinary things anyway. As long as the industrial chain is formed and the scale is formed, there will be no problem with the materials."

"Since it's not out of print, then I agree with their research."

Following Fang Jie's orders, the plague kings happily got the Fountain of Life. What Fang Jie didn't expect was that these plague kings were similar to mad scientists in terms of research.

Not only do you not care about other things, you don't even care about your own life.

The research had only been in progress for two days, and several plague kings had died. The plague kings have been researching one after another, and looking at this situation, I am afraid that there will be more deaths.

Originally, Fang Jie wanted to stop them, but seeing the situation of these plague kings, it was okay. "Forget it, anyway, it's very fast to manufacture, they can study it if they want."

Fang Jie shook his head, and he was able to kill the plague king who had a very terrifying anti-toxicity. One can imagine the horror of this research.

Fang Jie himself did not dare to approach the research sites of these guys, for fear of being killed by them.

After all, Fang Jie can be immune to the magical plague controlled by himself, but the poison created, or the plague that has not been controlled, is not something Fang Jie can ignore. This plague king is much more dangerous than the infected.

Fang Jie's placement of the Plague King has secretly changed.

Another week later, after more than 2,000 plague kings died, they finally came to fruition.

If it were someone else, more than 2,000 gold-level combat power would die in the research, and it would definitely be distressed. And for Fang Jie, this is enough to make him feel distressed.

After all, this is the fission of more than 20 plague kings, and the material is not simple.

And the time to make it, even Fang Jie, it's impossible to make it in half an hour.

But since the results came out, Fang Jie didn't care about that. "Tell me, what have you researched?"

A plague king stepped forward, raised his hand, and there was a black thing in his hand, the color was dark, as if it could absorb all the light, giving people a very uncomfortable feeling.

"This is the result of our research. The poison of annihilation is specifically aimed at the undead, and we dare not touch it ourselves."

The Plague King himself would not be able to carry it with him if their Plague Eye hadn't been able to restrain it.

"Is it highly poisonous against the undead, and what is the effect?"

"We have tested that even gold-level undead creatures will die quickly after being poisoned. The poison of annihilation can annihilate the death force in the undead body, but it has no effect on the creatures."

"In addition, we have not tested the undead of the legendary level, and this kind of poison has no ability to spread infection."

Fang Jie pondered: "Does it specifically target the undead? Although it doesn't have the ability to infect, it can restrain them. So, let's cooperate with the abyss of death to see if you can cultivate the corresponding undead troops."

If this thing is only used by the plague king, it will be a bit of a waste.

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