"Does it even have underground troops? It's really powerful."

A flash of surprise flashed in Fang Hao's eyes, although the person who attacked him before made himself use the ghost fire centipede. But the orcs can mobilize the underground forces so quickly, the response is really amazing.

However, it is also possible that it was prepared to deal with the tomb guardian spider, which would take a long time.

After all, the tomb-guarding spider can burrow into the ground in a strict sense.

Although you can't fight after drilling into the ground, it can breed a large number of small spiders, which can be regarded as a support for fighting.

"Looking at these sand worms, they are not as powerful as the Hellfire Centipede. If it weren't for the Hellfire Centipede being too fragile, it wouldn't have lost so much." Fang Hao shook his head, but there was nothing he could do.

Sandworms have long-range attack capabilities, and can shoot lightning. The distance is not very far, but the power is not weak.

Once it gets close to a certain level, the ghost fire centipede is easy to be killed by a single blow.

On the way over, Sand Worm had already suffered heavy losses. If there is a large-scale direct confrontation, I am afraid that the sandworm will not have much impact on the ghost fire centipede.

But it's different underground, it's easier to get close.

However, the sandworm's attack was not greatly affected underground, but the flame of the ghost fire centipede was greatly affected underground. So in this case, it is almost a one-to-one ratio.

Thinking of this, Fang Hao directly ordered the Netherfire Centipede to go to the ground, forcing the sandworm to come out as well.

If the sandworm does not come out, the ghost fire centipede can also sense the arrival of the other party, and then the world can use the flame to burn. Isolated by the ground, only a few flames can penetrate into the ground.

But the problem is that the scope of the flame is larger, and this fire can devour life force.

Sandworms can't penetrate this area, so they can only run out. Then the scene turned into a clash of flames and lightning. The sandworms continuously spew out thunder and lightning, attacking within a certain distance.

And the flame of the ghost fire centipede turned the eyes into a sea of ​​fire.

Almost instantly, the loss ratio completely changed a huge amount.

But at this time, the orcs behind also rushed over. There are quite a few gold levels, and the orcs still have long-range attacks. Various flying axes and spears swept in with terrifying power.

Relying on the strength, the long-range attack of the orcs is not accurate enough, but the lethality has always been very terrifying.

After the number is large, there will be no problem with this quasi-head.

"It's troublesome enough, let the cavalry rush over and test their strength. Also, let the skeletal torturers also press over." The two new arms that were originally hidden in the team appeared one after another.

The Bone Murderer ran to the front of the team, inserted the sledgehammer in his hand into the crevice of the bone, picked up other undead around him, and threw it forward, directly comprehending a new tactic.

The death knight next to him also broke away from the siege of the bone cavalry, quickly formed his own team, and started to attack with all his strength.

"It's a gold-level cavalry, how much are these damn bones hidden."

At this moment, Gulas also had a headache. Originally, as one of the orcs, there are very few people with more brains, and many things in the diplomatic area are solved by themselves.

But with the Orc Empire as a trump card, no matter who they are, they must give face. Under normal circumstances, as long as they arrive by themselves, they can easily make these people obey, or even curry favor.

All along, everything has been done very smoothly, without exception.

This time, in order to deal with the situation that the other party did not know about him, Gulas prepared for war in advance.

But he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance this time, but this person didn't give him face. They are not elves. Who gave them so much courage? No matter what, he is an orc, and he has a passion for it.

So Gulas rushed up with someone, but he didn't expect the opponent's strength to be so strong, so he was directly suppressed by one breath. Looking at the increasing number of troops around him, he knew that today's battle was lost.

With so many gold-level enemies, if there are more of them later, I won't even have a chance to leave.

Gulas shouted: "Everyone retreat, let's go back and mobilize more brothers to give them some color."

He couldn't help but say that, if he just said retreat, maybe someone wouldn't listen to him. This is the orc, and once the blood of the battle boils over, they tend to forget about other things.

But if you want to go back to find someone, it will be different. They will look at the situation at this time.

If you find that you are indeed not your opponent, then it is normal to go back and find someone. How can more people bully less people, so following Guras' words, the orcs began to retreat.

When Fang Hao saw this scene, he immediately said: "Press it up slowly, you don't have to rush to kill."

After all, Orc Island knew about it, so it couldn't hide it at all. If they kill them all, it will easily lead to a war. Orcs are simple-minded, who knows if they will expand the battle.

Although Fang Jie said he was not afraid of them, Fang Hao, the frontline commander, had to consider these possibilities.

Let them go back, whether they can really fight next is really a question. But those sandworms that climbed up didn't want to run away, these sandworms didn't retreat so fast.

Looking at the air again, those flying dragons and thunder eagles are fast, but they have too many enemies.

For a while, almost all the orcs' air power was left here. These are all very precious units. After losing so much, Gulas needs to explain it well when he goes back.

Besides, even if they run back, they are basically poisoned, and it is difficult to survive.

"It's a pity that the poisonous bone flying dragon was not allowed to fly down, otherwise these people would not be able to go back."

"Wouldn't that be very good, the orcs have a brain, and if they attacked Kuisha Island directly, they would be in big trouble."

There is no affiliated territory on Kuisha Island, and it cannot connect to other territories, and send troops directly there. If the attack is on the Emerald Isle, the troops of the entire territory can support at any time, and the difficulty is not the same level at all.

"Next, you guys will stay here, and I'll inform the lord to see what the lord thinks."

Fang Hao explained it, and then left. The defense here has always been done by these people, Fang Hao is very relieved.

Next, Fang Hao has a lot of things to do, such as speaking on behalf of Kuisha Island. He has ruled two regions by himself, and they are both islands. It is impossible for the people of the Sea Alliance to think about it.

But now, the time has come to reveal some of his strength.

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