Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 613 Build Your Own Base

After the two people landed, the area was already clean.

Sara's eyes widened when she saw Fang Jie's methods. She never thought that the teacher she knew would have such abilities. It seems that the previous performance is not the full strength of this teacher.

"Sarah, you should follow him to learn some basics first. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. In the next few days, I may be busy and don't have that much time."

Sarah nodded lightly, not daring to go against Fang Jie's wishes.

And what Fang Jie said was a ghost mage hero he brought, and he barely reached the legendary level.

In terms of various knowledge, although he is not as specialized as Fang Jie, his extensiveness is not bad at all. To be the enlightenment teacher of a little girl who is not even a black iron is really overkill.

Only someone like Fang Jie can be so extravagant.

Seeing that Sarah had started to study, Fang Jie was not polite and drew a circle directly in the middle. Then, a large number of undead began to dig pits, directly digging the land in the middle.

That's right, Fang Jie is here to hide his spirit of mountains and rivers. It took most of a day for a huge pit to be dug out, thanks to the strong engineering capabilities of the skeleton laborers.

As for the soil, it has been disposed of and taken to the surrounding mountains.

Some are used to fortify peaks, some are used to build fortifications, and they can always be used anyway.

In this area, there is only one swamp in the back, which is also filled with a lot of soil at this time. Fang Jie doesn't want to have a swamp in the place where he is, and it is enough to leave only a river.

When the big pit was completed, Fang Jie waved his hand to summon the spirit of mountains and rivers, which was in the big pit.

Because it appeared directly in the decentralization, even Sarah didn't see it, just felt something.

Afterwards, Fang Jie began to arrange on it, and layers of bone structures appeared, sealing the spirit of mountains and rivers directly underground, as long as he exerted his own abilities.

And around, those skeleton laborers are starting to build functional buildings.

With the blessing of the territorial law, the true abilities of the skeleton laborers can finally be brought into play, and the construction speed is very fast. As soon as the evening arrived, a large number of buildings had appeared around, and the place had completely changed.

If it wasn't for no one, it would be fine to say that this is a bustling town.

However, because the territorial rules themselves are a flat construction, although the spirit of the mountains and rivers has already reached the ground, there is no way to build functional buildings against the upper part.

This is also the reason why other territories have not built the second floor directly underground.

Fang Jie thought about it, and it didn't seem very good to have such a large space in the middle. So Fang Jie asked people to imitate functional buildings on it and build other fake models to deceive others.

Anyway, whether it is useful can only be viewed by itself, not by these shapes, but outsiders don't know.

In the middle, Fang Jie built a castle imitating the lord's mansion. But the place where Fang Jie really lives is actually on the lower floor. That place, close to the spirit of his own mountains and rivers.

Once in danger, the defensive buildings inside the Spirit of Mountains and Rivers can come into play.


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sp; Even if it is a demigod, the defensive power of the spirit of mountains and rivers can repel it.

"Okay, take a rest, go back to exercise by yourself after eating, it's not too late." Fang Jie said looking at Sarah, who was still training, and Sarah nodded pitifully.

Speaking of which, Sarah, who hadn't eaten for a long time, was already very hungry.

She doesn't have the power level of Fang Jie, she can completely go without food, and she is not an undead, so she doesn't need to eat at all. Fang Jie was also a little embarrassed, forgetting that this is a child who hasn't practiced much.

With a wave of his hand, the newly created ghost servant began to prepare food. Speaking of which, although these ghost servants are not very useful, they are really good at cooking and cleaning.

After getting used to it, Sarah felt that life here seemed to be more stable than when she was at home.

If it weren't for the fact that there were no normal people here, this would simply be the life of a great noble.

For some things, Fang Jie even opened up a farmland, a fishing ground, and a pasture next to him. With these things, there will be no shortage of living materials for two people.

Sarah rests at night, but the undead will not rest, they are still busy and work non-stop.

This is the best employee. Not only 007, but also no salary, not even food and drink. In the next few days, the entire base was almost the same every day, and a large number of buildings were built one after another, and then the upgrades were completed.

In the outermost circle, there are still a large number of defensive buildings. When these defensive buildings are fully constructed, three or five demigods are not impossible to fight against. This is Fang Jie's standard.

There is just one problem, that is, it doesn't carry that many resources by itself.

These resources also need to be collected in the world itself. Especially the spiritual point, other places cannot build the spirit gathering tower, and the large number of spiritual points required for development is the real reason that restricts the development speed of the territory.

"At this rate, it will probably take a month or two to fully develop."

Fang Jie didn't want to waste so much, so he had to start a war. In another world, it's not good to waste too much time. I have to finish it as soon as possible and then go home.

Otherwise, it is not good to worry about the family after spending a long time outside. Besides, who knows if anyone will think twice.

My own house is not stable, and the two empires are eyeing them at any time.

Buildings were continuously built, and a large number of arms were also produced. Fang Jie secretly split the troops during the day and gained a huge force. These troops were released and began to occupy their own territory one by one.

Those who are disobedient, kill them directly, there is no need for so much nonsense about the undead.

Because of the large number of powerful units, Fang Jie occupies the territory very fast. new

Those undead executives who have been staring at Fang Jie are also taken aback by Fang Jie's development speed. Fang Jie was alone when he came, but the movement was not small, and it had already alarmed many high-level officials.

Not to mention others, the three undead kings have already put Fang Jie's information in front of them.

There are so many undead subordinates in a short period of time, and there are many gold-level ones, which is not something ordinary people can do. If they knew that Fang Jie had a lot of legendary minions, they didn't know what to think.

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