Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 634 Determining The Way Forward

Fang Jie didn't expect the opposite to be so tough. But being able to have so many golden troops in such a short period of time also shows that the development of the other side is really good, at least on their plane.

With resources and strength, in the fully developed territory, all enemies are paper tigers.

Looking at it this way, the natives on the opposite side may also be suppressed badly, at least they cannot be completely eliminated. And the demigod on the opposite side should not have done anything, or there may be no demigod at all.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for them to be so arrogant.

Didn't you see that there were so many demigods under him, and they didn't dare to mess around in their own plane?

Fang Jie didn't believe that they could have demigods in a short period of time. I can develop so fast, on the one hand, because my luck is really good, and on the other hand, my talent is really strong.

Fang Jie does not deny that there are people who have this kind of luck and talent, but it is really not easy to develop so fast.

Forget it, for now. Fang Jie simply built a subsidiary territory in this place, and then began to hoard troops nearby. This place is special, and it's not unthinkable to build a dependent territory.

A nearby acting lord, Fang Jie, moved to another place.

Because all the territories are nominally his own, even if he wants to sort out this place, no one has the right to object. There were really idiots who dared to object and killed it directly.

This action made Fang Jie's previous arrangement fully show its role.

It is not so easy for people to compromise when it is replaced by other people's methods with lords, which directly involve the interests of other lords. Even if this lord compromises, other lords will not agree.

While building and attacking and defending against the opponent, Fang Jie focused on himself.

Your own source strength is already sufficient, as long as you improve yourself step by step.

While improving, Fang Jie also began to think about his future path.

Originally, Fang Jie was going to be the same as his immediate boss, Hei Lian Supreme, but later, because of the understanding of the issue of fit, Fang Jie found that it did not seem to be very good.

For the top gods, there may be some overlap between them, but none of them absolutely overlap.

I am afraid that those with a high degree of overlap are all natural enemies.

Or, you can devour the other party and use it to improve yourself. So Fang Jie finally thought about it and could only give up this direction. Hei Lian Supreme does not know how many directions of laws are born, but some directions can be added the day after tomorrow.

For example, after becoming a god, you can comprehend the laws of other systems by analogy.

The specific Fang Jie does not know, but he knows that many gods do not have only one type of law direction.

For example, the God of the Dark Cloud is death plus darkness, and some directions of the water attribute. The Holy Venerable Black Lotus is the direction of death, darkness, soul, etc. Fang Jie doesn't know what it is.

The reason why I know this is because of Fang Jie's black lotus meditation.

Because this black lotus meditation technique is very suitable for these three. If they all become the same, Fang Jie doesn't know if there will be any problem, but in case, it's better to stagger them.

He has four directions, and he already has a bone direction, and Fang Jie doesn't want to remove it.

It's too expensive to remove it. It is also more suitable for itself, so it is better to keep it.

Then the rest, death and soul, this is what Fang Jie doesn't want to give up. As an undead system, it is generally very compatible with dead souls, and it is also very compatible with darkness.

However, the direction of the natural law is generally to choose one, and even some people do not have to choose.

The death system is his fundamental system, and the soul is very good at himself. Fang Jie also believes that this direction is very powerful and very important. In the end, there is only one system left.

"Wait, my sprouts are all born, so I don't need a strong force to suppress. Even if there is a completely different direction from myself, it can be perfectly integrated."

Fang Jie's eyes lit up: "Completely different and even conflicting directions, fit very well with Zai, but fit very poorly with other people. No one can integrate this kind of special godhead fragment."

One of the important reasons why Fang Jie has to make a lot of natural law directions is to reduce the fit with other people.

Only in this way can the gods be prevented from directly calculating themselves.

He didn't know if the gods really wanted to plot against him, but there was no problem with that.

"Then the opposite life of death is very suitable. The Lord of Reincarnation also fits these two types, but there is absolutely no bone direction. Adding this direction, it is staggered from the direction of these top gods."

The general direction is staggered, not to mention the small details. So Fang Jie decided, then next, he has to learn and evolve some spells related to life.

It's a pity that life spells are really not easy to learn before reaching this level and without the germination of laws.

I am the profession of death messenger, which is completely contrary to life.

Besides, there are not many spells in this area in his hands, and there are relatively more information on the elves. Fang Jie had no choice but to have someone bring the materials over, and then convened a group of powerful spell researchers to conduct research.

These spell researchers have accumulated over the years and already have a wealth of knowledge.

In terms of researching spells, it is really time-tested, and some have become hero units.

Qin Lan didn't know what Fang Jie was doing. When it came to the cultivation path of Fang Jie, he could only follow his own path, and it was basically impossible for others to intervene.

So the matter of fighting the opposite side was basically thrown to Qin Lan and the undead think tanks under Fang Jie.

Fang Jie himself plunged into the research, bit by bit. After the winter, Fang Jie was finally able to cast a healing spell. This is a pure life attribute spell.

"Fortunately, I am a human and not an undead. Otherwise, it is basically impossible to learn this kind of life-type spell." After Fang Jie released the spell, he felt the magic in his body tremble slightly.

This is a conflict, an instinct that cannot be suppressed by Fang Jie's power.

Next, Fang Jie needs to keep adapting himself. Only after getting used to one stage can he continue to learn the life system spells of the next stage. This is much more troublesome than other systems. Therefore, Fang Jie stopped the evolution of other spells.

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