Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 646 Plane Artifact, Bone Tentacles

The treasure chest Fang Jie does his part, after all, only the treasure chest is the most uncertain thing.

The other harvests, basically how many they can have, have already been counted in advance, and there are no surprises at all.

There is only a treasure chest, this thing is too random, it is a manifestation and condensation of the laws of the world. This is the first time he has crossed the plane to fight, and he has also wiped out so many lords at one time.

If you say that you don't give yourself something good, it seems a little unreasonable.

Fang Jie walked directly to the warehouse and started opening the treasure chest. It's just these treasure chests, most of which are not bad, but Fang Jie is a little disappointed.

"What's going on here, why are there so many equipment with probability effects."

Fang Jie doesn't know if it's because of his own enemy, or because the world itself fits that guy. Anyway, there are a lot of things that come out with probability special effects.

And there are many more, all of which are large-scale and can be used for military equipment.

"Forget it, let's see who those commanders are willing to use in the future. After all, they also like the equipment of probability."

Fang Jie looked at it while opening the treasure chest, but unfortunately the things he opened were basically not useful things.

I finally got a few gold-level blueprints for arms, and they are not from the undead system. I don't know what happened. These things, just accept it as a foundation.

Driving to the back, two undead units appeared.

It's a pity that although this is the gold level, it is repeated with his own arms, and it is not a special arms.

Fang Jie has no choice but to put it away temporarily. It is really uncertain whether it can be used in the future.

Almost instinctively opening the treasure chest, Fang Jie was about to give up his expectations. In fact, the contents of these treasure chests are not treasures. Don't say it's useful to yourself, even if you make yourself shine.

But after opening to the back, Fang Jie suddenly stopped. "No, there is such a thing."

Fang Jie stared at the blueprint in his hand.

"The plane artifact, the white bone tentacle, actually has the blueprint of the plane artifact. Isn't this thing a treasure? Why does it still have a blueprint?" Fang Jie was a little confused.

Generally speaking, isn't the name of a divine artifact a specific treasure?

It seems that there are still some things that I don't understand. This kind of plane artifact may be used for construction. Of course, there may be some that need to be built and some that don't. In short, Fang Jie has no information on this.

"It's actually true. With something like this, it's completely worth the ticket price."

Don't say that the previous things have a certain value, even if they are empty, just this one thing, now Fang Jie has completely earned it back.

Fang Jie recorded the drawings and looked at the introduction inside.

Bone Tentacle (Planar Artifact): A huge tentacle is cast from bone, extending beyond the plane. It can detect the existence of external planes, accelerate the movement of planes, and have the ability to attack and assist in devouring different planes.

Construction requirements: 1 unit of demigod bones, 100 units of legendary bones, 500,000,000 units of bones, 50,000,000 units of spiritual points, and 1 unit of city-level territory. The construction time is 3 months.

"Need a city class -->>

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The territory of , it seems that it does not need to be a direct subsidiary territory, and it can be upgraded directly with other lord huts. " Fang Jie nodded.

Every time you build your own subsidiary territory, the materials you need will double.

Everyone knows that it will definitely be desperately expensive in the back. So Fang Jie didn't want to waste it so much, and used it as little as possible. So far, Fang Jie has only built a few subsidiary territories.

The demigod corpse is in his own hands, even if the upgrade is not enough, it is really a bit reluctant to use it to build this kind of thing.

But if you want to upgrade the territory, the plane artifact is a necessity, so it seems that it has to be manufactured.

As for the 100 units of the legendary corpse, this is nothing, and I have a lot in my hands. There is no way to directly create legendary-level troops, so those legendary-level corpses, Fang Jie, are temporarily stored in the warehouse.

Now it can be taken out and used, and it is not a waste.

As for the bones and spiritual points, a full 500 million units, which is very large. But for Fang Jie, it's not impossible to come up with it. Not to mention other things, that is, during the time when he was attacking this plane, he got far more than this number.

In the end, it took three months to build, the longest of any building.

In the past, the construction time of those buildings and arms was only two or three days at the longest.

Unless that kind of large fortresses, but that's just some stuff on the fringe that takes a long time. And for this bone tentacle, it would take three months to completely build the core building.

"It seems that the bone tentacles need to be built as soon as possible. I have two demigod corpses in my hand. Forget it, let's make one for the time being. At least I will wait until I reach the demigod level and see if I can get a better one. many.".

Fang Jie shook his head, just turned around and ordered to start construction in the south. As for the location, that is, the vicinity of this foggy canyon, how about you can try the function.

And this plane, Fang Jie can't build, because the main territory is not here.

This is a hidden condition. Although it was not written down, Fang Jie knew it after the experiment.

Following Fang Jie's order, a large number of corpses that were cleaned up were not sent to the warehouse, but were directly transported to the territory on the other side through the passage on one side, and then sent to the corpse processing factory for processing.

Later, Fang Jie felt a little troublesome, so he simply built a large number of corpse processing factories on the other side, which could at least reduce some troubles. Otherwise, the corpse will always be brought in and out of the passage, and it will also occupy a large part of the passage space.

At the same time, the alliance land has basically settled down.

A large number of functional building statistics were finally delivered to Fang Jie.

Fang Jie looked at these things and felt heartbroken. "Hey, these damn bastards, they basically destroyed all good things." No way, those guys destroyed it too thoroughly.

It may be that they think they are going to die, or they may think that Fang Jie is a low-class person, and they are not willing to get their things by the low-class people, so they completely destroy these things.

If you get their territory yourself, you can't get the blueprints included in the territory itself.

Unless the building built according to the blueprint is still there, the blueprint can be restored. It takes time, but if there are no buildings, then there really is nothing left.

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