Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 664 Five Bone Tentacles

"So that's the case. Did you think of this method? It's just a chance to take advantage of it."

"Master, do you need to warn them?" Seeing what was on this report, even Anya was a little angry. The little face is puffed up, but it looks very cute.

Now Anya is not afraid of herself at all, instead she is always posing as an adult woman.

It is because of the younger age that this pose not only has no Captivate feeling, but looks very cute.

"Okay, don't do this, this is actually quite good, at least it will give us more time to develop. What we need is time, and we need to develop high-end power, not those low-level powers."

That's right, in Fang Jie's view, the gold level is already a low-level force, just some regular troops.

"But it still can't be considered that nothing happened. If they find that we don't care at all, I'm afraid they will think of something." Anya thought for a while and asked a question.

Fang Jie nodded and said, "You're right, go and express a protest, make it louder."

Recently, the two empires have put down their own Taunt, not only the border on both sides of the Dragon Valley. Even the original border issues of some small kingdoms disappeared all at once.

They dared not test it casually, because they had already shown the strength to threaten them.

However, this cooperation can also see some of their meanings. Fang Jie didn't expect that they would excavate a large number of Devil's bones and send them over, but they were indeed all bones.

And he still paid the bill in advance, and let himself go to deal with those bones directly.

In this way, I not only have to help them fight, but also help them dispose of garbage for free.

What they did was to take an inventory in advance and find out all the bones that had reached the gold level. There is basically no other role to find out, and they are all burned on the spot.

Some priests will leave some bones as materials for their own spells, but there are only so many left.

On the Pokémon side, there was no use of any bones, and they were all burned, leaving nothing for themselves. The only thing he could get was the corpse of the Devil at the silver level.

Although there are quite a few Gold-ranked Devils, they are not many compared to the overall number of the army.

Pick and choose, even if there are not many fish that slip through the net.

The biggest problem left to Fang Jie is the transportation problem. It's not easy to ship so many bones. Originally the easiest way is to build a corpse processing factory on the spot for processing.

Then transport the corpse cubes to the warehouse and transfer them directly, which is what Fang Jie did in Dragon Valley.

But this method can only be done on his own site, Fang Jie doesn't want to build on someone else's site.

This is easy to expose something, and it is easy to arouse their vigilance. If they do something under vigilance, it's really a pit. Simply, it's a little more troublesome.

In order to transport the bones, Fang Jie sent a large number of skeleton laborers to build a very wide road directly along the border on both sides. The width of this road is far from what Normal's road can compare.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like a square if you take it out.

Then there are a lot of white bone carriages, yes, they are all special unit white bone carriages.

Fang Jie also has too many corpses and nowhere to use it, so he will manufacture this kind of thing in large quantities. The bone carriage has been upgraded to the silver level by Ascension. The interior space of the carriage is very spacious and can transport a large amount of goods.

With the cooperation of the skeleton laborers, the delivery speed is very fast.

On the huge road, two distinct teams can be seen, one is walking neatly towards the opposite side, and the other is walking back neatly, forming a complete cycle.

This almost completely cut both sides of the road, which directly caused the protest of the orcs.

But Fang Jie didn't care, but at some key positions, he dug out a passage under the road for the orcs to walk back and forth. This time, the orcs themselves can't say anything.

On the contrary, the powerful construction ability displayed by the undead made those orcs very vigilant.

Originally, I didn't care much about these ordinary undead. In my heart, there were orcs corps patrolling and monitoring here every day.

Pokémon are doing the same thing, but better than Orcs. Because Pokémon can directly grow some plants for monitoring, this method is much more efficient than orc patrols.

Fang Jie didn't care about these things either, because Fang Jie's mind wasn't in this place.

At this point, Fang Jie has already launched several projects, all of which require a lot of bones.

After this period of manufacture, the bone tentacles were built one by one. If someone looks from the outside of the plane, they can see that there are five slender white tentacles outside the plane.

As if it were a large cellular creature, as did the surrounding flagella.

These five tentacles moved slowly, wrapping themselves around another plane, which greatly accelerated the devouring of the plane.

At the same time, after Fang Jie took control of the Dragon Valley, this devouring speed was already faster.

"Five bone tentacles have different abilities." Fang Jie closed his eyes and felt that the fifth bone tentacle had just been created, and Fang Jie found that his own plane could actually move.

That's right, it's mobile. The plane has a certain ability to move, but it is very slow, and there are still certain rules. But after the appearance of five bone tentacles, it was able to change this rule.

Bone tentacles can slide and assist the forces of the void, changing the movement of the plane.

This kind of action is very slow, but it is already achievable. Fang Jie believes that if more bone tentacles are made in the future, this mobility will definitely be faster and better.

And at this time, the bone tentacles also began to explore the surrounding instinctively, looking for other planes around.

It's just that there doesn't seem to be any other danger around this place, maybe there is, but it's beyond the scope of detection.

Fang Jie is not in a hurry, anyway, the real power of these plane artifacts comes from the level of his own territory. After the territory is upgraded, I believe that the bone tentacles will definitely be stronger, and the detection range will be farther.

The plane artifact is worthy of being a plane artifact, which has initially shown its own particularity.

"Fang Jie, the voices inside our territory are getting louder and louder these days. I think it's time to plan the next step. It just so happens that the wave of Devil attacks has passed."

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