Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 671: The Atmosphere Is Different This Time

Ready, Fang Jie didn't bother with other things, after all, this is a mandatory task of the gods.

If you don't get involved, God knows what will go wrong. The undead faction has never been a moderate faction, and Fang Jie would not dare to believe it easily even if it was the more moderate Dark Cloud God.

Entering the temple, with Fang Jie's agreement, the figure reappeared in that familiar place.

It was the original special area, the same space, but at this time Fang Jie found that the atmosphere of the people around was a little different.

When I came here last time, there were still a lot of people talking about it, but not this time. Everyone is on guard against each other, and this atmosphere is especially true among demigods.

Fang Jie just came in, and the eyes of many people around are looking towards this side.

It was only after discovering that Fang Jie was not a demigod, everyone turned their attention to other demigods again.

"It seems that it is the same as what I thought. This time, it is basically the demigods. There are also many legendary peak people who came this time."

Fang Jie found that there are many legendary peak people around, and this proportion is much larger than the last mission.

And after careful observation, Fang Jie found that many of these people were standing behind other demigods.

However, their relationship with those demigods doesn't seem to be that kind of subordinate relationship, and even many demigods secretly reveal that kind of respectful gaze, although it is very obscure.

But under Fang Jie's careful observation, he still found some.

It even happens that several demigods are vaguely protecting a legend.

"Sure enough, what is shown in those documents is true."

While many demigods are on guard against other demigods, some legends around them are also on guard against those protected legends. But for Fang Jie, no one pays too much attention.

After all, Fang Jie is not protected by anyone else, and he is still a human being.

Although there are some human beings in the legendary camp, they are not the mainstream after all.

The power of the real mainstream is much stronger than those of the alien powerhouses. Before reaching the level of a demigod, other people would not look at him highly.

As time passed, more and more people came to this place, and the atmosphere gradually became more strange.

Some people obviously didn't realize what happened, and they were a little excited and wanted to talk about it as soon as they came in.

But then, noticing the surrounding atmosphere, the voice gradually decreased. But as there were more and more people, the atmosphere here gradually became hot.

But Fang Jie obscurely found that some people's eyes revealed some playful expressions from time to time.

"I'm afraid it's really troublesome this time. It doesn't seem to be too brilliant. Forget it, if you need the army, then use the army to deal with it, and leave the rest alone for the time being."

Fang Jie stayed in the corner and didn't communicate with anyone, and didn't show anything special.

Naturally, other people would not care about such an ordinary necromancer. That's right, Fang Jie is a necromancer in their eyes. As for advanced occupations, they are hard to see on the surface.

Last time there was someone Taunt himself, but this time there is no one, which is a good thing.

Not long after, a loud voice sounded.

"Everyone's attention, the plane we are fighting this time is a plane dominated by the light attribute, and it has a certain restraint on us. After going there, be sure to cooperate with the people around you."

The voice of the God of the Dark Cloud made Fang Jie feel chills in his heart, and the God of the Dark Cloud was definitely involved in this matter.

Fang Jie lowered his head, not daring to show anything. Although I know that the gods won't pay attention to such an ordinary legend-level little person, but in case they do.

If anything is discovered, the consequences will be very serious.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to feel that the space was starting to change.

When I opened my eyes again, the surrounding environment had completely changed. A piece of birds and flowers, even Soaring in the sky is much brighter. Just looking around, Fang Jie saw something out of place, the undead.

That's right, the death energy of these undead creatures doesn't match the environment here at all.

Even their existence itself seems to be out of tune with the environment. Fang Jie knew that this should be the world's rejection of their undead, so he felt this way.

I am afraid that other people, like myself, will feel awkward when they look at themselves.

In the surrounding air, the light element seems to be very rich, completely suppressing the power of other elements.

In this environment, it will be very easy to comprehend the spells of the Light Attribute, while the spells of other Attributes are very difficult to learn. In this environment, it is basically difficult for the undead to even be born naturally.

They actually let them come to such a plane to restrain them, and I don't know what those high-level officials thought.

Under normal circumstances, to get this plane, shouldn't it be exchanged with the gods of other camps?

Forget it, anyway, there is a big conspiracy in it this time, so I should protect myself first.

"Everyone, the world's rejection of us is too great, we should unite, otherwise the trouble will be very big." A zombie said to the people around him.

Fang Jie glanced at it, and at this time, many people were already starting to form a group.

But Fang Jie never thought about this kind of thing, who knows if someone will plot against him. So Fang Jie silently walked away.

"My friend, it's very dangerous to be alone, why don't you join our team." Fang Jie looked back and saw that this was a group of humans who cultivated the power of Death. In this case, the necromancers automatically started to form a group.

Compared with other undead creatures, they still believe that necromancers are their kind.

"No, I'm used to being alone, and I don't usually cooperate with others."

Fang Jie waved his hand and left directly. Someone next to him wanted to speak, but was blocked by his own companion. "Forget it, everyone has their own aspirations, don't force it, it will be more troublesome if you get it wrong."

Indeed, although they all came to perform tasks together, who knows what the relationship between them will be like.

Even if it is time to go to war directly, it is not impossible. For the gods of the undead camp, this kind of thing is nothing at all, and it will not be banned at all, maybe they still like it very much.

The people under his command fight against each other, which can increase the strength of the overall camp. This is the general idea of ​​the undead camp. This method is similar to raising gu.

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