Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 763 Joining Forces To Conquer The New World

Fang Jie looked at the opponent's request, and must be a demigod who has reached the Late Stage.

Moreover, he also requires that he must have demigods and a divine realm. These things are not something that ordinary people can have. Seeing these requirements, everyone knows that I am afraid that the world is not so simple.

There are people who sign up, but very few. At this time, in addition to Emperor Withered Bones, there was only one person named Ye Li.

But being able to pass the approval of the Great Emperor Withered Bones also shows that the other party is indeed eligible.

After thinking about it, Fang Jie said directly, "Can I participate?"

"Yes, as long as you sign up. If you meet the conditions, you will pass. But to participate, you must sign a contract. I believe you understand these rules."

What do you know? Fang Jie doesn't communicate much with people, so I really don't understand these rules.

It seems that Emperor Withered Bones doesn't know him anymore, but he is, after all, he was just a legend who just came here.

In this world, there are many people with the same name, and the other party may not think that they can grow up so fast. Under normal circumstances, the strength of those who can meet these requirements is definitely not simple.

And people with such strength must have grown up for a long time, how can they not understand all kinds of rules.

Fang Jie applied and passed, after all, his hard power is not weak.

Looking at the contract, Fang Jie understood a little bit: "Sure enough, no matter what you do together, you need to be careful." This contract is not an ordinary contract, but is limited by the power of law.

This power will directly act on oneself, and even on one's own divine domain.

If you dare to violate it, then it is not certain that you will die, and God's Domain will definitely be shattered.

The content of the contract also reassured Fang Jie a lot. First of all, this operation needs to be kept secret, and it must not be disclosed to anyone by any means or for any reason. This is to prevent someone from coming to make trouble.

Also, don't count on your own people, and don't attack or influence your teammates.

In short, there are a lot of restrictions on this contract, all to ensure their own safety.

I have to say that the Great Emperor Withered Bones is really an old fried dough stick, and he does things without leakage. With just this contract, all those who harbored ghosts were directly excluded.

Even if someone can sneak in, this contract has a limit, and the other party can't do anything.

Those who can violate this contract will definitely not appreciate this benefit, and Fang Jie still understands it very well.

Finally, there are various distribution schemes, which of course are mainly limited.

For example, to set up a magic circle to absorb the source power of that world, everyone must open it at the same time, which is very restrictive. If you violate this contract, you will be directly targeted by the hunting grounds of the heavens.

Because this kind of thing is targeted by the hunting grounds of the heavens, it is not a pleasant experience.

After reading it, Fang Jie didn't think he would violate it, so he directly communicated with the special functions of the discussion forum and signed a contract remotely. The next moment, a ball fell into Fang Jie's hands.

"These are the coordinates. Be careful when you use them. In order not to be marked in advance, you can only go to that world by yourself at first, and you can't mobilize the troops behind you. Everything depends on yourself." Fang Jie nodded, It seems that the other party's request for the God's Domain is a special restriction.

But then, Fang Jie changed his mind, because the Withered Bones Emperor said again.

"Wait until it is stable, and then summon troops from your own God's Domain."

"Summoning troops from God's Domain? Can you enter other worlds directly? I don't know how to use it." Fang Jie really didn't know that this was a hidden function of God's Domain.

In other words, this is not a normal function, but a special usage method.

Using this method, you can directly bypass the restrictions of the hunting grounds of the heavens. Fang Jie checked it and found it. It's just that there is no specific method here, it seems that you can only go to the city of death to trade.

After all, this is a special secret technique, so how can anyone see it casually.

Fortunately, although I can't summon it, I have other ways.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to see that the last person had also arrived, and only four people in total were recruited this time.

The last person was a man named Zilan, which didn't feel like a normal name.

Suddenly, Fang Jie was invited to join a small group, and they needed to discuss by themselves. You can't have a big discussion in the discussion area, and let everyone else listen to their plans.

"Okay, everyone is here. Tomorrow noon will be the time for us to set off. Everyone will set off at the same time, so it will be easier to tear apart each other's space barriers, but the movement will also be louder."

"So, what is the situation in that world, and why does it need so many of us together."

Hearing Ye Li's words, Emperor Withered Bones said directly: "That world is a world with gods."

"Are you crazy, a world with gods is not something we can deal with." No matter how strong the gods are, even ordinary wild gods cannot be dealt with by demigods. Even if the number of them is increased by a hundred and a thousand times, it is impossible to do anything to each other.

"Don't worry, although that world can breed gods, the gods are not their own world."

"It was a foreign god. After killing the local god, he was severely injured. He was restricted by the world and could no longer leave. As long as he could exhaust his power, it was still possible to kill him."

"Besides, even if we can't kill each other, as long as we can absorb some more source power at that time. After that world is marked, the gods have nothing to do with us."

Indeed, at least Fang Jie has not seen it until now, what is it that the gods can struggle in front of the hunting grounds of the heavens.

"In this case, it's okay, but in that world, is there really no gods that can function normally? What about the demigod level, how many are there, can we deal with them?"

After all, there are only four of them, so it is not so easy to conquer a powerful world.

"Of course, after all, I don't want to die. That world has just experienced a war before. Although there are still some demigods, but there are not many, there are only two at the top, and they are not our opponents."

"It's not easy to deal with, why don't you find a few more people?" Zilan asked.

"No, there are too many people, and there is a lot of source power. We don't have that much source power to distribute to them." Attacking the outside world is good, how can they do things that are not good.

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