Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 774 These People Have So Many Tricks

"It's amazing." Fang Jie froze in his heart, because after his bones had just been covered, Fang Jie found that he had lost control of the bones and was completely controlled by the Emperor of Withered Bones.

The control of the opponent's bones is definitely not easy. Not only is the opponent's understanding of the law of bones deeper than his own, but the opponent's ability to control the bones is probably a quasi-divine technique.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to snatch the control of his own spells so easily.

What Fang Jie didn't know was that the Withered Bones Emperor was also very shocked. Because Fang Jie Cultivation has too many rules, and the levels are too high. With such an addition, it is as simple as doubling the lethality of his bones.

He knew how strong his bone control ability was, but it took a lot of effort to snatch Fang Jie's bone control. This shows that the other party is definitely not much worse than himself in terms of the rule of white bones.

If the opponent's skills can reach the level of quasi-divine arts, you don't even want to snatch it.

Not knowing what the two were thinking, Ye Li started at the same time.

"Let's start preparing too," Ye Li said to her subordinates, then raised her scythe. All the demigods under him surrounded Ye Li in the middle, forming a special formation.

A layer of powerful defenses formed in an instant, Fang Jie could feel that the power of these demigods began to converge on Ye Li, and then was guided by Ye Li to his sickle.

This is not the law of death, this is the law of the soul. It seems that Ye Li is a master of the law of soul.

It's hard to imagine that a skeleton would actually use the law of soul as his specialization law.

And the purple blue next to him, who is also a skeleton, actually uses the law of poison as his own life law, and his subordinates are a group of zombies. Could it be that the powerful ones have such weird behaviors?

Suddenly, a noticeable change took place on Ye Li's side, with a light blue cape on her body.

This is not an ordinary cloak, this is a phenomenon formed by the embodiment of the law. Behind, a huge phantom appeared. It was also a man in a cloak, holding a huge sickle aloft.

If you look closely, isn't this what Ye Li looks like after zooming in?

It was that sickle that became harmonious from its original incongruity.

"No, what are they doing?" The weird demigods inside finally found that things had changed. I didn't expect that I hadn't thought of a way to deal with it, and the people outside actually took the initiative to attack.

I don't know if this is their home field, how dare they dare.

I originally thought that the advantage was on my side, because there were more people on my side. The reason why it feels troublesome is because no one wants to die, they are not an organization at all, they are like a mess of sand.

But they never thought that those people outside would dare to take the initiative to attack.

Although they are united with each other, they are also not the same people, how can they be so close to each other.

"We can't waste time here, we have to go out."

"How to get out, go to die, or it's better to join forces to defend here."

All of a sudden, the people inside seemed to have entered a quarry, and became more chaotic. The weird people who were like headless flies at first almost got into a fight this time.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, but people outside will not wait for them. Ye Li has already shot, waving a sickle in her hand.

The phantom behind it waved the sickle at the same time, and the sickle became bigger and bigger. When it was fully exerted, it had already wrapped up everyone here. The powerful soul law directly opened the judgment.

In an instant, many strange eyes lost their light, and then their bodies began to collapse.

This is a direct attack from the soul, right at them. If there is no means of life-saving for these strange people, it is absolutely impossible to survive under this attack.

"It's our turn." The hoarse voice of the Great Withered Bones sounded, and the white bones that had formed a battle around him suddenly spread over.

Because of the formation, the number of these bones is larger, the range is larger, and the speed is fast enough. With Fang Jie's additional power on it, the lethality of these bones is no trivial matter.

The strange demigod who had just suffered a wave of soul attack, facing the sudden attack of these bones, his performance can be said to be uneven. In an instant, another group of strange demigods were killed.

There is no need to judge this time, but the continuous attack of the bones, there is no way to avoid it.

"It's up to you next." The Great Emperor Withered Bones stepped back, and a layer of white bone defense appeared all over his body, which firmly protected himself. At the same time, there are several other people who have just participated in the construction of the formation.

On the one hand, these people are protected by the formation, and on the other hand, they need to maintain the formation and continue to suppress the rules here.

As for Ye Li, the surrounding defensive barriers also did not disappear, but became thicker and thicker.

This is a protective measure to prevent yourself from being killed if you overexpend your power. That's right, it's just that the power consumption is excessive, not completely exhausted, and will not be overdrawn.

Although they are united, there is still a sense of vigilance between them.

"As expected of a veteran demigod, the means are indeed rich, not simple." Fang Jie sighed in his heart.

Their methods are really terrifying. If they encounter such methods, they will suffer heavy losses even if they don't die. And after using it, there is actually a follow-up means to protect yourself, which can be said to be watertight.

Feel the inside again, those strange people have suffered heavy losses under the continuous attack just now. More than half were wiped out on the spot, and now there are less than a hundred weird demigods left.

But these demigods were all injured, and the injuries were not light.

Although there are many people on my side who cannot participate in the battle, at least those who can participate in the battle are in good condition.

In order to reduce losses, Fang Jie can only go all out. Under his subordinates, nine dead soul bone dragons were released. The reason there are nine is because one was lost during the previous hunt.

Because the time is too short, it has not recovered yet, which is the disadvantage of this skill.

In the continuous high-intensity battle, once the dead soul bone dragon loses, it will still become weaker during the recovery time, and at least its combat power will be weakened a little.

"It's not too late, let's do it." Fang Jie greeted Zilan.

Zilan didn't say a word, and rushed in with his men. In terms of head-to-head, Zilan is indeed a reliable partner. Although the start was a little slower, they still took the initiative to run to the front to serve as meat shields.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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