Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 776 The Harvest Season Is Here

Fang Jie stopped in a daze: "Is it over? It took so long."

That's right, it was the first time Fang Jie had fought for such a long time, and his fighting almost became instinctive. Before fighting, I had to think about what skills to use and how to use them.

But with the war, Fang Jie gradually discovered that these skills don't need to be thought about.

It's not that it doesn't play well, on the contrary, all the skills have become like instinct, and the effect is better. Even Fang Jie was able to space his own bones from the bones of the Dead Bones Emperor in battle.

In the end, his bones are almost no longer touched and affected by the other party.

You must know that before this, even if you carefully calculated the battle, you would not be able to meet this requirement.

In just a few days, Fang Jie transitioned from a novice to a veteran. The combat experience of this body is not comparable to those who have been fighting on the front line for many years, and I am afraid it is not much worse.

Fortunately, Fang Jie's own strength is strong enough, so nothing was seen, and he recovered in an instant.

Look at the others, who are also picking up their loot at this time. Of course, these things don't need to be done by the leaders themselves, as long as the subordinates participate, this is the reason why everyone has not moved.

"Okay, the battle here is over, let's take control of the whole world first, and then take the final step."

Fang Jie nodded: "That's it, just continue to follow the previous actions."

Emperor Withered Bones said, "After all, that god has not been destroyed. Although it may be suppressed more seriously by the power of the world, the opponent will definitely not be captured, and will definitely resist."

"Although this batch of demigods have been cleaned up, we don't know if new weird demigods will be born in other places, so everyone pay attention, don't be attacked."

Everyone thought about it the same way, but so many demigods have been cleaned up, and one or two of them have no effect.

On the other hand, Fang Jie felt a little distressed. In the previous melee, three of his subordinates lost.

Combined, that's a loss of five. No matter who it is, the five demigods are no small loss. Of course, the others lost more, they didn't say anything, and Fang Jie naturally wouldn't say anything.

After this time, even if these three people can't become gods, I'm afraid it's almost the same.

At this time, Fang Jie would not offend them. If you can build a good relationship, there will definitely be greater benefits in the future.

The same is true for other people. They have already expressed vaguely that they hope to be able to watch and help each other after they become gods. Of course, this matter will not be said directly, it always feels a little bad.

Fang Jie is the same, just expressed his intention, that's all.

Back to their own territory, everyone accelerated the pace of development.

There is no demigod weirdness in the whole world, and there is not much weirdness at the legendary level. So they sent legendary men to advance all the way, and that speed is definitely not a joke.

It only took half a month, and the whole world was basically under control.

And since they came to this world, it has only been more than a month.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net, which is much less than the time they planned at the beginning.

On this day, Emperor Withered Bones contacted everyone again. "I plan to start absorption at noon three days later. Are you ready? If there are any questions, bring them up now. If not, then it's settled."

Everyone knows that this is the last moment. After fighting for so long, isn't it just for the last wave.

There have been so many demigods born strangely before, but unfortunately under their intelligence network, they were discovered as soon as they were born. Before they could make anything, they were cleaned up one by one.

For them, the world itself is very welcome and liked.

No matter what they do, it is smooth sailing, as if the luck of the whole world is blessed on them.

It's a pity that the world doesn't know what they are going to do. The world is now about to reach the moment of being harvested.

With a notification, Fang Jie immediately gathered all his men together. This is the power of the origin of the world, and this time it is not just as simple as absorbing it by yourself.

Other demigods can also assist, not only can they speed up their absorption, they can also absorb part of it. Those of the legendary level can also get a little bit by standing next to them.

Although it is only a little bit, but storing these things is enough to make it very easy for them to break through the demigods.

The power of the origin of the world, that is enough to replace their own test.

As long as the power of the source is sufficient, even if they do not accept the test, they can still become demigods.

After Fang Jie broke through before, he improved his absorption array, which is a more comprehensive array. And this kind of magic circle is hung directly in the discussion area, and you can get a piece of information after paying the bill.

As for the magic circle itself, it needs to be reconstructed by oneself, and it is impossible for everyone to be the same.

If that's the case, no one dares to use it. After all, who knows if the other party has set up any traps in the development.

Three days passed in a blink of an eye, and on this day, everyone stood in place according to their positions. Next to the huge spirit of mountains and rivers, with Fang Jie as the center, a huge magic circle was almost completed.

All the people were waiting, watching the time ticking by the last minute.

"The time is up." Fang Jie said suddenly, and then made up the last stroke of the magic circle. Then their own strength was integrated into it, and so did the others, and everyone poured their own strength into the magic circle.

With the operation of the magic circle, a powerful force locked in the world itself, and then the suction came.

At the same time, Fang Jie felt the absorption force from the other three directions, that force was even stronger than the force on his own side, and they definitely got more benefits in the end.

Although Fang Jie is envious, but there is no way, who made their demigods have more subordinates.

After so many years of accumulation, their magic circle is definitely not something that they just made, and they don't know how many times they have been improved. However, Fang Jie is confident that if he goes back to improve this time, he will not be worse than them.

Fang Jie doesn't think he will be weaker than anyone in this aspect.

"Come on." Fang Jie's eyes lit up, because he felt that the source of power had been attracted. At the same time, the backlash of the world also swept in.

As a last resort, this site has opened a new domain name: m.mtlarchive.net

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