Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 788 The Road Ahead Is Completely Paved

"This is where I am stationed. It is a bit dangerous to directly overlap with the position of the person on the opposite side."

Fang Jie came to the front line, which was a garrison position given to him by the Great Withered Bones. Of course, that's where it's stationed now. After that, you can take the initiative to attack, and the opponent can also come over.

As for how much benefit they can get in the end, it depends on them.

The purpose of this battle is not to occupy the territory and slaughter the natives. It's actually very easy to take over the world. The real trouble is the orcs on the opposite side, especially the demigods among the orcs.

But the bottom layer is not completely useless, even if it is just experience to improve them.

Besides, if the bottom layer occupied an area, then the gods of the other party would have a way to affect this area. And this area will also become the opponent's home field, which will give them a certain bonus.

This bonus is effective for demigods, although the effect is not large.

But in this kind of life-and-death battle, even if it is a little effect, everyone must fight for it.

Fang Jie simply found a place to put down his spirit of mountains and rivers, and then began to mass-produce undead troops. They are all at the gold level, and on this battlefield, they are considered to be the top-level cannon fodder army.

Others don't have such convenient means as Fang Jie, they can only bring as much as they can, or make them on the spot.

Fang Jie was on the side, and began to look at the common sense the Emperor Withered Bones gave him.

The first thing is to become a god. Fang Jie looked at it with a look of surprise: "So it is, the realm of the gods is so important, no wonder it is so difficult for those demigods who do not have the realm of the gods to become gods."

In order to become a god, the most important thing is to comprehend the laws to a certain level, and to be able to completely smelt your own laws to form your own Divine Spark foundation, which represents the authority of the gods and the future development direction.

Once the Divine Spark takes shape, then even the road is pretty much set.

If the determined road direction is wrong, it will naturally stop after growing to a certain height.

However, if it overlaps with other powerful gods, and reaches a certain height, it will start to compete for divine power and conflict.

Of course, if you don't use the world's laws at all, but comprehend and condense your own laws. Then there will be no conflict with any gods, but this situation is basically impossible.

After all, no matter who they are, they must rely on the laws of the world as a reference.

And once there are too many references, it will naturally move closer, and some will be integrated into it.

Once integrated, if you want to exert your own strength, you must fight for more control. This is why many gods will be killed by powerful gods after reaching a certain level, because they affect themselves.

Sure enough, this road is not so easy. Fang Jie doesn't integrate any rules now.

Although it was also referenced, Fang Jie only referenced other people's Divine Spark fragments. Then use the power of the origin of the world to improve, this improvement can completely isolate the influence of the law of the world, and he has not yet appeared such hidden dangers.

If you keep going this way, it will definitely be difficult. Because of this approach, the power of the source is too much.

"Forget it, let's talk about it when we can't go any further, at least for now, we still have to persevere."


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Fang Jie found that there are four kinds of natal laws. Unless you give up some, if you combine the four law paths, there is a greater possibility of conflict with other powerful gods.

Before reaching that height, once it affects them, it is very dangerous to wait for yourself.

Either become the other party's god, become a part of the other party's god system, or die.

Then Fang Jie started looking at other things below. In addition to this aspect, demigods need to transform their power into divine power, use divine power to temper their body and soul, and transform them into divine body and soul.

Only when the foundation is reached can one become a god.

But if you want to become a god, you still have external conditions, not just internal ones.

The external conditions are believers and beliefs, and the gods also need their own domain. In this God Realm, you can directly find a piece of land, and then use a lot of beliefs to temper it to make it your own God Realm.

With God's Domain, there is a foundation, which is the key to becoming a God and developing oneself in the future.

But if the domain of the gods is not large enough, the possibility of failure to become a god is not small, but the larger the domain of gods, the more beliefs will be consumed.

Without your own territory, it is too difficult to collect beliefs. They need to spread their beliefs by themselves, and then collect the power of belief step by step, which will be used to refine the realm of the gods in the future.

It takes too much time, and anything can happen in the meantime.

If you are not careful, you will end up dying. After all, a demigod who is ready to become a god has treasures all over his body and is a great supplement. On the contrary, his own strength is not enough, and there is no way to resist those dangers. .

After all, it is a demigod, and facing other demigods, there will still be a threat.

And those who have God's Domain already have God's Domain themselves, and the most troublesome and difficult step has been passed directly.

It can be said that as long as they meet their own conditions, they can become gods, so they are different.

Of course, if those people in the realm of the gods can get the support of the gods, they can also become gods. It is impossible for ordinary gods to help other people, on the contrary, it is more likely to directly destroy them.

After becoming a god, you must continue to develop your own domain, which requires more believers and various resources.

Even in the face of other gods, conflicts may arise from time to time. Therefore, they also need all kinds of knowledge and magic, and even create Divine Artifact to fight, which is very troublesome and dangerous.

The record emphasized that you must expand your own domain as much as possible, preferably reaching the limit of the domain.

Because once you become a god, there is no way to change the domain of the gods. Even if the domain of the gods can continue to expand, the part of the gods that became the foundation of the gods is still so big, and it is impossible to continue to strengthen.

This is the foundation of the gods, and the formation of the kingdom of God later requires the role of this special divine domain.

Even if the territory is upgraded, there is only such a piece that can be really improved later. Others are like pendants. Although they are hung on them, they do not help their foundation.

The stronger the foundation of the kingdom of God, the easier it will be to improve after becoming a god, and the more you will be able to reach a higher level in the future. Otherwise, even if the law road is stable, it will be very difficult to make progress.

If you want to take a more difficult road, then there must be no problems with the foundation.

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