Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 793 Advantages Brought By Equipment

Looking at these orcs, Fang Jie said, "How can you be sure that they are all indigenous?"

"Obviously, if it is the orcs from the opposite camp, it is absolutely impossible for them to surrender."

Fang Jie thought about it for a while, it seemed like this, from the beginning of the fight, the people on the opposite side never surrendered. Even if they are on the brink of desperation, they will try their best to create more value with their own lives.

At first Fang Jie thought that they did this because the enemies were all undead.

After all, it is difficult for the undead to accept a living being as his teammate, which is more serious than the opposite.

It's not that they don't obey orders, but that beings join in, and some very special situations are prone to occur. Even if it is just the attraction of vitality to the undead, it is enough to make those creatures unable to exert any ability at all.

Now Fang Jie has a general understanding, I am afraid that the other party will not surrender because of their own problems.

Most of those sent by the orc camp to fight are some kind of troops. Although there are cases of surrender in such things as arms, it is actually very rare. Especially when facing different factions, it is even more impossible.

Due to the special circumstances of the orc camp, the units made in the orc territory have a very low probability of surrender.

Even if some indigenous people occasionally appear on the battlefield, but they are affected by God's Domain for a long time, I am afraid that they will be very brainwashed. How could these brainwashed guys surrender?

I am afraid that in their hearts, they will be able to successfully go to heaven after death.

"Forget it, since they surrendered, teach them well and bring them back when the time comes."

I originally thought that the war between the two sides would cause the indigenous people to be cleaned up, but I didn't expect that there would be gains.

"Lord Lord, we found that there may be some indigenous people hiding in some remote places nearby. Do you want to get rid of them?" The indigenous people are also living beings, and of course they will find ways to escape.

Especially seeing these orcs who surrendered to the opposite side, they were even more certain.

Fang Jie nodded: "Find them and prevent them from making trouble. If you can recover it, put it away first, if you can't, just kill it."

Anyway, I have nothing to do, I am idle, and I have so many troops under my own hands. On your own basic disk, you can't waste it. Let them capture those hidden natives.

Maybe it will bring you some surprises.

Fang Jie returned to his temporary residence with a few things in front of him. The first one is a special talisman.

Yes, these were leftovers from orcs demigods, but these were no ordinary objects.

"It seems that the other party has mastered the special weapon refining method that I have not mastered." Fang Jie confirmed that these are the weapons and equipment they made with their own laws, and they are the most suitable for themselves.

Although each person only has one or two pieces, these two pieces can also help them play a more powerful battle.

At the beginning of the battle, although the demigods were not absolutely restrained by the rules, these equipments still made the opponents stronger. It is also easier to play with your own laws.

Because of White Tiger's own reasons, his equipment is used to make up for his shortcomings.

But those weapons and equipment in the hands of other people are definitely used to improve combat effectiveness. At least, most demigods manufacture weapons and equipment to enhance their combat effectiveness.


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It doesn't matter if his subordinates suffer, Fang Jie doesn't want to know how he suffers.

"I don't know if the undead have such a similar method. It seems that this battle is over and I have to find a way to get it."

He is under the name of Emperor Withered Bones, so he will not be rewarded by the God of Dark Clouds. But as long as you make meritorious deeds, then these Divine Spirit Alliance will definitely reward yourself according to meritorious deeds.

Maybe I have the opportunity to choose something similar, it seems that I need to plan carefully.

At the same time, the gap in equipment was not only reflected in the demigods, but also in the lower-level army.

In the previous battle, the reason why he and the opponent were tied was not just because the opponent's strength restrained his relationship. If the restraint ability was really that exaggerated, there would be no such thing as their undead.

In other words, their undead and dark attributes also restrain other attributes.

This result was due to the fact that the opponent's arms were well-equipped, which could greatly enhance their strength.

On the contrary, Fang Jie's equipment is far worse. Now his own army and arms basically use the set of weapons and equipment that he was born with, and there are few others.

Fang Jie's weapon processing factory only has a silver level. I didn't think about it when I upgraded the building.

From Fang Jie's point of view, his arms are already very strong, so there is no need to get those who don't have them.

Spending a huge amount of standby to replace equipment can't improve too much. As long as your own arms are fissioned, the cost performance is very high. However, there is no way to fission when equipped, although they are all undead-type weapons.

So spending such a big price to do this kind of thing is very unnecessary in Fang Jie's view.

But this time, Fang Jie saw something different.

At least when dealing with other lords, there is a huge gap between having no equipment and having equipment.

It is true that the price/performance ratio of your own arms is very high, but you don't need to ignore other abilities because the price/performance ratio is poor. If you can equip a batch, this time you will be pressing the opponent to fight.

Although this performance on the battlefield is good for Fang Jie himself.

But this kind of performance is not required every time. It seems that a group of elites will need to be well equipped in the future.

Even if the strength of these elites improves in the future, the equipment that has been replaced can still be used by others. The undead are not picky about these things, and there will be no things that they have used that others are not allowed to use, or that they do not want to use things that others have used.

I researched it a bit, but I couldn't find anything, so I should just improve myself.

Fang Jie took out a crystal of divine power and directly integrated it into his body.

This is not just fusion. It requires Fang Jie to mobilize his power of faith to impact, and then use a lot of magic to polish it. After it is completely polished, it can be absorbed and improved.

Fortunately, Fang Jie's magic power is very terrifying, and the recovery speed is faster than the consumption.

Otherwise, it would take more than ten times as much time and energy to absorb the crystals of divine power as Fang Jie, or even more.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to refine and absorb a piece, and nodded with satisfaction. "It's not bad, it's really useful, but after removing all the hidden dangers, the harvest has also become smaller."

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