Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 851 Talents That Have Been Upgraded Collectively

Fang Jie waved his fist lightly, feeling the terrifying power in his body.

"According to the previous calculation, the actual power of one thousand points corresponds to the power that can be expressed by one point of the divine body. However, although the quantity is the same, the quality is not the same at all."

Fang Jie could feel that with only one-third of the power, it was completely unmatched before.

On the one hand, this point is now condensed from a thousand points in the past, just like cotton and steel of the same weight. Although the weight is the same, the strength is completely different.

In addition, the god of own is not the body of an ordinary mortal, but has its own laws and divine power characteristics.

Fang Jie secretly calculated, if only by attributes. A person with 1 point of divine body attribute faces a demigod with 1,000 points of strength attribute. Even if you stand still and let the opponent attack, you probably won't get hurt.

On the contrary, you can easily injure the opponent at least, or even kill him on the spot.

However, the strength of the gods ultimately depends on the strength of the law.

The own attribute is only 3, and the upper limit of this level is 9, but the strength of the own law is already 20. Even if the strength of own body reaches the limit, it is impossible to exert the power that can compete with the law.

Maybe some gods can rely on special means to achieve that level, when it is obvious that they can't.

In Fang Jie's mind, I am afraid that only by using the law to bless himself can he exert more powerful power. But it's not real physical strength, but it looks like, in fact, it's just using itself to exert the power of the law.

So the real power of the gods still depends on the strength of Movement Technique.

Of course, the strength of belief can also be, but that kind of thing is definitely problematic. Although there is no common sense given to him by the Bone Great Emperor, Fang Jie can feel a bad feeling after a little bit of feeling.

Next, Fang Jie looked at the upgraded Talent abilities of own. The first is the fission ability of own undead. Sure enough, with the upgrade of own, this ability has been improved again.

Undead Fission Level 9 Unique: At the same time, the undead under his command will be fissioned, making each of them 80. Under the demigods, no divine power is consumed. The maximum fission limit is demigods, and the demigod fission consumes 15 divine power. Only Talent, no second person will get the same Talent. Being in the realm of the gods, you can use the power of the realm to fission the undead anywhere in the interior.

After the fission of the dead was upgraded to level 9, it really became completely different, but there were still some changes, which should be the changes after he became a god. After all, he has no magic power, and it is impossible to consume magic power.

But Fang Jie never thought that there would be no consumption for fissioning ordinary undead in the future.

That's right, there is no consumption at all, as long as you want to be able to fission.

Fang Jie experimented and found that it was not really no consumption at all, but a little amount of Mental Energy. After all, the law needs to be mobilized. Yes, these Talents themselves are a law but not complete.

In other words, God's Talent itself is the embodiment and embodiment of a law.

This mental drain is almost negligible for me. With his current status as a god, this consumption is restored in an instant, so in the manifestation of the ability, it becomes no consumption.

Looking at the demigod fission, it turns out that the demigod is still the limit, and this Fang Jie can't help it.

I just don't know if the demigods will become stronger after the fission. The divine power consumed is not a lot, and nothing else has changed.

"It seems that there is no other advantage other than the increase in number." As long as the fission level cannot be increased, for the current Fang Jie, the effect of this Talent is not as great as before. Of course, this number is also very exaggerated, and the number of fission has become eighty.

If you count the fission of the territory that started production, it is 6,400 times the income.

As the income increased, Fang Jie felt nothing. Now own output has far exceeded its own consumption in this regard, but the surplus is getting higher and higher.

Fang Jie is very happy, but it seems that on the side of the cabinet, this is not a good thing. Qin Lan had been organizing to consume this part of things a long time ago, and had no intention of leaving it behind.

Next, Fang Jie looked at the second Talent, speeding up his recovery.

Super Speed ​​Recovery Level 9: Your own divine power regenerates itself at a super-fast speed, recovering 3 divine power per second, and an additional 10 divine power per second.

Speed ​​recovery is still the same upgrade mode as before, but it has also been sublimated a bit.

Now, it is no longer magic power but divine power, which has been increased to 3 per second. Based on the current 3,000 points, that is 90 points. With additional recovery, one hundred points can be recovered per second.

Even if one's own divine power is completely consumed, it will only take thirty seconds to recover.

At this speed, other gods simply can't believe it. I heard that other gods' divine power is exhausted, but it will take several months or even years to recover. This is only its own divine power.

If you want to reserve those divine power crystals, after a battle, you don't know how long it will take to accumulate.

This is why the gods need so much power of faith, not only for recovery, but also for storing enough crystals of divine power to deal with possible wars. After all, everyone else is stocking up, and if you don’t stock up, you will be very weak.

But I don't need to reserve, after all, the recovery is very fast.

As long as you pay attention to the rhythm when fighting, you will not have to worry about consuming clean power.

"No, divine power is still very durable. Even if it is a divine technique, the amount of divine power consumed is only a few points. With the consumption of this divine technique, it is impossible for me to recover as quickly."

Fang Jie did a quick calculation and found that this big problem for other gods was nothing to him at all.

The Withered Bones Great Emperor also specifically mentioned that after he became a god, he began to condense the crystallization of divine power, just to enhance his heritage. The low-level gods like them, the biggest gap between the old gods and the new gods, are often here.

In the face of the old weak and other gods, their reserves are not enough, just after a battle, the consumption can make them die.

Therefore, unless there is a very large gap between the gods, it is not easy to kill other gods.

Let's look at own God's Domain again. If you want to upgrade again, there is one condition that has not been met, that is, the corpse of the god. And there are still a lot of them. It takes ten corpses of gods to be able to upgrade.

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