Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 856 Accepting The True God

Comfortable, Fang Jie lay on the bed and thought silently, but unfortunately it will be difficult to enjoy it in the future.

After all, as a god, although Fang Jie can completely restrain his own strength, it cannot mean that he is the one after restraint. Being able to maintain a physique similar to that of a mortal does not mean that one's own physique is the level of a mortal.

But looking at Qin Lan's appearance, let's forget it.

With her current physique, an ordinary woman might not be able to withstand the destruction of her own.

After a long time, Qin Lan, who had recovered his strength, said to Fang Jie, "The gap is getting bigger and bigger. By the way, when will you let Qingqing become your god?" Still thinking about this.

"Don't worry, preparations have already begun, and it will probably be ready tomorrow."

Then Fang Jie continued: "The real gods are different from the gods from the arms. Not only do some conditions need to be met, but also some preparations are required." Fang Jie also just found out.

"The real gods represent the will of the gods and can use some of the abilities of the gods themselves, which cannot be done by the gods. But if they are saints, they can use most of the abilities of the gods, and even exert some of the abilities of the gods. belong to own things."

To be honest, there is a reason why saints are the most precious treasure of the gods.

But so far, the own territory has not cultivated a true saint.

Early the next morning, countless people gathered outside the temple. Those who are not qualified to enter this city are just outside the city, and everyone is waiting for the birth of God. This is a big event.

"I finally understand why Lord Lord closed Door Training during this period of time. It turned out to be to become a god."

"Shut up, I can't be called Lord Lord, it should be called the God of White Lotus."

A believer with suitable hands, looked forward with a devout face. Many people around him are the same as him. Since the news of Fang Jie becoming a god spread, a group of people instantly became believers, and the level of belief has been greatly improved.

Even mad believers have recently increased, which makes Fang Jie a little depressed.

Fanatical believers can provide a lot of Faith Power, but there are too many Impurities in Faith Power, and Impurities are difficult to clean up. Usually, I often do some crazy things, which is a kind of cancer.

Although most gods still prefer fanatics, this is obviously not the case with Fang Jie.

Forget it, let's deal with this later, Fang Jie is dealing with God's affairs at this time.

In the temple, Fang Jie mixed the prepared materials with a large amount of faith and began to melt. Prepared yesterday, mainly these things. The material itself is very common, not something special.

But these materials have to be eroded with the power of faith, and that's where the time is spent.

Fang Jie's heart moved, and the white flame burned, this is the fire of his own white lotus.

Although it is a divine fire, there is absolutely nothing comparable in refining belief.

"It would be great if this kind of flame could be used directly to attack. There is no Impurities in the burning, and this kind of attack attribute is very powerful." It's a pity that this kind of thing is only aimed at the power of own belief.

It didn't take long for the two seats to condense, one was placed by Fang Jie, and the other was placed in the starting position.

As once manufactured, it is basically difficult to change the position.

Every change requires a lot of divine power, and Fang Jie has such information in his mind. Looking at the surrounding space, it is impossible to prepare too much for your own seat of God. With his current strength and ability, there are only more than thirty gods that can be endured.

Of course, with the improvement of strength, this tolerance will also increase.

Those born in the military are of God, do not need a seat, and will not become their own burden. The saints just need to stand behind their own, and they don't need a seat. It can even be said that the saints are the private property of the gods and can be regarded as tool people.

The two seats were formed, Fang Jie looked at Qin Lan and Qin Qing: "Now, it's your last chance to choose."

"As long as you sit on it, you can become my god. If you choose to refuse now, you can still give up. Once you become god, you will have no chance to resist in the future."

"Don't worry, I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

Qin Lan walked to Fang Jie's side and sat next to him. This position belongs to Qin Lan. Even if they are all gods, their status is completely different, which means Fang Jie recognizes Qin Lan's status.

On the other hand, Qin Qing didn't say a word, and went directly to his own seat to sit down.

The two closed their eyes and let go of all their resistance instincts, and a force slowly spread out. They can feel that this power comes from Fang Jie, so warm and comfortable.

His own power was transformed bit by bit, and the magic power on his body gradually transformed into divine power.

It's not Fang Jie's supernatural powers, but it's very similar, as the two themselves don't reach that level.

Even if Fang Jie suppresses his own power and transforms according to the strength of the two people, there is still no way to transform too much. The power system became divine power, and his own soul and body began to change.

Under the tempering of divine power, the two people themselves began to transform in the direction of divine body and divine soul.

A large amount of the power of faith, after being transformed by Fang Jie's tempering, is gradually integrated into it.

"Fortunately, my white lotus fire is absolutely pure, otherwise the impact would be great." Fang Jie also just discovered that the original power of belief has such a great impact on people under the gods.

If it weren't for absolute purity and no attributes, I'm afraid some fundamental changes will occur to both of them.

If so, are they still themselves, Fang Jie can't imagine.

Fortunately, none of this happened, it was all under his own control. Gradually, the divine power in Qin Lan's body was dyed with natural attributes, and elemental aura began to radiate.

This is due to Qin Lan's own elf bloodline and the influence of the elementist profession. Qin Lan can naturally develop in this direction in the future.

Fang Jie did not let them directly accept the power of the own law, but hoped that Qin Lan would realize the own law in the future.

As for Qin Qing, there is a Death force on his body, which is obviously a Death attribute, and it is also related to his own occupation. But after becoming a god, Death's power has little effect on itself.

Qin Qing's original dead aura dissipated and his vitality reappeared. Although he still hasn't become a demigod, Qin Qing has come to life again and no longer remains an undead.

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