Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 860 You Need A Teaching

The discussion that followed didn't seem to be a discussion, but more like someone else talking to him.

Fang Jie also knows, because others have already started, and now he is left.

"The most important thing for you now is to get a teaching. This is the most important thing to spread the faith. The continent of the gods is different from other planes. It is completely different to want to control it by force."

"The continent of the gods, how many gods are there?" Fang Jie was a little surprised.

"The so-called continent of gods is not only one plane, but all the gods that allow many gods to spread their beliefs are called this name. Many continents of gods are actually connected by large space channels and belong to public planes."

"The piece we selected has a total of four gods, namely our undead god, the light god, the shadow god, and the natural god. They were opposed to each other before."

The Withered Bones Great Emperor was a little helpless: "Unfortunately, because of our origins, we have never known how to communicate with others. Even if we spread our beliefs, it is still far worse than the light gods."

The natural pantheon has a great influence on natural creatures, after all, most people love nature.

As for the god system of shadow and undead, it is not very accepted by normal creatures.

"On our side of the undead, most of the propaganda is that Death is another kind of new life, or that Death can enter the kingdom of God after death. Compared with the other side, there is really a big gap. Fortunately, we can bring very powerful power. ”

There will always be people who believe in them for strength, and several people are very sad.

"Okay, I get it." Fang Jie nodded, other people are not good at this, it doesn't mean that he is not good either.

In fact, he has already had his own divine religion, and he still has teachings. In the process of continuous development, this teaching is constantly being revised, and it is suitable for any race.

If you want to spread the faith, just spread it out.

"Then do it as soon as possible. There are too few gods on our side, and their influence is not enough. In the continent of gods, gods cannot directly intervene, or even influence them. They can only rely on gods to teach themselves. One more god, more influence."

Since when did this guy who advocates force actually start thinking about this.

Fang Jie nodded: "I'm relatively good at these, but I have to go back and think about some things about the doctrine." After disconnecting the communication, Fang Jie was speechless for a while.

"Although I was prepared, I didn't expect it to be so fast. The competition between the gods is really more intense."

Fang Jie doesn't pay much attention to belief. After all, he develops his own power, so he pays more attention to developing other worlds and gaining the power of the source. But faith is not completely useless to me.

Not to mention anything else, it is worth collecting by itself, as it can replace the spiritual point.

Besides, Fang Jie can't be too alternative, at least not before reaching a certain height.

Who knows if he will commit some taboos of the gods by doing this, these are not impossible.

However, during the discussion, Fang Jie also discovered the reason why other people changed their images after reaching the gods. This is also some helplessness, Zilan didn't dare to change before.

Because Zilan was born in a skeleton force, although he likes zombies, the zombie force is their mortal enemy.

If you dare to change when you reach a demigod, it will cause a siege, and you will die on the spot.

It wasn't until I improved my strength later that I dared to show my own preferences and replace my hands with zombies. Now that he has become a god, the former forces dare not ask themselves what to do. On the contrary, they have to conform to their own requirements, and in turn flatter themselves.

As for Ye Li, it's all about spreading faith.

Originally, Ye Li and Fang Jie thought the same, and wanted to change to a ghost image, or keep the original appearance unchanged.

But in the process of becoming gods, Ye Li discovered that they needed to spread their beliefs after they became gods. As a god, the image of own is very anti-living, which is very detrimental to the spread of belief.

On the contrary, if you look cute and beautiful, just one image can attract countless people to join.

So in the end, after summing it up, Ye Li became what she was when she was alive. Of course, this is also adjusted. After all, no matter how beautiful he was in his lifetime, as an ordinary person, he couldn't compare with the gods.

The Withered Bones Great Emperor followed the path of the undead, and did not intend to change his image.

Even in the eyes of the Withered Bones Great Emperor, maintaining his cold and mysterious image is more conducive to the spread of belief.

It didn't take long for Qin Lan to bring a group of religious personnel to Fang Jie.

"Fang Jie, here are some solutions we have come up with, which we think is the most feasible.

"It's good, it's good, but it won't be regarded as a person of the Samsara system."

Those who are regarded as the Samsara system will have a lot of trouble in the future.

"No, as long as the term Samsara is not explicitly mentioned, there will be no problem. If it is someone in the Samsara system, they will never give up the term."

Fang Jie thought about it for a while, and it seemed like the same: "Then it represents the soul and bones."

"How about a noble soul and the revenge of the dead, it's easy for people to accept it." A man next to him said.

Looking at this guy's fanatical look, if it didn't feel right, Fang Jie would have regarded him as a fanatic. But this guy's understanding seems to have something of his own.

Continue to develop, this guy is very likely to become a saint.

I just hope that I don't take a crooked path. Once crooked, it will become a mad believer. If you can cultivate, then you don't have to worry about any problems. Thinking about it, you should have already cultivated.

"It's not bad, but I need to add some more. I'm not afraid of contradictions, but I'm afraid that it won't be enough. Anyway, as long as there are enough, those believers will make up their own minds in the future."

Everyone nodded, and what the gods said was right, although they also believed in these things.

After all, as long as it is useful to the gods, it's really not that important. Didn't you see the true god in front of you?

A group of enthusiastic people, looking at the information in their hands, made Fang Jie feel a little scary.

Qin Lan spread out his hands, there was no way, that's what religious fanatics look like.

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