Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 880: Discovering A Large World

The hot summer is coming to an end, and the weather is gradually getting cooler. People in cool clothes can still be seen walking around on the streets, as well as unshakable uncles and aunts on the streets.

"Another peaceful day." Fang Jie walked slowly home.

After finally taking a day off, as a young man with more than 20 years of motherhood, Fang Jie does not have the feeling of being more tired than usual during the holiday. Just thinking about going to work tomorrow is really annoying.

"Look, what is that, take a photo and take a photo."

Suddenly, someone on the street shouted in surprise, Fang Jie instinctively looked up, and then widened his eyes. "What is this, such a bizarre sight, it's really rare."

Fang Jie, like the others, took out his phone and pointed it at the sky.

The originally blue sky has now turned into black, not the kind of black that can't see anything, but the kind of black that escapes the atmosphere and directly looks up at the starry sky.

However, in this mysterious starry sky, a large amount of strange and strange fluctuations appeared strangely.

The white waves were twisted little by little, forming a large mass, and then a gap was split in the middle. This gap is getting bigger and bigger, as if there is a big mouth in the air, coming towards the earth.

"I've already thought of a name, it's called the mouth of the abyss, what do you think."

I don't know when, an anchor next to him was talking loudly to his fans while looking at the air with excitement. It's just that they don't know that it's not just an image.

At this moment, experts from all over the world are nervously calculating various data, constantly observing the huge existence in the air. Because of this existence, people everywhere in the world can see it.

The big mouth got closer and closer to the ground, and at the same time it became bigger and bigger, and at the end, only nothing could be seen inside.

For some reason, everyone felt a sense of panic.

Some people with poor psychological endurance even screamed and ran around at the same time.

Fang Jie also felt his heart beating faster, and the phone in his hand was a little unsteady. While pulling back with his right hand, he instinctively wanted to grab something to give himself a psychological comfort.

Suddenly, Fang Jie felt something like a stick in his hand.

Just before he turned around to confirm, the entire sky seemed to collapse, and the huge mouth had swallowed the earth in the middle.

If you look at it from outer space, you will find that the mouth is like eating jelly beans, swallowing the earth, and then chewing it. A huge planet just turned into pieces, disappearing little by little.

The huge white mouth, as if it had spirituality, twisted left and right, not noticing other edible things, and then disappeared into the void.

A planet just disappeared, as if it never existed before, and the starry sky was still calm.

When the earth shattered, time seemed to stand still, and everything stood still. But the human mind still remained, Fang Jie watched the world around him, and it turned into pieces little by little.

In the end, he also stood on a piece of debris, not knowing where it fell.

It didn't take long for Fang Jie to feel that his body was back to normal again, and he looked around, and the surroundings had turned into a forest. But under his feet, it was still the asphalt road.

The fragments on the ground are perfectly connected, but it doesn't look natural.

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