Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 884: The Spreading Plague

"It's dead, take it away."

Soon, a group of people appeared in this place, which were subordinates of the Flame God Cult.

On the one hand, they are responsible for public security, and on the other hand, they are also responsible for the incineration of the corpses. This is a special belief of their religion, so those who die will be immortalized in the flames.

Therefore, the dead will be burned, leaving only the ashes. But the ashes will not be collected, but will be scattered in a special place, mixed with other ashes, and it is impossible to see which ones are the original.

Over time, these places are similar to large cemeteries, and people come here every day to pay homage.

Because it has been passed down from generation to generation for a long time, people here do not feel that there is anything wrong with it.

"Wait, he was fine before, it's impossible to die suddenly, let's check first." This man's friend hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, because he didn't believe that the friend who was talking to him just now died suddenly.

It was just a few coughs before. Who doesn't have a cold?

"But he's already dead." The other two were a little impatient and stepped forward to drag the body away. They have special blessings from gods, can't they even tell the difference between the living and the dead?

But his friend didn't believe it, thinking that the two wanted to take their friend's life for credit.

Likewise, he didn't dare to resist, so he could only hold on to his friend's body, but would not let go.

After a while, the corpse moved. "You're awake, great, they want..."

Before he could finish speaking, his friend suddenly bit his hand, biting off a finger and eating it. The other two were also surprised, and they never thought there would be such a person.

Just so stunned, the two were also scratched.

Suddenly, a person in the distance said: "Be careful, he has become a zombie, not a living person."

This person has hunted zombies before and has seen the difference between zombies and normal people. Although this is a little different, it is still similar to zombies. Hearing this, the surrounding people gathered around one after another.

That's right, no one escaped, but everyone surrounded them as if they had found some rare animals.

Anyway, this thing is not very strong, and it is easy to kill.

The two officers in charge of city security looked annoyed at their wounds. Without thinking about it, the two of them unleashed a magical technique, and the fireball hit the zombie, burning it to ashes in a moment.

Next to him, only the people who were still mourning were left, covering their fingers with pain on their faces.

It's just that they don't know that something special has spread with the flames.

In order to use the plague this time, Fang Jie even brought the three plague kings who had refined the combined artifacts. After being nurtured by special artifacts, this plague is very special.

In the past plagues, they were very afraid of high temperature, but this time they are not afraid.

On the contrary, the higher the temperature, the more active this plague is.

In the flame, a special protective film will appear on the surface of the plague, which has strong flame resistance. It can ensure that it will not be damaged in the flame, but instead split quickly with the help of the temperature of the flame.

The dust spreads out along the wind, is inhaled into the body, or falls on the person. Some dust fell into the river and scattered.

In the next few days, problems began to arise in the place of the Fire God's beliefs. Many people died inexplicably and turned into zombies. And this virus is spreading rapidly.

At first everyone was very curious about these zombies, but after a few days, everyone just wanted to run away when they saw the zombies.

Because of the rumors, as long as you get close to the zombies, you will be infected by the plague, and then you will also become zombies.

For several days, the affected area continued to expand. People keep praying, hoping to get help from the gods. And the God of Flames doesn't care about this situation at all.

In his opinion, it is just that some plagues have spread, and the people are more religious to themselves, which is a good thing.

In the past few days, the power of belief that I have harvested is comparable to more than a month before.

But it didn't take long for him to realize that something wasn't right. Because when the power of his belief reached a peak, it suddenly began to decrease, and it continued to decrease, getting faster and faster.

After investigating, the God of Flame was furious and found that the believers in the place of their belief actually suffered heavy losses.

An inexplicable plague appeared and spread rapidly. Not only people can be infected, but even animals.

The streets are full of crazy animals. Although they are not as flexible as before, but these things are running around, no one knows where one will suddenly emerge. If you get hurt, you're bound to get infected.

No matter what medicine or treatment, it is useless against this plague.

All they can do is isolate themselves and keep praying to the gods.

Even the river, no one dared to go there during this time. Because some people who went to the river before were often attacked by some fish or aquatic creatures and were easily injured.

Once injured, he will also be infected. During this time, the rivers and lakes are full of various zombies.

Some zombies have already started to climb up to the shore, and the whole area is full of signs of fear.

At the same time, this plague is also constantly spreading, not only limited to the area of ​​the God of Flames, but spreading around. However, the place of belief in the God of Fire is the most serious.

"Damn, this must be done by those damned undead."

The God of Flames was angry, why didn't they get rid of them in the first place.

"Listen, all, I will give the flame of pure all that can burn the plague."

The God of Flames thought about solving the problem in front of him first, and directly gave his only special flame to his priests for use. That kind of flame has a weaker attack power, but it will burn and purify all abnormal things.

Because of the law, no matter what kind of plague it is, it can be burned.

Even an infected person can recover after being burned. But although the plague is burned, people are also burned. People are not dead, but the sequelae after burning are definitely not light.

However, the plague has spread, and even if there is a solution, it cannot be stopped at all.

The God of Flames could only watch his faith continue to decline, but he was angry but could not do anything about it.

The unimaginable god of flames set his angry eyes on that remote island. This is definitely done by the undead, only the undead will have the plague that turns people into undead, and only the undead there are the largest.

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