Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 888 This Is A Complete Mess

It took several days for Fang Jie to finally integrate the spirit into it. However, a new dead soul bone dragon needs to be bred, and it will take at least a month for it to be successfully conceived, and it will be upgraded to a new god level dead soul bone dragon.

It is not so easy to improve this magic, the more powerful the magic, the more so.

If it is a direct magic spell, it is better to say, as long as you comprehend it yourself.

But this, even if you comprehend it, you still need to raise the foundation.

Without enough foundation to carry its own law power, it is impossible for this dead soul bone dragon to exert its powerful strength. But once it is bred successfully, this dead soul bone dragon is equivalent to a god.

Maybe the means are a little less, and it may be a little weaker, but the gods are gods.

When all of them are completed, ten of them will go together. Within the level of weak gods, I am afraid that there are not many gods who are their opponents.

The value of this magic is really high enough. The reason why I was able to wait until I exchanged it was because other people couldn't learn it, and the higher gods didn't seem to want to waste time on research.

It was really cheap to be able to exchange for this at that time.

But then, Fang Jie discovered through his avatar that the world seemed a little chaotic.

"What happened? Why haven't you seen each other for a few days, and the entire border is in chaos?"

The subordinate hurried forward and handed Fang Jie some prepared documents. "Lord Lord, these are some things that happened during this time, mainly because the element god launched a large-scale attack on the evil god's lineage."

Fang Jie flipped through the information in his hand, and was taken aback by their generosity.

"They are planning to start a holy war, and it is still on such a large scale, and they are not afraid of their beliefs collapsing."

Yes, this is the mode that mass jihad opens. Perhaps it was because the death of the God of Flame stimulated them, and as a result, the Northern Elemental God was now going crazy, and a large number of troops began to gather at the border.

Their actions naturally attracted the attention of the evil gods, and they began to gather here.

It's just that Fang Jie didn't expect that these elemental gods were so maddened.

They sent people to collect the plague and spread it directly to the south. Some dead soldiers and mad believers were still used to make trouble with the plague, because they found that the evil god did not seem to have any good means for this plague.

On the other hand, there is a God of Light on the side of the Elemental God, and the ability of believers can suppress and cure this plague.

Although it takes time and trouble to treat, it cannot treat so many people. But as long as the isolation measures are done well, the plague can also be suppressed within a certain range.

But the evil gods can't do it, they are not good at healing and purification at all.

So with the spread of the plague, the entire South began to be in chaos.

For this reason, the other evil gods found the God of Evil Desire and asked the God of Evil Desire to solve this matter. After all, no matter who it is, this matter is the first thing that the god of evil desires provoked.

The God of Evil Desire is also very ignorant. He never thought that these undead can do this.

Afterwards, the evil desire can only be solved by going to the undead, but the island of the undead has become an island of flames. There are flames left by the God of Flames everywhere here, which will last for a long time. In such flames, even a demigod cannot survive.

And the other undead have either been running around, or are still wandering around, but there is no powerful existence.

The God of Evil Desire, who couldn't find a way around, found that he was gradually isolated by the evil god. This is not a good thing, so he can only make up, saying that the powerhouse of the undead was taken away by the element god.

The reason is also very simple, that is, if the undead powerhouse is not controlled, why can the elemental god use the plague method.

So this reason spread in the southern region, making believers hate the element gods even more.

After all, once the plague spreads, it is not a trivial matter. No matter who it is, they will blame the person who spread the plague. The two sides are in the same situation, and they have already started to move without fully mobilizing their forces.

Years of accumulated grievances and hatreds caused the two sides to break out completely once they made a move, completely uncontrollable.

Even if the gods issue an oracle now, I am afraid there is no way to stop these people's attacks.

Because even if it stops for a while, I am afraid it will break out again soon. These believers and the army are now like ignited gunpowder, and there is no way to recover them when they explode.

And it didn't take long for the evil god in the south to discover that the north seemed to be suppressing this plague, and there was no way to completely solve it. A small amount can be solved, but they can't do it on a large scale.

So they adopted the same method as the elemental gods, and also found some dead men and fanatics to spread the plague.

As a result, the North soon began to spread, as did the South.

A large number of plagues pervade, and countless people and creatures die every day.

After these people and creatures died, they directly turned into zombies and became a new source of infection, continuing to spread the plague everywhere. Many places have become dead places, and basically no living creatures can be seen.

With the continuous proliferation, people find their living environment is getting worse and worse.

The water source cannot be drunk at all without special purification, because no one knows whether it will be infected by drinking it.

The same is true of food. No one dares to eat food of unknown origin. And as various plants and animals are infected, they can eat less and less. Every day, many priests use magic to purify these foods.

Because they didn't purify the food, they almost ran out of food themselves.

Some people have some careful thoughts and begin to use their abilities for their own benefit.

And once this kind of thing happens, it will be out of control. The conflict and hatred between the people at the bottom and those priests began to increase, and even affected the beliefs of the gods.

The gods found that their beliefs became less and less, and the poison of beliefs became more and more, but there was no way.

Because at this time the gods have to stare at each other and dare not move. Once messed up, it is easy for the other side to find opportunities. So starting from the border, the whole world fell into a strange atmosphere.

"If it goes on like this, they will collapse sooner or later. It seems that the plague can't be solved too quickly. It seems that some new ones need to be added to last for time." Fang Jie thought silently in his heart.

Anyway, they're not people from their own world, most of them aren't even human, and Fang Jie won't care if they die. That being the case, go ahead and spread some plagues.

Fun Court

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