Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 902 Qin Lan's Plan Exposed

While helping Fang Jie sort out, Anya whispered: "Sister Qin Lan said that it is mainly for the issue of offspring. After you become a god, it becomes more and more difficult for you to get offspring."

Fang Jie nodded, he knew this.

The higher the level of the creature, the more difficult it is to obtain offspring.

This is especially true of the gods. It is not so easy to want offspring. Just like other gods, there are often very few descendants, and most of them are left before they become gods, and it is even more difficult after becoming gods.

But after becoming a god, the descendants left behind are often of very high quality.

The descendants of the gods are also sincerely regarded as divine creatures, usually very talented, and the difficulty of becoming a god is very low. The higher the descendants of the high-level gods, the higher the talent.

It is said that the descendants of powerful gods often reach the legendary level as soon as they are born.

If it is not after the demigod level, it is impossible to reach it at birth, I am afraid that their descendants are all possible to be born as gods. These people are born with very exaggerated talents, and there are many people who grow into powerful gods.

Of course, the gods also have some special descendants, that is, the kind of natural monsters.

These monsters, also known as gods, most of them are not very good.

Because of their bad brains, they are stronger and harder to kill. Most of these gods will be driven into the void, and they are born to survive in the void.

A large part of the gods in the void now are the mutant descendants left by some gods.

"Sister Qin Lan has previously learned that other gods have many servants. Through this method of expanding the servants, you can increase the probability of your offspring being conceived, so..."

Well, Fang Jie got it, Qin Lan is really a stupid woman.

In order to be able to have descendants, he could even endure such a thing, and even take the initiative to accept it.

Although his identity has changed, Fang Jie doesn't believe that Qin Lan's heart will change so quickly. After all, I grew up too fast, and it didn't take long.

The god attendant Anya mentioned is only a part of the god attendant, that is, a woman specially used by the gods.

Even in the eyes of many gods, these women are just tools. However, if someone can successfully conceive, then the status of this woman will also rise, and it is not impossible to even become a god.

In fact, Fang Jie also has many gods, but those are normal gods.

Strictly speaking, as long as it is a servant recognized by the gods, it can become a servant of the gods.

Even many high-ranking members of the sect of the gods will be self-serving as gods, and this scope covers a very wide range. Fang Jie moved in his heart, holding Anya and moving again.

By the time Anya lost consciousness, Qin Lan had already woken up.

Fang Jie gently hugged him and said in a low voice, "You don't have to do these things in the future, just follow the fate."

"You already know it, really, they clearly told them not to say it."

Fang Jie rolled his eyelids: "I am their master. When facing me, do they dare not say anything?"

Qin Lan thought about it for a while, and it seems that he is also the queen of gods and has a high status, but Fang Jie is the god itself. In the face of the gods, even the words of the queen are useless. If the subordinates can conceal the gods, then this god system is not far from collapse.

This is not only a matter of rules, but also the function and expression of their beliefs.

"Okay, I know, I won't do these things casually in the future. Even if I do, I will try to get your consent. Really, don't you guys like this kind of thing."

Fang Jie rolled his eyelids: "If you like it, you like it, whether you do it or not is another matter."

Fortunately, I have become a god. If it is an ordinary person, although I like this kind of thing, you can see how many people can really bear it. This is not only a physical problem, but also a variety of problems.

If it is an ordinary person, even if it is necessary to coordinate some things in the family, it is very troublesome.

However, future generations need to be carefully considered. In the past, he and Qin Lan had no descendants, and it may be difficult in the future. If my parents are still there, I'm afraid I also hope to see their grandchildren.

Forget it, it can always be solved. He doesn't believe that other gods have not studied this kind of thing.

They all use the method of increasing women to increase the probability of pregnancy, and other methods of research are also very normal. Fang Jie didn't move, she hugged Qin Lan and closed her eyes.

I won't do anything else today, let's sleep until the sun rises.

It's been a long time since Fang Jie was so relaxed. In this relaxed environment, Fang Jie felt that his spirit was greatly relieved. Some things that I couldn't figure out before, like a dream, I figured it out.

Fang Jie knew that his bottleneck had actually loosened.

This is not only the effect of one's own mentality, but also the effect of absorbing so much source power before. Maybe it won't take long before he can truly break through to the level of the median god.

At that time, I was definitely different from now, and I could have a place among the gods.

It wasn't until the afternoon that Fang Jie came out. At this time, Qin Lan stopped lecturing. Some information is put in front of Fang Jie, these are very important, especially the latest measures passed by the cabinet.

That is, measures that use Faith Points as currency are just those with an added limit.

Now this measure has been implemented in some areas.

"I didn't expect that I could still think of such a method, operating faith as a business. Those guys are still holding brainwashing classes, the purpose is to brainwash themselves?"

Fang Jie felt strange for a while, it was just too weird.

Why is it also spreading beliefs, and when it comes to my side, the style of painting becomes so strange.

Others believe in the gods, and then wait for the gift of the gods, or pray for the gift of the gods.

On my own side, the price is clearly marked, which is the belief points. As long as there are faith points, as long as the faith level is enough, you can exchange for anything you want. This style of painting obviously doesn't know where it is going.

But looking at the results of the trial, it still seems to be very bad, which makes people a little confused.

"Sure enough, am I out of date?" Fang Jie said to himself. Then Fang Jie instructed: "Since the effect is good, let's expand the scope. I want to see what the specific results are."

Anyway, in the realm of the gods, no matter what changes occur, they are all within their own control.

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