Lord Of The People: My Undead Will Fission

Chapter 94 Large-Scale Mutiny Of Arms

With a range of 200 meters, with the workers that Fang Jie has brought now, it is impossible to build quickly.

Mainly because the number of bone worms and bone carriages is not enough, but the skeleton labor is barely sufficient.

But doing this, Fang Jie was able to deceive the other party and make the other party think that he could really quickly build such a wide road in a short period of time. And once the road is so wide, it is almost like fighting on land.

Those lizardmen had no choice but to wash ashore and fight with those skeletons.

Although the lizardmen are very tall, their own structure is special. In the swamp and water, it can display a strong fighting power, but when it gets to the shore, it starts to behave awkwardly in battle.

Although it seems to be very strong, in the absence of a commander, it is not as strong as a level 3 skeleton soldier.

Especially when the skeleton soldiers formed a phalanx and there were skeleton shooters shooting, Fang Jie's first time in a large-scale army battle, the number of battle losses was less than the opponent's.

"The quality of these lizardmen is much worse than the last time I encountered them."

Fang Jie was talking to himself, and at the same time released his spells from a distance, which was considered a kind of exercise. Although there are not many enemies killed, it is also a supplement, isn't it?

Gradually, more and more Lizardmen died, and the situation finally changed.

"I quit, I don't want to kill my own people." A lizardman soldier angrily threw down his weapon. Eyes that had turned red, looked back.

"What are you doing, do you know that we are on a mission now."

A lizardman next to him roared loudly at his companion.

But then, another lizardman said angrily that he didn't want to do such a thing. Then polarization began to appear, and more and more lizardmen behaved wrong.

And those native lizardmen who were forced to come over found that there was a problem with the war supervisor behind them, and they stopped rushing forward.

Continuing to move forward is obviously sending death, it is better to step back.

Lizardman Warrior Level 3: Level (Apprentice)

"What happened over there." Fang Jie just saw the opponent's troop, but found that the opponent's troop was in chaos.

"Maybe loyalty has been reduced to the limit, so infighting is about to happen." From a distance, Dorora looked towards the shore. "Ignorant creatures who never know what loyalty is."

As an absolutely loyal undead, Dorolla simply doesn't look down on the choices of these creatures.

Allegiance is good loyalty, and there is still such a thing as mutiny. In the dictionary of the undead, there is no word mutiny.

"This is infighting, on a large scale." Fang Jie was speechless for a while. But even though he thought so, Fang Jie still turned on the video recording function, which was obtained after upgrading the town, and recorded long-distance video.

You can use it even if you leave the territory. Fang Jie has recorded many battles before.

It's just that these materials are very precious, and they will reveal their strength and combat effectiveness, so Fang Jie didn't release them.

Finally, those lizardmen who had endured to the extreme turned into two parts, one part began to rebel, and the other wanted to exterminate these rebellious people. Loyalty of those who rebelled rapidly.

The native lizardmen who were forced to come over at the beginning also followed them and killed them.

And the loyalty of those who are ready to destroy the rebel army has increased strangely at this time. The lizardmen on both sides fought directly in front of the battlefield.

Fang Jie didn't miss this opportunity either, letting the skeleton laborer continue to build the road while letting the skeleton shooter shoot.

Anyway, the distance is not very far, and the range of the skeleton shooter is just enough to cover there. So the rebellious lizardmen lost more and more quickly, and their fighting style became more and more crazy.

This kind of crazy battle is also a kind of escape, and the civil strife ahead is getting more and more tragic.

"It's an eye-opener, these soldiers of the ordinary camp really can't mess around. Go back and let Qin Lan study hard, so as not to make the same mistakes in the future."

For the time being, on the human side, it seems that no one has been rebelled on a large scale.

However, some loyalty reductions are not without mutiny, so it is right to take precautions. It is not a long time to come to this world, and there are still many rules that need to be understood and learned.

At this time, Methylga's eyes widened, and he never thought it would become like this.

"Isn't it that the troops of the territory are completely loyal to the lord, they, how dare they rebel."

Methyl Plus never thought that the loyalty option, which he usually didn't care about at all, would become like this after it was reduced to the bottom line. Most of those who defected now have become zero.

And once their loyalty goes to zero, they will lose their status as a territorial arm and become a wild arm.

Now these wild troops have only hatred for Mega, so they want to get rid of it. Under such circumstances, these lizardmen actually became the ones who dared to work hard to the end.

The battle continued into the evening, and the renegade lizardmen were basically dead.

And the remaining lizardmen warriors are not many. In this battle, the number of lizardmen who died directly reached tens of thousands. You must know that most of the lizardmen made by Methyl Plus these days were directly damaged.

"Damn, what should I do. No, I have to go back and strengthen my defense. I must not let these undead feel better."

Methyl plus took the remnants of the defeated soldiers left behind by his men, and ran away without his head.

And Fang Jie saw the other party retreat, so he took it easy and continued to make the road.

Those lizardmen corpses were salvaged and could only be temporarily piled up beside them. "On the north passage, maybe a fortress can be built. Let's build it now, and send the corpses there by the way."

Build a fortress, build a skeleton transformation field on-site, and then the corpses can be used.

Among the few black-body grade corpses inside, Fang Jie asked the team to escort and ran towards the territory. These corpses cannot be wasted, they must be sent to a corpse processing factory for processing, and then used as materials.

The road continued to be built at this time is not as exaggerated as 200 meters, only ten meters.

But no one came to make trouble. The speed of construction of this road was faster than Fang Jie imagined.

Fang Jie also observed from time to time in the middle, but did not find any lizardmen coming to make trouble. On the contrary, those lizardmen who had been backlashed before were sent to the front of the opponent's territory.

"They don't want to use these old, weak, sick and disabled to resist my army, but looking at that guy, he is someone who can do such a thing." Fang Jie thought to himself.

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