Lord Of The People: Start With 300 Billion World Trees!

212. Hundred True Gods! The Star God Retreats!

After finishing speaking, Ling Feng just waved his right hand lightly.

The airflow in the surrounding space suddenly began to become turbulent.

A huge space crack appeared in midair!

That was when Ling Feng opened up his [Portable Time Space].

Ready to release [Floating Battle City]!

I saw the next moment.

A resplendent and resplendent floating battle city emerged from the crack in space.

The mighty start running towards the outside world!

Less than three seconds.

The floating battle city with a length and width of hundreds of kilometers is here!

at the same time.

Ling Feng has already manipulated the [City Master Order] of the floating battle city that has been ignited in his mind.

Order all the troops who are resting and preparing for battle inside to attack the whole army immediately!

Thus, the resplendent walls of the floating battle city were opened.

The dimensional space where the arms lived was also opened.

Countless dragons, angels, elves, and succubi rushed out of it like thousands of troops!

Even so.

In terms of the size of Ling Feng's floating battle city, it still looks a bit small compared to the huge imaginary city in the sky.

Especially the troops on Ling Feng's side are less than 30,000 in total, while the opposite side is full of millions!

All of them are extraterrestrial demons above the fifteenth rank!

Many of them have even reached the eighteenth level and above, close to demigods!

Not only that, but hundreds of figures exuding a terrifying aura appeared in the sky at this moment.

Those figures are all true gods from outside the territory!

Moreover, in this 【City of the Imaginary World】, Ling Feng can feel it.

There is also an existence that has surpassed the true god level and reached the star god level!

But there was no fear in Ling Feng's eyes.

Although the opposite side seems to be powerful, but his arms are not for nothing.

Especially the angels and dragons are the top creatures in the three thousand great worlds.

Even if it is placed in the [Endless Void Realm], it is not empty at all!

After all, this is just a city of bronze.

He didn't even reach the rank of the City of Gold.

Therefore, although the ranks of the arms in it are not low.

But the racial ability is the lowest in the endless world.

They are just like cannon fodder, they can only be used to bully some ordinary troops on the Continent for Hegemony.

But for powerful units like angels and dragons, they are consumables.

And Ling Feng's strength lies there!

Although he is only a median true god now.

But his strength cannot be measured by rank.

He who owns the world's god-planted tree has mastered the most powerful weapon skills and bloodlines in the heavens, and he has even touched the threshold of the power of the great way long ago!

Now he has become a true god.

The power he can display with his own skills is naturally even more terrifying.

In particular, one of the three thousand roads contained in Shenxiang Suppressing Prison Strength:

【Supreme Way to the Underworld】!

When he was only at the king rank, he was able to exert a trace of the power of the way of supreme imperial power.

Now that he has become a lower-rank true god, the power he can exert is naturally greater.

Although there is still a long way to go before fully mastering the Way of the Supreme Underworld.

But dealing with a small low-level Star God Realm powerhouse is not worthless at all!

"Master, is that the Bronze City from the Endless Void?"

0 looking for flowers......

"The other party looks a little arrogant."

"Master, give the order, let us destroy them!"

A few little lolita stood by Ling Feng's side, facing the army of millions of heavenly demons from outside the territory in the slightest.

Although they did not condense their own godhead.

But through his own bloodline inheritance, he has fully grasped the power of the law inherited in the bloodline.

If you have a blank godhead, you can be promoted to a true god-level powerhouse in an instant, and your strength will rise to a higher level!

Of course, even if there is no promotion.


Their strength is also leveraged.

It is no problem to challenge a lower true god by leapfrogging.

However, Ling Feng was not prepared to take this risk.

After all, there are hundreds of true gods on the opposite side!

I see.

Ling Feng waved the Kunwu Divine Sword in his hand casually, and the few true gods standing in the front row were instantly killed by the powerful sword intent!

If they are prepared, they can resist.

But they didn't expect it at all.

A middle-level true god of the human race can actually launch an attack of this level, directly killing himself in seconds!

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