Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 144 Grab The Boss? I Kill In One Hit!

"This thousand-legged centipede is too fierce."

"My God, turning around in the desert can create so many dust tornadoes."

"This yellow sand storm is like the end of the world..."

"The anchor is also a talent. He is fine in such a dangerous place, and he can still broadcast normally."

"Have you thought too much about it? Something will happen now? You know, even Yue Luo's attack just now can't be done against him."


"Haha... Do you think the host will succeed in robbing the boss?"

"Hard to say."

"I think it's quite possible.

"Looking at the posture of the anchor, it is very likely that a previous lord who has developed for more than 100 years has somehow transmitted it.

"Who told you that the anchor is a lord, what if it is a hero?"

"Hero......... the hero came to this kind of place alone, and the lord doesn't feel sorry for him after he dies?"

"not sure."

"A lord with this kind of stealth ability feels a little bit against the sky."

Geng Xiao was bored watching the scrolling bullet screens and messages in the live broadcast room,

A large area densely packed, completely invisible,

But he can filter the displayed density and thus see.

Seeing these viewers talk about him,

He couldn't help feeling a little funny,

Not only that Yueluo's attack couldn't do anything to him.

Even a character with level 100 becoming a god 340 can't cause any harm to him who is sneaking in high latitudes.


That man is strong enough to cross dimensions.

It seems to be a very strong ability, but it is actually rather tasteless.

Because even if it is called 'invincible', it is passively invincible.

Once Geng Xiao wants to attack and make a move,

He must descend to the original dimension of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield,

Only in this way can others be harmed.

He's just sneaking after all,

Unable to use the real 'Dimension Strike'.

"If labor and capital are at high latitudes, attack at low latitudes.

"I have already become a god-level figure, and my reputation must be louder than Yueluo."

"It's been 100 years, and it's only been 20 years since I entered the battlefield of ten thousand realms..."

Geng Xiao muttered, he has always lived more cautiously.

Because no matter how strong his stealth ability is,

After all, where the territory is, where the lord crystal is,

He doesn't want to lose his territory,

Once the lord's crystal is breached, even if he won't die,

The soul returns to the body, and he can only be a ronin in the wild.

Or, lodge under other lords,

A life of ups and downs is not what Geng Xiao wants,

He also has a twin sister to take care of, who is also the same lord as him.

"I hope this (chcc) live broadcast will bring some benefits..."

"If someone contacts me secretly, I can sneak over and get some resources."

After obtaining the epic-level beheading ability curved dagger,

It was only then that Geng Xiao had the idea of ​​launching a live broadcast,

He wants to develop faster.

in the area of ​​his domain,

Some lords have already begun to annex each other and expand their territory.

This made him feel a sense of crisis.

"Come on, please, Centipede Yi.

Geng Xiao prayed silently.

If this imperial epic summer boss,

If there is no additional drop benefit,

Then he can only get basic experience points, meat pieces and territory energy.

In the battlefield of ten thousand realms, it is very difficult to obtain experience points.

Usually requires long-term accumulation,

According to the conversion, this level 40 boss can provide him with 200,000 experience points at most,

Not even 1%.

In the battlefield of ten thousand realms, there is no such thing as leapfrog kills and increased experience gains.

Otherwise, those powerful big lords can take off if they directly capture a high-level boss for the new lord to kill.

want to upgrade,

Gathering monsters for range crusade, as well as experience fruits, is the most important thing.

BOSS, more for extra drop income.

Epic-level BOSS, the upper limit can produce epic-level items,

Exploding an epic item is a big profit.

"Yueluo, this B, why hasn't he come yet.

Geng Xiao looked up at the scorching sun in the sky,

Although he is at a high latitude, he will not feel the heat,

But his uneasy and excited mood lasted for too long, and he was a little irritable.

Even, there is a little worry.

If Yue Luo is not going to attack this thousand-legged centipede, what should he do?

In the short term, no previous lords will come here again.


Geng Xiao sent a message to his sister using the lord's terminal.

"Sister, I may have to stay for a few more days before coming back.

"Alright buddy, stay safe."

close the overlord terminal,

Geng Xiao waited patiently.

"Where is the moon, why hasn't the moon come yet?"

"Yeah, the sun is going down."

"I really want to see Yueluo get robbed of the boss..."

"What kind of abnormal psychology do you have upstairs, aren't you taught by Yueying?"

"Hey...then why are you waiting here to see?"


The audience in the live broadcast room, he is a bit bored.

Su Yu is flying in the sky,

Also a little speechless.

Hurry what hurry?

How about 35,000 kilometers, is it so easy to fly?

Su Yu was flying quickly along the edge of the desert.

The purpose is to place 【Flare Tower】.

The movement of his territory building must be the place where the territory unit has been.

A lord unit is also a territorial unit.

So, he was going to fly around the sofa area.

Because of [flare tower]'s second attack ability, photon ray.

The power will have a peak point.

At a distance of 5,000 kilometers from the target, the maximum attack can be achieved.


If there are multiple [Flare Towers], attack at the same time,


The farther they are apart, the greater the range and power of the sun's force will be.


Su Yu plans to place 【Yaoguang Pagoda】in the southeast and northwest of the desert area, in the middle of the four edge lines.

Then attack the centipede of all races in the center.

he has tried,

No matter how many [Yaoguang Towers] are placed

It is not as good as arranging four seats like this, which is more powerful.

"Photon ray beam" is a single target strike.

What Su Yu seeks most is the strongest upper limit,

Instead of multiple attacks dealing multiple damage.

after all

If you don't break the defense, it's useless to fight ten thousand times.

Moreover, attacking the enemy with 100 attack power 10 times is definitely not as good as attacking the enemy once with 120 attack power, and the damage caused is greater.

The attack power of buildings is linked to the combat power of heroes and units.

Like the nature of combat power,

When it grows, the damage expression will double.


Arranging the four [Yaoguang Towers] at four points is to maximize the attack of the "photon ray beam".

Only "Flare Strike", a large-scale fixed attack, is that the more the number of placements, the better the damage effect.

"Finally done."

With one row of Su Yu's hands, the four [Yaoguang Pagodas],

Move to the path you have traveled.

It is exactly 50,000 kilometers away from the centipede.

The Wanzu centipede is 10 kilometers long, and even if its orientation is slightly off,

Can also play the most powerful.

The photon rays, began to gather.

The sun jumped up.

"Master Su Yu, aren't you ready to attack the BOSS?"

Bai Xiaowei sent a message, and she also had some doubts.

Su Yu: "It's coming."

Bai Xiaowei: "What's coming?"


The light that penetrates the sky and the earth falls from the sky.

Su Yu grinned,

Grab the boss?

I'll kill you with one blow, you grab a hammer boss. .

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