Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 146 [Night Constellation] And [Light Constellation]

When the white line that runs through the sky and the earth appears,

The gaze of the entire multidimensional universe of ten thousand realms,

come together.

Lord or not,

No matter which lord it is.

They all knew one,

The person who is enough to change the future of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield,


"Unexpectedly, in the TW mock battle, only the tip of the iceberg was shown. 1"

Yue Hongyu whispered.

Yue Mengmeng blinked curiously: "Sister Hongyu, can you beat Yueluo?"

"Little girl."

"How can I be compared with Moonset?"

Yue Hongyu smiled wryly, and was born in the same lord as Yue Luo,

What a tragedy.

Alia stared obsessively at the white beam of light that pierced through the sky,

she knows,

Her Majesty the Empress tonight will definitely be too excited to sleep.

Now, it's completely solid,

Su Yu is exactly the person predicted by the high priest of the elf "May 27".

There will be light in the sky, the day when the elves will rise.

never again,

Go flatter and flatter the Kingdom of Light.

Son of Light, Louis Muse,

Looking at the white beam of light that runs through the sky and the earth in the picture,

stunned for a long time,

Ashamed of myself.

Scarlet Witch, Fran Noreya.

Looking solemnly at the white beam of light in the picture,

Is this the power of Yue Luo itself?

Or rely on the strength of the building?

no matter what kind,

It's all terrible.


For the first time in her life, the red devil girl felt the pressure.

"It seems that we have to get the inheritance of the Demon Throne ahead of time..."

She murmured quietly.

a black gothic dress,

Following the Red Demon Flame, it swayed gently.

The strongest flame in the world, beside the Red Witch, is as gentle as the wind.

"It's really good power, black knight, you say me or him, who is stronger?"

"Lord, from now on, you must be stronger."

"In other words, your strength is not as good as his now?"

"Yes, lord."

on the cracked earth,

A little boy is holding a light blue crystal, meditating.

There is no alien feature on him,

Not changelings either.

Is a pure human race.

Moreover, his age is over 18 years old,

He is the lord of the 11520th session of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield.

It's just his body, which never grows up.

Therefore, it looks like an eight or nine-year-old boy.

And what he held in his arms was even more astonishing.

That turned out to be, fixed in the space, unable to move... the lord crystal.

Carry the lord crystal on the road?

If this scene is seen by others, their jaws will definitely drop.

by his side,

Standing was a man in black armor.

covered with armor,

Black helmet, black armor, black arm armor, black skirt armor, black legs...etc.

It's hard to imagine that under the Xia Yi of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield,

He walks in such armor,


Between the steps, it is still very light,

The thick black armor shoes stepped on the dry and cracked ground without making the slightest sound.

He is the little boy's hero, the Black Knight.

Is a guardian knight of the night.

"In the future, I always say in the future, alas."

The little boy hugged the lord crystal and sighed.

"Black Knight, tell me, I don't have any territory, buildings, or arms, and I even gave up my territory...can I still be considered a lord?"

"Lord, you will become the strongest lord in the history of the Ten Thousand Realms Multidimensional Universe."

"Including that one?"

"Including that one."

"Well, Black Knight, you're always talking to me about the future, the future and all."

The little boy shook his head bored.

"Black Knight, you have only advanced to the legendary level now, right?"

"Yes, lord."

"How long is it until the epic?"

"Eight months.

"That's too slow."

The little boy and the black knight chatted about scary topics.

worlds battlefield,

Can heroes be promoted?

Legend becomes epic?

Simply unheard of.

Heroes are all powerful existences that have passed away,

In the battlefield of ten thousand realms, it is impossible for a hero's strength to surpass its former peak.

Can only do it, return to the top.

This is already the limit of the rules of the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield.

It is impossible to advance to the hero level, and it is also something that no one will mention.


Chatting words between the little boy and the black knight,

Not like a joke.

"Black Knight, you said my mythical talent...is it too bad, why is the negative effect so perverted?"

"Even if there is no upper limit on the number of heroes, as long as a building is built and a unit is recruited, the attributes of heroes will plummet."

"Only heroes, can things really happen?"

"Besides, it is said that there is no upper limit. I have been in the battlefield of ten thousand realms for four months......"

"We still only recruited you as a hero."

"If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid I would have left the stage when the monster wave came."

The little boy continued to mutter,

The long journey made him complain.

"Lord, the myth talent with negative effects is the top myth talent."

"Really?" The little boy asked in surprise.


The black knight replied, his voice calm.

"Oh, but I can't recruit heroes through the [Hero Hall], I have to go around to find heroes..."

The little boy looked down at his muddy shoes,

He really wants to have a territory of his own,

Then lie in it and do nothing.

The little hand holding the lord's crystal became even tighter.

Seems to be aware of what the little boy is thinking,

The black knight comforted: "Lord, we can conquer other lords and let them sign slave contracts.

"In this way, even if you have no territory, it is equivalent to having countless territories, and you can enter and exit at will."

"Really?" The little boy's eyes lit up: "Then take me there quickly!"

"No, we still need to find a second hero."

The little boy couldn't help but said angrily: "Then what are you talking about?"

He looked boredly at the information in the lord's terminal,

The entire Ten Thousand Realms is boiling over the new power displayed by Yue Luo.

"Black Knight, you said that Yueluo is so strong, could he be [Bright Constellation]?"



"It's the power of architecture, not the power of moonset."

"Besides, [Bright Zodiac] are all bad guys, this Moonset... will protect the Moon Shadow Sect's influence area, 4.6 has helped many new lords, he is a good guy, a very good guy.

"Oh?" The little boy raised his eyebrows slightly.

It was the first time he had heard the Black Knight, praising the others.

"Lord, don't rush into the [Bright Seat] matter."

"No hurry, didn't you say that was my destiny?"

"Yes, [Night Constellation] and [Light Constellation] are indeed old enemies.

The black knight replied.

"Hey, must it be an old enemy, can't it be a friend? What if... this time [Bright Zodiac] is a good person?"

"Impossible." The black knight replied firmly.

"Brightness wants the world to be bright."

"But without darkness, how do you know what light is?"

"If the world is full of light, then that light is the greatest darkness."

"Lord, you need to come to the night for the light.

"This is the mission of [Black Night Seat]."

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