"Leader, my lord, I'm going to bed first."

Sylph was a little nervous, and hurriedly got into bed, even calling Su Yu by the wrong name.

Compared to Sylph,

At this time, Su Yu was even more nervous.

In the quiet [Hero Hall], he could even hear his own heartbeat.


Su Yu took two deep breaths, and quietly got into bed.

Staring at Sylph right in front of her,

Can't fall asleep for a long time.

The moonlight shines through the window and falls on the blond hair in front of Su Yu's eyes,

Gradually hazy halo.

Su Yu's eyes were a bit blurred, and he couldn't fall asleep even more.

Until in front of him, there was a steady breathing sound.

He tentatively put his hand on the waist of the willow,

Only then did I fall asleep contentedly.


third day.

[Because you slept dishonestly, Sylph loyalty +5, current loyalty: 86. 】

Su Yu opened his hazy eyes,

Glancing at Sylph who was changing clothes beside her, she hurriedly closed her eyes.

This... what's the situation?

What does it mean to sleep dishonestly?

Could it be that his actions last night were discovered?

It's just... why did the loyalty increase?

Su Yu was very nervous, his heart seemed to be stuck in his throat.

"Master Su Yu, it's time to get up."

Sylph routinely wakes Su Yu up.

However, she didn't know that Su Yu would wake up every morning because of her territory notification sound.

"Good morning, Sylph."

Su Yu stretched and sat up, pretending nothing happened.

Sylph smiled sweetly.


[You have successfully sold the Eye of the Sky Water Dragon, and obtained Territory Energy × 10,0000. 】

With 100,000 territory energy in hand, Su Yu immediately spent 50,000,

Raised the lord crystal to level 3!

[Congratulations, your lord crystal has successfully upgraded to level 3. 】

[You have unlocked new architectural blueprints: dining room, patterned floor, play house, mysterious shop. 】

[The upper limit of your territory has been increased to 500 grids. 】

[Your building limit has been increased to 500. 】

[The upper limit of your defensive building level has been raised to level 30. 】

[The upper limit of your arms and hero levels has been raised to level 30. 】

[You can get territory energy every day: 2000 points. 】

Level 3 Territory,

With a wave of his hand, Su Yu used the energy of the territory to build 9 farmhouses and increase the population by 18.

Including the farmhouse built before, the population limit has come to 30.

Beds are needed to build a farmhouse, and there's no cotton around here,

Therefore, it is impossible for farmers to use materials to build farmhouses approved by Lord Crystal.

It is the most convenient to spend the energy of the territory.

"Continuous recruitment!"

In the farmhouse, streaks of white light surged.

A man made of cast iron came out from inside.

A woman named Zhou Zheng walked out from inside.

"See the lord!"

"Get up."

Su Yu recruited 19 farmers this time, 10 men and 9 women.

Plus the previous 10 farmers,

There is also the hero Sylph, whose population suddenly reached the upper limit of 30.

As for himself, he is not included in the population of the territory.

"Zhang San!"

Su Yu called out.

A strong man who was carrying stones ran over immediately.

"My lord, Zhang San has arrived, please give me instructions!"

"You lead them, and there is only one thing to do today, build arrow towers, and build 100 towers first!"


Zhang San took the order and started working with the newly recruited farmers.

Due to the construction of the arrow tower, it is the first task released by Su Yu.

So even female farmers joined in.

Regardless of their slender figures, they are actually very powerful.

If it's just transportation work, it can be done easily.

Looking at the hard-working farmers, Su Yu nodded with satisfaction.

Suddenly, he glanced at Sylph at the side,

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about Sylph, she felt much more at ease.

He was afraid that his lord... would be too oppressive and would leave a bad impression on Sylph.

"At the beginning of the territory, it is the responsibility of the peasants to build the territory."

"In the future, let them enjoy life in the territory."

Sylph seemed to see what Su Yu was thinking, and said with a smile:

"My responsibility is to protect you and the safety of the territory."

it seems that

The sudden increase in loyalty this morning gave her energy again.

"Master Su Yu, I went out to hunt."

"have a safe journey."

Qianying leaped rapidly among the mountains, and disappeared into the forest at the foot of the mountain in a blink of an eye.

Watching Sylph go away,

Su Yu began to think about how to spend the remaining energy of the territory,

As for continuing to upgrade the lord's crystal, that's unthinkable.

Level 3 lord crystal upgrade to level 4 will cause a qualitative change,

In addition to massive territorial energy, a special material is also required.

That kind of material was hard to come by in the early stage.

"Build a mysterious store first, buy some rice and vegetables, and improve everyone's diet."

Su Yu spent 5,000 territorial energy to build a mysterious shop in an open space on the top of a barren hill.

The mysterious shop sells all kinds of weird things, and the items sold will be automatically refreshed every day.

You can also spend 200 territory energy to refresh manually.

A small house covering an area of ​​10 square meters rises from the ground,

There is only one sales window, no door, it looks like a small shop.

Su Yu stepped forward and looked at the items for sale.

There was nothing he liked, so he spent 200 territorial energy to refresh it.

With this refresh, he immediately burst into foul language.


A luminous spar appeared in the sale list.

[Hero Heart Advanced]!

You can upgrade the hero hall and increase the upper limit of heroes in the territory!

The second hero can be recruited!

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