Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 216: Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament Held, Arriving At The Endless Land!

Battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms, July 3, 11520 in the lunar calendar, autumn,

Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament will be held as scheduled!

The location is the center of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield,

The "Boundless Land" occupies more than 99% of the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms.

The Seven Gods of Myriad Worlds,

Draw a circle in the "land without beginning",

opened up a law of heaven and earth,

It is an exclusive battlefield for the ranking battle of all races.

All players participating in the Ten Thousand Races Ranking Tournament,

During the contest,

The territory will be "sheltered by the nine-color sky" in an invincible state.


You can also pass the "Nine-Colored Heaven's Shelter"

teleport to nowhere,

After reaching the land of no beginning, the invincible state will be lost.

The way of fighting is very similar to simulated warfare,

Territory units can be dropped.

It's just that... the difference from simulated warfare is that

That's casualties!

Once the arms and heroes die, they are really dead.

Once in the territory battle, the lord crystal is captured,

That would not only disqualify you from the competition,

It will also directly lose the status of the lord!

Because of this characteristic,

The ten thousand race ranking battle is destined to be full of blood.

Surrender, but also as early as possible. The referee for the "Four Four Seven" Ten Thousand Worlds Ranking Tournament is in charge of the whole process by the mastermind of the Ten Thousand Worlds Terminal, Estana.

Don't worry about fairness.

In total, there are 4 competition systems.

In the first act, a points race was held.

In the second act, what was held was the final elimination.

In the third act, the promotion match was held.

For the finale, it was the finals.

Among them, the upcoming points race,

Divided into the first half and the second half,

In the first half, put all the contestants in some areas,

To fight, to siege,

Finally, after a month, the lords who still have crystals in the territory of the region,

Advance to the next round.

If the territory in the area is greater than 100,

Then take the lord with the largest number of conquered territories, the top 100, and enter the next round.

In the second half of the points race,

Divided into arms warfare, hero warfare, lord warfare, territorial warfare,

Among them, 1 point is awarded for the victory of arms battle and lord battle, 5 points for victory of hero battle, and 10 points for victory of territory battle.

You can freely choose the fighting style.

In the end, the top 10,000 lords with points,

Advance to the next round and participate in the knockout round.

And these 10,000 lords, the races they belong to,

It will also enter the sequence of all races!

However, for those powerful races, there will be many people who reach the top 10,000 points,

that situation,

Those who are ranked lower in points, their races can also move forward,

Enter the Wanzu sequence.

However, they were unable to participate in the next round of knockout rounds.

It can be said,

In the points match of Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield, the result was pronounced for more than 90% of the races.

The sequence of ten thousand races has a total of 10,000.

Only the races that enter the top 10,000 in the sequence,

There will be gaps in the allocation of resources in the multidimensional universe of Myriad Realms.

And after 10,000, that is, there is no resource allocation for entering the Ten Thousand Races sequence,

All races are the same.


Every race wants to squeeze into the top 10,000, squeeze into the sequence of ten thousand races.

If you don't belong to the Ten Thousand Races sequence, not only do you have few resources,

In the eyes of others, they are almost equivalent to the fringe races of the Ten Thousand Realms multidimensional universe.

Moreover, the resource allocation for the 10,000th place,

The gap with 10,001 is at least a hundred times, a thousand times or more.

In the past Ten Thousand Races Ranking Tournament,

It often happens that those contestants with more than 10,000 rankings,

Ashamed of committing suicide.

This time, the races participating in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament,

There are 97,3510 total.

It is quite difficult to enter the sequence of ten thousand races.

All races have tried their best,

How much power has been developed in secret is unknown.

There are 1460 and 2650 contestants.

They will determine the direction of the race of the Ten Thousand Realms in the next millennium!

Nine colors of light shrouded the sky above the territory,

That is the symbol of the territory participating in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament.

Su Yu looks at the nine-colored sky,

This "shelter of the nine-color sky",

The nine-colored deer comes from the beast clan, one of the seven great clans in the Ten Thousand Realms.

And for those who are good at defusing attacks,

The shelter constructed by the power of the family,

With the blessing of Mastermind Estana,

It can be said to be invincible on the battlefield of ten thousand realms.

It has reached the point where the rules of the battlefield of ten thousand realms have been reached.

There is really no need to worry about the security of the territory.

Su Yu opened the lord's terminal and applied for teleportation.

Nine colors of light enveloped him,

Soar into the sky.

In a split second, Sumi crossed an unimaginable distance,

Came to an unknown tens of thousands of light-years away,

The central area of ​​the battlefield of ten thousand realms, the land without beginning.

Tens of millions of contestants, scattered on a piece of land,

That scene can be described as very spectacular.

Su Yu looked around,

The rest area of ​​the human race is as big as a football field,

It is more than enough to accommodate the thirty-two stars of the human race.

However, there are still some bigwigs of the human race,

But the amount is very small.

After all, whoever has the means to enter the land of no beginning,

too little.

Thirty-two stars of the human race,

He was the last to arrive,

Thirty-one other people have arrived.

"Su Xing, come here!"

Wei Chenfeng's eyes lit up, and he waved to Su Yu.

Su Yu glanced at the empty seat next to Wei Chenfeng,

After hesitating for a moment, I didn't pass.

He doesn't like Wei Chenfeng's enthusiasm very much,

Because... if we are to face off against the five great civilizations of the human race in the future,

He didn't know how to face Wei Chenfeng.

Therefore, alienation is the best distance.

"Master Su!!"

Xia Xuan happily waved at Su Yu,

Su Yu frowned, but still didn't choose to go over.

There is no one within 10 meters of Xia Xuan,

Although I can't smell anything from her,

But her dirty look,

directly let the brain pretend to smell the smell,

Feel physically repulsed.

Su Yu didn't want Xia Xuan's dirty paws to pull at his white clothes.

When I went to Xia Xuan's territory last night, I was picked up...

Look at her starry eyes,

It seems that he really wants to put his dirty hands on the white clothes on Su Yu's body,

I'm afraid I want to dye Su Yu's clothes.........

"Su Yu!!"

adjoining lounge area,

Fairy princess Alia, smiling and waving to Su Yu,

Su Yu smiled and walked over.

She is also a woman of the elves, which makes people feel like spring breeze.

"Damn, that guy is having an affair with an elf princess?"

Wei Chenfeng touched his bald head and muttered,

I always feel that every time I meet Su Yu, I refresh my knowledge.

Who the hell is more like a member of the five major civilizations?

You, a guy from the seventh universe, when did you get involved with the elves?

The elves, unlike the human race, do not have any of the five major civilizations.


The development of Alia's territory must have surpassed theirs.

This point is well known to everyone.

after all

The bottom line for the human race is to be able to enter the top 10,000 sequence,

Others are all competitions within the human race.

It would be even better if the ranking could not be lost.

After all, every ten thousand race ranking battle, the ranking of the human race,

are falling.

Not even one person who passed the points race and entered the next round.

It all depends on the top 10,000 players, many from the same race,

Let their race rank move forward and enter the ranks of ten thousand races.

Based on past years of experience,

Generally speaking,

Remove the previous number of duplicates,

The player's points ranking reaches 15,000,

Race ranking, almost can enter the top 10,000, and get into the Fang family sequence.

"Are you Su Yu?"

Waiting for the opening of the lol ranking competition,

A handsome elf man looked at Su Yu with displeasure.

He is the prince of elves, Julius.

Princes and princesses sound like a good match for Alia.

However, it is not the case.

Alia, born from the world tree, does not belong to any kingdom of the elves.

She is the hope for the revival of the entire elf clan, and her status is detached.

Therefore, the prince of the largest kingdom of the elves 4.9,

It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a dog leg beside her.

"Julius, what tone are you talking about?!"

"Slap the mouth!"

Alia looked at Julius angrily.

The elf queen has explained before,

She also told the people in the rest area that she has said it countless times.

Su Yu must be respected.

Unexpectedly, this Julius was still speaking rudely!

This Su Yu, but she wants to cling tightly to her thigh,

Originally, she just called out casually,

Unexpectedly, Su Yu actually left the resting area of ​​the human race,

Come to her.

This made her so surprised and happy!


This handsome elf male can appear in this beginningless land,

At a glance, the status is extraordinary,

Maybe, he is still a contestant in the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament.

After all, this is the territory of the elves, Su Yu felt a little embarrassed,

This guy, just asked a question, just a tone...won't he slap his mouth, right?


In Alia's heart, for Su Yu's questioning tone,

That is disrespectful!

Julius' face suddenly swelled into a liver color. .

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