Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 327 The Night Seat In The Snow, The Target Butterfly Tolerance

early winter.

Autumn is gradually dissipating, and the cold wind of winter has been suppressed for a long time, and finally came to the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

Passing through the heavy gray fog, it spread to the depths of every region.

On the terrain of the wilderness, there is no vegetation, no mountains,

The flat land makes the winter wind more biting.

Light snow fell in the sky, but the air became extremely dry due to the coldness.

The water has been frozen, and the earth is covered with silver.

In the corner of the wilderness where the winter wind is raging, there is a stone house standing in the color of snow,

Quite monotonous and withered.

The little boy was breathing cold air, his face was dry, and he looked at the information in the terminal,

The melancholy between the eyebrows twisted into a rope.

"The Black Knight, the seat of light, how could it be a great lord......"

"He entered the battlefield of Ten Thousand Realms ten thousand years before me, how can I fight him?"

"I'm still with him [A stroke of God], is there really a chance to get it back?"

The little boy's voice was very aggrieved, so aggrieved that he wanted to cry.


There are two men and a woman sitting quietly.

A man covered in black armor said after a moment of contemplation:

"No wonder, he killed me with one kick earlier."

He is the Black Knight, the little boy's number one hero.

"Black Knight, 27, have you ever been killed in seconds? Hahaha...

A man with black shadow all over his body laughed a few times.

He is Shadow Clan --- Shadow Front, the second hero of the little boy.

"I haven't died yet."

The woman in black said with a smile.

She is the Eternal Night Clan --- Staci, the first hero of the little boy.


"I'm talking business!"

"Black Knight, why don't you look like you don't care!"

The little boy stared at the black knight.


The black knight looked at the little boy, and said seriously: "Then [a stroke of genius], we just don't want it."


"Then how?"

"That's the most powerful mythical equipment I've ever seen!!"

"Moreover, it was obtained from the inheritance of the Black Night Seat

The little boy was in a hurry, and looked at the black knight in disbelief.

"do not worry."

The black knight said comfortingly: "Su Muluo can't exert the effect of [God's Stroke]."

"You also know that that thing can only be used in conjunction with another mythical item [Ukiyo Scroll].

"One piece alone is useless at all."

"Besides, we don't need to be hostile to him."

"Just live your life well."

The words of the black knight made the little boy stand up suddenly,

He stared furiously at the black knight,

"Didn't you say that my destiny is to kill the light?"

"Why is it not hostile again?!"

"It was you who said you wanted to kill him, and it was you who said you were not hostile!"

"What on earth do you want!"

"If it wasn't for your rash action at the beginning... you wouldn't have lost [God's Strike]!"

little boy accuses,

Embarrassed, the black knight blushed a little,

It's just that his face is covered under the black armor, and his expression cannot be seen clearly.

"I don't know... Bright seat, it's not that unbearable."

"Look, this time, he took action to solve the fierce disaster in the region."

"Hmph." The little boy snorted coldly,

"It's not just to snatch the reward of the last blow!"

"I do not care!"

"The [God's Strike] belongs to me!"

"I will take it back!"

Hearing this, the black knight smiled: "He is a great lord, why are you overdoing it?"

These words made the little boy suffocate.


Those who have acquired the inheritance of the Bright Seat have developed their territory for tens of thousands of years,

how he begged,

Just relying on his current three legendary heroes with infinite resurrection ability?

"Black Knight, let's go and find the fourth hero."

The little boy turned and pushed open the door,

The biting cold wind, carrying snowflakes, penetrated into the stone house.

The sound of black armor colliding sounded,

The black knight stood up and said, "Legendary neutral units are not so easy to find."

"It's winter, it's better to rest."

The little boy has the ability to transform neutral units into his own heroes.

However, this ability is not unlimited.

Therefore, neutral units of legendary level and above are generally selected.

However, neutral units of legendary level and above are really rare.

And the slightly stronger ones,

I have already gone to capture the 7th-level territory, and I am the master of the house, and I have become the lord.

"Hmph, want to rest?"

"Then I don't want to spend the winter in this little stone house!"

"Go attack other territories!"

"Let other lords sign a soul contract, I want to be happy in the subordinate territory!"

said the little boy angrily.

From the terminal screen,

Seeing the celebration banquet held by "Myriad Insects",

Seeing the focus of the audience, eating the delicacies of Su Muluo,

Look at yourself again, this small broken house...

In contrast, the little boy was completely ruined.

The fate of the night constellation is to kill the light constellation?

But why does he feel that he is like a clown in front of the Bright Seat?

Not only did I lose [A stroke of God], but I was also a new lord......

The development gap is tens of thousands of years,

How does this make him compete with the Bright Zodiac?

"I heard that there is a level 50 legendary neutral unit active in the southern region."

"And, it's still a human race."

"One way of practicing Ninja."

When everyone walked out of the stone house, Staci said something casually.

The little boy's eyes widened suddenly,

Level 50 legendary neutral units?!

How strong does it have to be to be his hero?

"Where did you hear that?" the little 023 boy asked anxiously.

"I got it in the terminal forum." Staci raised the hero terminal on her wrist.

"Why didn't you say something like this earlier?!" The little boy was extremely depressed.

Staci responded with a smile: "Because the neutral unit has the power to serve, it's called the Heaven and Earth League."

"And it is a new lord force belonging to the human race."

"Lord, you are also a human race, so I don't

"It doesn't matter!" The little boy waved his hand.

"Go, let's go!"

"Let's go and recruit those level 50 legendary neutral units!"

Holding the light blue lord crystal, the little boy stepped into the snow-colored cold wind.

Black Knight, Shadow Front and Staci followed by his side.

"By the way, Black Knight, how long will it take for you to be promoted to Epic Rank?"

"Waiting for this winter."

A little boy with the mythical talent [Moody's Blessing],

Not only does it have an unlimited number of heroes, but it can also advance the hero's rank.

"Black Knight, what do you say if we can't beat the light in the future?"

"No, Ye, believe in your own development potential. The seat of light...has been developed for tens of thousands of years. You are just a new lord. You can defeat him in less than a hundred years!"

The words of the black knight gradually stabilized the little boy's restless heart.

Snow paints the world into a beautiful white jade color. .

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