Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 365 The First Battle, Against The Son Of The Orc!

Leopard Yuan: "Dear viewers and friends, the final ranking battle that attracts the attention of all races is coming.

Leopard Yuan: "Xiaoxiao and I will explain the scene of Su Yu, the holy son of the human race."

Xiaoxiao: "Everyone, please look forward to it."

Leopard Yuan: "I don't know Su Yu, but how many places will be challenged in each round.

Xiaoxiao: "With his character, it must be a challenge for the 10 out of 10.

Xiaoxiao: "I heard from the human race that Su Yuai competes for the first place.

Leopard Yuan: "Compete for the first place? The ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny."

Leopard Yuan: "Let's talk about Xiaoxiao, the human race is on the rise, will you return to the human race?"

Xiaoxiao: "Let's talk about it, I'm in the Moon God Palace, ~ I'm staying pretty well.

Xiaoxiao: "Hee hee, if Su Yu can win the first place, I will - consider it."

Leopard Yuan: "Huh,?"

Leopard Yuan: "If it is really number one, I am afraid that many human beings wandering in other universes will also return to the human race."

Leopard Yuan: "But that's impossible."

Xiaoxiao: "It's hard to say, Su Yu hasn't lost a game yet?"

Leopard Yuan: "Never been defeated? What can that prove?"

Bao Yuan: "Most of the hundreds of clans that have come to the present have never been defeated, okay?"

The game has not yet started,

The commentator Leopard Yuan and Xiaoxiao chatted on their channel.

Since they chose to comment on the game of Su Yu, the son of the human race,

Therefore, many Terran audiences chose to watch their commentary.

Xiaoxiao: "Personally, I am inclined, and it can still create miracles.

Leopard Yuan: "A miracle? To be honest, in the past, Su Yu did have the strength to break into the second sequence, or even the first sequence..."

Bao Yuan: "However, Estana has changed the rules. You and I both know the specific reasons, so we can't say."

Leopard Yuan: "So, there won't be any miracles now. Being in the top 50 is enough to defy the sky.

Xiaoxiao: "Change the rules? After that, the Son of the Shadow Clan was defeated by Su Yu......"

Leopard Yuan: "That's just because the ability of the Son of the Shadow Clan happened to be restrained by Su Yu.

Leopard Yuan: "Besides, more than ten days have passed since the last round of competition. Do you know how terrifying the development and improvement is for these holy sons of hundreds of clans every day on the battlefield of ten thousand realms?"

Standing on a white platform of the earth,

Su Yu stood, looking into the distance, a huge tower.

The size of that tower is indescribable.

The entire competition area, rest area, and viewing area, viewed from all directions,

You can see the tower.

The tower is black and has one hundred floors.

On each floor, the competition information and photo light curtains of each contestant are displayed.

The higher you go, the brighter the light curtain will be.

Su Yu's light curtain, at the lowest level, was barely visible.

And at the very top,

A shimmering red light curtain, almost rendering half of the sky,

On the picture of the light curtain, there is a woman with black hair and red pupils. The red devil flame in her eyes is unparalleled in the world.

The spire of the black tower has a countdown,

After the countdown ends, the ranking it displays,

It is the Ten Thousand Clans ranking battle, the final ranking.

"For the first battle, please invite the holy son of the human race, Su Yu!"

Estana did not show up,

But her voice echoed throughout the Ten Thousand Race Ranking Battle area.

Ten Thousand Race Ranking Tournament, without referees,

She is the biggest notary.

The rest of the players on the white platform all looked at Su Yu.

Su Yu looked into the distance,

On the red half of the sky, there are still colorful auspicious clouds, which stand alone in the world.

Those are the seven Supreme Gods.

He knew very well,

The ranking of a Ten Thousand Race Ranking Tournament is only the allocation of resources in the Ten Thousand Realms multidimensional universe for a thousand years.

Even if he really wins the first place, it doesn't mean that the human race has become the seven major races.

The seven major families of the first sequence, the reason why they are the seven major families,

It is precisely because of that that the field is the highest god.

Challenge..." Su Yu withdrew his gaze.

According to the rules of the final ranking battle,

He needs to challenge the players who are ranked ahead of him.

100th, 99th, 98th..... until the 1st place,

Each player participates in a battle, which is a round.

Su Yu really wants to directly challenge the Red Witch and reach the sky in one step,

However, according to the rules, he can challenge up to 10 rankings.

If you want to move on, you have to wait for the second round of challenges.

"The 90th contestant." Su Yu looked at a tall man,

The skin is green all over the body, and the top of the head is bald.

He is the holy son of the orcs, Kabaret.

The orc race, as one of the hundreds of races in the world, has feuded with the elves for generations.

It is said to be feud, but it is actually just their unilateral aggression,


Orcs love the smell of elves,

their desires are strong,

In addition, the faces of the elves are generally beautiful,

This caused them to like the elves extremely, and this kind of like is possession.

However, the elves hated this ugly creature with a dirty heart very much.

Naturally, it is impossible to intermarry with him.

In the past, the elves, as the second largest family in the Ten Thousand Realms, did not have much influence.

But after the elves fell, they were plundered by the orcs.

It wasn't until the Ten Thousand Worlds Ten Thousand Races Convention was established that the situation improved a lot.

But still, many elves were captured by the orcs.

The male orc catches the female elf, and the An orc catches the inner elf.

As a result, those elves who were captured, bathed in increasing energy,

Ashamed of the goddess of the elves, ashamed of the world tree, in order to seek relief, she completely degenerated and became a dark elf.

The dark elves, no longer have awe of nature, completely liberated their power,

As a subordinate race of the Beastman Race, the Yin Beastman Race provides a more powerful force area.

They did not choose to assimilate into the blood of the orcs, which is also what the orcs are happy to see.

The existence of dark elves is the sorrow of the elves, and it is also the eternal pain of the elves.


Confined to the convention of ten thousand races in ten thousand realms, the orc race cannot be aboveboard and invade the elf universe.

But on the battlefield of ten thousand realms, they like it very much, meeting the lord of the elves.

after all,

For the lords of the elves, most of the territories they choose to develop are in the direction of elf civilization.

Most of the heroes and arms recruited are elves.

Orcs prefer elves to the dark elves they already have.

"I knew you would fight me."

The holy son of the orc, Kabarie grinned, revealing sharp fangs.

A pair of green eyes stared straight at Su Yu with a bit of joy in them.

He had already done a survey, and with the expansion of the Holy Son of the human race, he would definitely challenge ten people forward.

"Your mythical elf, I will accept it." Kabarie's eyes showed greed,

On the white platform, two beams of teleportation lights up,

Over Su Yu and Kabaret,

The figures of the two entered the battlefield, and the nine-color light brought the lord crystal to their side.

The first battle of the final ranking battle, the Son of the Human Race VS the Son of the Orc,

It's officially started!.

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