Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 394 As Long As You Surrender Quickly Enough, You Are Invincible?

"Why are you challenging me?"

enter the battlefield,

Long Yanyi broke through the air, and Su Yu stayed in the sky above the opponent's territory.

The weird thing is,

His opponent, the Zerg Saintess, did not attack him,

This made Su Yu ask suspiciously.

"Why, how, if you want to challenge, just challenge."

The Zerg Saintess said something rather lacking in confidence,

Her heart was pounding,

Facing the existence of this instant kill Saint Son of Yongye, she was very apprehensive and a little scared.

If one is not careful.......

no, absolutely not,

As long as she surrenders quickly enough, she is invincible!

On this basis, she will try to delay as long as possible!

Looking at the anxious appearance of the Zerg saint,

And that purple hair,

Su Yu couldn't help thinking of Betty,

He laughed dumbly,

He looked up at the sky.

"You fellows of the second sequence... don't you want to join forces and delay my time?"

"Drag until the end of the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament, so that I can't continue to challenge?"

Su Yu looked at the Zerg saint in the territory, and asked in a calm tone.

He knew that no matter what stage the ranking battle reached,

As long as it reaches the moment of January 1, 11521,

It will announce the end of the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament!

Su Yu's question made the Zerg saint's heart tighten suddenly.

"No, no... I just, just... I just admire your name for a long time!"

"I just want to have a fight with you, yes, that's it!"

The Zerg saint swallowed a mouthful of saliva and stammered.

This made Su Yu speechless,

It was because he instantly killed the Son of Eternal Night,

So these guys changed their attitude when facing him?

Or... are the Zerg just that cowardly?

But how could a timid Zerg become the second sequence of the Ten Thousand Races?

"Then you do it." Su Yu stared at the Zerg saint,

The Zerg saint also stared wide-eyed,

Standing above the city wall, looking straight at him.

her whole domain,

All bone armor, thick walls, steel shrouded,

There was no intention of making a move at all.

They studied Su Yu,

In territorial battles,

Most of the games, Su Yu will wait for the opponent to make the first shot,


As long as she doesn't make a move, she can delay more time.

Su Yu stared at the erratic eyes of the Zerg saint,

shook his head,

He took off the [Yuntian Demonic Flame Bow] behind him.

see this scene,

The Zerg saint immediately shouted: "I surrender!"

[Zerg Quintina, has surrendered. 】

[Winner, Human Race Su Yu. 】

In the commentary booth, the two commentators looked at each other,

The Wanzu also looked at each other in blank dismay, what is going on here?

Su Yu was shrouded in nine-color light and returned to the white platform.

The contestants of the second sequence gathered together furtively,

A soundproof cover was also installed.

"I said, Quintina, you haven't even fought yet, why did you surrender?!"

"I'm afraid..."

"Really, it's useless at all. How long has it been delayed?"

"No matter how afraid you are, you have to wait until the defensive buildings are destroyed before surrendering!"

"Who would surrender before shooting an arrow?"

The chattering sound keeps ringing,

The players in the second sequence were chatting, and looked at the stock from time to time.

After a while,

The player ranked 19th, when the countdown to the challenge time is about to end,

Just opened his mouth and said:

"I challenge, the 10th contestant, Su Yu!"

Hearing this, Yin narrowed his eyes slightly.

From the weird behavior of the Zerg maiden,

He guessed the purpose of these guys,


Only 10 people are qualified to challenge him,

10 people, how much time can delay him?

Su Yu looked up at the sky,

The sun, hidden behind the clouds,

Today is cloudy.

It was also the first day the snow stopped falling.

It is the last ten days of 11520 in the Wanjie calendar.

Su Yu's figure disappeared under the nine-color light.

Once on the battlefield,

He spread his wings and flew,

Then quickly break through the air, cut through the surrounding fog of war,

Looking for the opponent's territory.

Its speed is so fast that it leaves the sound behind,

Even the retreating speed of the gray mist can barely keep up with his flying forward speed!

such incredible speed,

The Wanzu who watched the game couldn't help swallowing,

Although Su Yu showed superb speed when facing the Dawn Maiden,

But now it seems that that is not the limit!

It didn't take long for Su Yu to find the opponent's territory,

this time,

He didn't talk nonsense when he faced the Zerg saint,

Directly use the [Combat Power Detector] to lock on to the opponent's lord crystal,

Draw the bow and shoot!

The moment the arrow leaves the string,

Su Yu's opponent immediately surrendered!

"How do you surrender faster?"

"He's already shooting arrows, what can I do?"

"You build a block..."

"Stop it, that's the direction of my lord crystal! If you can't stop..."

"Ha, if it were me, I would definitely wait until the defensive buildings are destroyed before surrendering."

"You are not even qualified to challenge Su Yu, BB what?"

"I challenge, the 10th contestant, Su Yu!"

Waiting until the last second of the challenge time again,

The 18th ranked player declares to challenge Su Yu.

All races look at each other,

They sort of understand,

What is the idea of ​​these second-rank players.

It's just this behavior, isn't it too funny?

Many people can't laugh or cry on their faces,

Is it possible that you are still afraid of this Su Yu,

Challenge to enter the Seven Great Clans?

The first sequence and the second sequence of Wanzu,

There is a huge gap.

How strong are the Seven Great Clans?

To give the simplest example,

Ranked seventh undead,

Shot alone, facing the myriad worlds and races,

Even if the second sequence, the third sequence...all the ten thousand races together,

Not enough for them to fight.

One family is enough to subvert the world!

This is the strength of the first sequence.

Every family in the first sequence has the power to subvert the world.

This is also the reason why the ten thousand races absolutely surrender to the seven great races.


Dare to make mistakes in the multidimensional universe of ten thousand realms,

Even in the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield, I dare not blatantly violate the Ten Thousand Realms Convention,

Play some tricks at most.

Such a mighty race,

How good are the players you have trained?

Even the most brainless Goblins can figure it out.

The seven great clans are absolutely sacred and inviolable.

Su Yu is going to try to challenge the Seven Great Clans, to challenge the first sequence,

It's like hitting a stone with an egg, isn't it?

But... Su Yu wants to challenge the Seven Great Clans, the second-order race players, what is he in such a hurry for?

But for a moment, some people thought of the key point.

Analysis brother Ke Haoshi, with a strange face,

"With that guy's arrogance... he can't... challenge the Red Witch who is number one among all races?"

The more I think about it, the more possible it becomes.

Only in this way,

The contestants in the second sequence will be so willing.

after all

Challenge the Red Witch who is number one among all races, even if you fail,

For those second-order races like them,

It is also a supreme honor.

"I challenge, the 10th contestant, Li!"

The 17th ranked player glanced at the sky,

He gritted his teeth and said unwillingly.

With the speed at which Su Yu can beat them...they probably won't be able to delay much.

If it is not challenging each other to delay the time, Estana will judge that the game is passive,

They will never choose to challenge such a powerful Li Li!


Su Yu's eyes gradually turned cold,

He ignores the mosquitoes outside the window,

But if the mosquito wants to fly to him and buzz,

That's different.

As long as you surrender quickly enough, you are invincible?

He wants to let them, there is no chance of surrender!.

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