Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 397 Twelve Wings! Noah Tianyu!


Like a booming sound,

raised the earth.


The continent that floated away under the force field collapsed into pieces.

The black [indestructible] terrain that can't be seen at a glance,

became a new ground.

The black earth exists like an abyss.

day and night,

only one place,

There is still soil, there is flying.

The Red Witch stands on two feet,

In front of her was a barrier made of flames,

The barrier is not big, but it is just enough to block Su Yu's fist.

"Nice power."

The snowflakes soaring into the sky gradually drift away,

Floating to the Red Witch,

Added white accents to her long, glossy black hair.

A black and red Gothic dress,

In the snowy world again, there is a sense of independence from the world.

As proud as the plum blossoms in the winter snow.

"It's different from those guys who use the power of the military."

"Your strength is very good."

The Red Witch looked at Su Yu who had retreated dozens of steps due to the impact of power,

I praised it.

There was admiration in his eyes.

It was the first time in her life that she praised others.


Standing on the 27 muddy ground, facing Su Yu standing on the [unbreakable] terrain,

Such condescending words will not bring any joy to Su Yu.

If other players,

Maybe he was already happy because of the compliment from the Red Witch.

Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly,

Forces are reciprocal,

The punch he struck,

He was completely counterattacked by that flame barrier, without any buffer.

It feels like an ordinary person hitting a steel wall with all his strength with his fist.

His fingers were slightly numb.

"No chant magic?" Su Yu asked.

listen to this,

The Red Witch smiled slightly, raised her eyebrows,

In a pair of red pupils, there is written the demeanor of looking down on the world:

"In my dictionary, there is no word for chant."

The more powerful the magic,

The guidance of its incantations and the circuit of its magic power become more and more complicated.

Magic that does not require chanting is usually a sign of weakness.

Only for the Red Witch,

No matter how powerful the magic is, there is no need to chant.

she waved,

The flame of nothingness, out of thin air,

Beside her, clusters of flames continued to burn.


Those flames filled the whole world,

It is denser than the previous snowflakes.

The flames are born, and the snow melts.

The Red Witch raised her hand and glared at Su Yu.


Countless balls of flames turned into a pure red sharp blade and stabbed at Su Yu.


Su Yu's black wings vibrated violently, once again showing his unparalleled speed.

Just... this time,

But it seems that he can't avoid the pursuit of those red flame blades.

They seem to burn through space,

Erasing the space, shortening the distance with Su Yu,

In space, no matter how fast Su Yu is, he cannot escape the limitation of space.

This scene,

Let the eyes of all races be wide open,

Whether it is the power of one punch displayed by Su Yu to shatter the earth,

Or the countless red flame blades of the Scarlet Witch,

All amazing.

No matter which player it is, facing the attack of any of them,

Not necessarily sure that they can take over.


Su Yu's punch, the attack information displayed by Estana,

Up to trillions of attack power!

This is better than any arrow defense tower,

than what mythical elves,

Than what【Apollo Glory】,

Even stronger?!

"It turns out that Su Yu left with the lord?"

"But... the lord, his buildings and heroes, that's also...

Many players looked at each other in blank dismay, Su Yu, buildings and heroes who walked with the lord also crushed them!

In the battlefield of all worlds,

Few walk the way of the lord,

But every one of them is undoubtedly the pride of heaven,

They all have unparalleled confidence in their own strength.

For example, the Red Witch.


Most of them are lords, heroes, arms, buildings, all-round development.

Especially arms, in the later stage, with the help of military power,

Capable of accumulating to extremely high strength.

Su Yu has no arms, and neither does the Red Witch.

The most important unit in the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

In this showdown...invisible,

Many lords who watched the battle felt a sense of humor in their hearts,

Why are you trying to develop your arms so vigorously?

"Oops! Su Yu is going to be caught up!"

"What are you afraid of? Doesn't he have the ability to retaliate against injuries? He can directly repel the Red Witch's attack!"

"Haha, die of laughter, you humans..."

"No matter how anti-injury is against the sky, there is an upper limit."

"Even the tortoise-shell clan in the beast clan dare not talk about repelling the attack of the red demon clan...

"The Crimson Demons are known as number one in the world for what, have you forgotten?"

"Attack! Absolute attack!"

"Attack the number one in the world!"

Attack the world's number one,

This line alone can commemorate the supremacy of the Crimson Demons in the Myriad Realms.

Audiences of all races expressed their views,

Looking at the picture, Su Yu is about to be caught up,

Can't help but feel happy.

If the Red Witch can destroy Su Yu's lord crystal,

Then kill Su Yu,

Then it couldn't be better!

The Terran audience held their breath.

Leopard Yuan: "Su Yu...what else can I do, I have to use it."

Bao Yuan: "Otherwise, it is very likely that the lord's crystal will be broken by the Red Witch in such an unexplained death.

Xiaoxiao: "Yes, I'm going to chase!"

Leopard Yuan: "This is a battle of trillions of combat power!"

Leopard Yuan: "If you don't pay attention to it, you will fall!"

A duel between high combat powers,

Unless there is an absolute crush, it is often difficult to tell the winner.

However, Yinli is different from the Scarlet Witch.

Su Yu and the Scarlet Witch have only developed in the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield for one year.

Compared to those ancient gods,

They can be said to be absolutely partial.

The means are single and limited, often focusing on offense.

In that case, it is very easy to tell the winner.

The figure of Su Yu shuttles quickly in the space,

Almost the entire sky is covered with his afterimages,

Afterimages become black lines, covering the white sky.

Just like a naughty boy, with a black pencil, scribbling lines on white paper.

Su Yu doesn't know what level of magic this is,

But he will not take the initiative to accept 817,

It's only the Scarlet Witch, a tentative blow,

If he resists and gets injured, he will be caught in the opponent's follow-up endless attacks.

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Countless red flames and sharp blades approached,

Su Yu has no room to hide, unless he has the ability to open up space.

His figure stood still for a moment.

see this,

A look of disappointment appeared in the eyes of the Red Witch.

Just Su Yu, didn't let her down for too long,

But in an instant, the red eyes of the Red Witch lit up.

Pairs of black wings spread out from behind Su Yu.

His figure turned into a black lightning,

In an instant, he sprang out from all the surrounding attacks.


Those innumerable red flame blades designed by Su Yu's movement route collided with each other,

Innumerable flames and fireworks are ignited in the sky, brighter than the most gorgeous fireworks.

In the end, only one red flame blade was left behind, attacking Su Yu,

Su Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the last Hongyan sharp blade that pierced his chest.

All races are dumbfounded,

The seven gods in the highest sky stood up even more, showing astonishment on their faces.


The twelve wings covered by black flames are burning slowly,

Wearing twelve wings, Su Yu looks like an extinct fallen angel.

But... has anyone ever seen an angel, anyone who does engineering?

Angel God Seat, trembling physically and mentally, with tears in his eyes.


The Great Demon King gasped.

"Once upon a time, the strongest angel in the world... Noah Tianyu." The mechanical queen murmured softly. .

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