Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 040: The Ten Thousand Worlds, The Five Great Civilizations

In the Multiverse of Myriad Realms,

Every race on the [Ten Thousand Races List] is the master of one, two, or even multiple universes.

There are 10,000 sequences in the Ten Thousand Races List.

There are countless civilized races in the Ten Thousand Realms, and all of them who can rank among the top 10,000 races have the ability to reach the sky.


As a race of Ten Thousand Realms [Ten Thousand Races Ranking No. 8321], it controls several cosmic worlds.

Taiqing universe world.

It is the main universe world of the human race,

The universe spans trillions of light-years away, and its diameter is more than 10 times that of the general universe.

In the center of this universe, there is a huge planet named Celeste.

This is a planet transformed by a black hole,

There are powerful beings who change the law of gravity and turn it into a planet suitable for human habitation,

Thus becoming the main planet of the Taiqing universe.

Planetary name: Tiannanxing.

At this time, on the Tiannan star,

Towering palaces stand above the clouds.

I saw the halls and verandahs of the palace, which are resplendent and dazzling, just like the palace of heaven.

The jade-colored arch bridge with carved railings connects the major palaces in the sky.

There is a palace in the center, which is very conspicuous.

Yellow glazed tiles, bucket arches and cornices, painted dust, and vermilion lacquered beams and columns.

That was the Palace of Absolute Beginning, the place where the big bosses of the human race discussed their affairs.

Usually a major event is held to determine the rise and fall of the race.

"What's the situation, why haven't you settled yet?"

In the inner hall of the palace, five elderly people sat on the central round table seat.

Surrounding the central round table outward, there are layers of ring-shaped seats, and the position of each ring gradually increases.

Sitting on it was a bigwig from the celebrity family.

The whispers continued.

They are all waiting, waiting for the 11,520th lord of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield, the monster tide settlement ranking.

According to previous years, the monster tide settlement ranking should have ended long ago.

But this time, they waited here for four full hours,

The monster tide settlement ranking has not yet come out, and the parliament has been deadlocked and cannot be held.

"This lord is related to the Ten Thousand Clans Ranking Tournament... Could it be that something happened to the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield?"

"What can happen to the Ten Thousand Realms battlefield?"

Many bigwigs of the human race kept whispering, waiting anxiously.

The hopes of their own power or civilization are pinned on this lord.

Naturally, I am looking forward to the monster tide settlement ranking,

Although the monster wave settlement ranking of the rookie lord does not determine anything,

But at least, it can make their territory develop rapidly in the early stage.

"Indeed, it's been too long."

An old man with white hair sitting on the seat of the central round table spoke,

Immediately, the voice in the hall became much quieter.

The five old men in the center of the round table,

Representing the five peak human civilizations of the Ten Thousand Realms human race.

It is also the five major forces at the pinnacle of the human race universe.

A cultivator civilization,

a technological civilization,

a magical civilization,

A martial arts civilization,

A superpower civilization.

"My human race has been lonely for too long. This time, Tian Xuannv will definitely lead the human race to rise, and even bring the human race back to the peak of the world!"

The old man at the round table with white hair and childlike face spoke slowly.

The sound is not loud, but it rang in every corner of the hall.

He represents cultivation civilization.

"Come on, old man He, Tian Xuannv, who is civilized by you cultivators, is not as good as the magic body of my magic civilization. She has reached the realm of a great magister at a young age."

An old man at the round table wearing a strange tall hat strongly disagreed with the white-haired old man's speech.

He represents magical civilization.

"Hmph, magic civilization... is it comparable to the Crimson Demons?"

"If you want me to say, you still have to rely on the power of science and technology. I believe that the new generation of transformed humans can lead the rise of the human race."

The eyes were prosthetic eyes, the hands were mechanical hands, and the old man at the round table with an electronic tone snorted disdainfully.

He represents technological civilization.

"Technological power?" The old man in the strange hat was unconvinced immediately, and said with wide eyes: "Then your technology is better than that of the machine race?"

"Stop arguing, what a shame." A bald old man at the round table said.

Then, the bald old man continued: "Only the power of Wu Zi can lead the rise of the human race."

"With Wuzi's power, it must be enough to attract the tide of "Heavenly Demon" monsters without relying on the power of the territory! "

He represents martial arts civilization.

"What is there to argue about? The rise of the human race has been talked about for tens of thousands of years, but when did it rise?"

"Return to the peak of the human race??"

An old round table man with a third eye on his forehead spoke impatiently.

He represents civilization with superpowers.


Listening to the dispute between the five round table elders, there was a sudden silence.

Others didn't dare to intervene, but in their hearts they silently thought of the arrogance of their own civilization,

What if it's early?

After all, it is a battlefield of ten thousand realms, full of possibilities and uncertainties.

The 11,520th lord is related to the once-in-a-thousand-year ranking battle of ten thousand races, and it is related to the [Ten Thousand Race Ranking].

Not only the human race, but all the major races in the world,

At this time, they are all waiting for the settlement of the monster tide of the new lord.

Because the settlement has not been settled for a long time, they become irritable, for fear that something will happen to the battlefield.

The instigator of all this just came from a universe without a cultivation system,

From a small person on an ordinary planet.

Blue Star, Su Yu.


(Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful and Xiangrong, Tianxuan girl has a breeze in her sleeves, and she greets her calmly: "I implore readers to give my little girl flowers and comments from the gods. I am willing to kill demons and demons for you, and clean up the filth!")

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