Lord Of The People: Zero Arms Construction Maniac

Chapter 409 Son Of Plane? I Want A Sun Disc!

【Heavenly Creation】

【Grade: Myth】

【Category: Props】


"Heavenly Worker" immediately completes a building under construction. (Unlimited grade, available 10 times a day.)

"God Maker" designates a production building to increase its production efficiency by 100%. (Unlimited grade, available 10 times a day.)

"Protection of the Master Craftsman" When creating standard equipment, the attributes of the standard equipment will be increased by 100%. (Last for 1 day, cool down for 10 days.)】

【Heavenly Craftsmanship】is a reusable item,

You need to use it constantly to maintain the effect.

Although the effect is unsatisfactory in the myth,


With the "protection of the craftsman", it is still an excellent mythical item.

Most territories have equipment factories and many craftsmen,

Craft equipment for the troops.

If you have [Heavenly Craftsmanship], you can increase the standard equipment attributes of the troops by 100%, which can be said to be even more powerful!


Su Yu didn't like this effect at all.

His territory is just a legendary craftsman,

At present, they are designing some architectural drawings, and have never built any standard equipment.

He has no arms and cannot use standard equipment.


The other two effects of 【Heavenly Craftsmanship】,

"Tiangong 240" and "God Creator" are also very tasteless to him.

just imagine,

With the size of his territory and the number of buildings in his territory,

What's the use of that little effect?

The only bright spot is "the protection of the master craftsman", which I can't use myself.

This made Su Yu not only viciously think,

Could it be that Estana specially gave herself such a tasteless mythical prop?

making him completely useless.

Even if it is a functional item, the compatibility with his territory is too bad, right?

"This... I didn't expect that Su Yu got a mythical item that is beneficial to construction."

"Can this still be sold?"

"I don't understand."

"Don't understand +1."

"Su Yu's territory, buildings are important, right?"

Looking at the attributes of mythical props announced by Su Yu,

Many races whispered to each other.

Although Su Yu showed the power to kill the Red Witch with one arrow,

But most of the ten thousand races still have lingering fears about his arrow defense tower.

arrow feather star,

For sure, Su Yu's territorial buildings have a very high boost to bows and arrows.

Maybe his territory props and territory monuments are all developed in this direction.

That being the case,

Why should he trade mythical props that can improve buildings?

in nothingness,

There is a trace of doubt in the pair of silver pupils,

Estana was also extremely puzzled.

She specially selected the functional mythology of construction for Su Yu,

Everyone knows that Su Yu has no arms,

But in her opinion, Su Yu just hid the strength of the arms and did not reveal them,

Accumulate steadily.

After all, he is Yue Luo, so the real strength of the territory must be extremely terrifying.

But he...why doesn't he like this [Heavenly Craftsmanship]?

With it, as long as the materials are in place, even mythical buildings can be completed in an instant.

Estana frowned slightly.

Suddenly a strange idea was born,

she wants,

Check out Su Yu's territory.


It's... kind of out of order.

As the mastermind of the Myriad Realms terminal, she wants to check anywhere on the Myriad Realms battlefield,

All are capable of doing it.


Territories and lords have personal privacy.

As long as it doesn't violate the rules of the Ten Thousand Worlds Battlefield, it will generally not attract her attention.

but now.

But within her was born a longing,

She thought, look at Su Yu's territory.

Do you want to do this?


Estana immediately denied herself,

Obviously only need to retrieve the data of Su Yu's territory,

She will know everything,

But this thought gave her a strong sense of immorality,

Feel guilty.

Her consciousness, in many incarnations,

connected to every lord's terminal,

The development of the territory and the broadcast of voices are all under her control.


Those countless consciousnesses do not have the ability to make subjective judgments,

It can be regarded as a thorough (chaa) procedure, not to mention wisdom.

With wisdom, she can't watch those data at will according to the privacy policy.

"If.....he violates the rules of the Ten Thousand Realms Battlefield again..."

"Then, do I have a reason to look at his territory data?"

The sense of immorality did not last long,

Because of that strong sense of curiosity,

Let Estana have a new idea.

She blinked, and looked at the black-haired, white-clothed youth from nothingness.


In just one year, she will see this man so many times?

If there is a son of luck from the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

Doesn't that mean that the battlefield of ten thousand realms is in danger of being destroyed?

It needs to be saved by the son of the plane of all realms...


in prophecy,

The next son of the plane who has the luck of the ten thousand battlefields in one body should be a woman.

Estana was thinking, feeling a little dazed.

"Is this guy showing his brains?"

"I don't feel like he's being traded ... it's all about showing off."

Looking at the attributes of mythical props displayed by Su Yu on the white platform,

Many Wanzu felt a little sour in their hearts.

in their eyes,

The attributes created by the god of work that day are simply the best.

Nimama's, an infinitely reusable prop!


It can also increase the attributes of standard equipment by 100%!

If the equipment attribute has an increase in combat effectiveness...

If it is the effect of 3 times the increase, it will be directly increased to 6 times the increase!

10 times increased to 20 times!

How exaggerated is that?

Although it is too short for everyone to enter the battlefield of ten thousand realms,

Not many craftsmen have been developed yet,

It is impossible to supply equipment for a large number of arms, basically relying on the strength of the arms themselves to accumulate military power.


Later, with the increase of development time,

Those manufacturing capabilities will always be improved!

At that time, the manufacture of standard equipment for arms will be completely ahead of others!

Rare-grade standard equipment, under this effect, is probably even more powerful than legends!

If it has the effect of increasing combat power, then the rarity is directly comparable to epic!

Such powerful mythical props, Su Yu used to trade?

Many people don't believe it.

But there were still some people, with the attitude of giving it a try, and asked.

"Are you really for sale?" Li Riyue looked at Su Yu suspiciously.

"Of course." Su Yu nodded,

This kind of tasteless stuff,

If you don't shoot here, I'm afraid it will rot in your hands.

Other than these arrogance, who can afford mythical props?

"Then what do you want?" Li Riyue asked,

Her attitude is very gentle, even a little cautious.

Ever since Su Yu defeated the Red Witch, she seemed to have completely forgotten about the millions of mythical soldiers that she had lost in battle.

"I want..." Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and he changed his previous thought of needing.

Since it was Li Riyue who came to him for a deal, then...

"Sun Disc".

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